African Studies Center

University of Pennsylvania


Media Resources on Africa

ASC is funded by the US Department of Education to serve as a National Resource Center for the study of Africa. The Center provides outreach and consultative services on a national, regional and local basis. Ongoing collaborations with other educational institutions, government agencies, private businesses, and nonprofit organizations in the United States and abroad keep the Center in the forefront of academic and cultural developments. Through scheduled programs and its website, the Center provides vital information from and about Africa for educators, business and media groups, and the wider community.

Newspapers & Other Media Sources from Africa
Includes list of news sources for all African countries. Every country has its own integrated page.

African News & Media
Comprehensive lists of news sources archived by country, and links to foreign news sources, and organizations that focus on news and analyses

Pan-African News
List of various news sources that include: newspapers, and radio broadcasts in English and French

Comprehensive news that cover wide range of topics: politics, sports, health, ICT, etc.

Media & Mass Communications
General resources on African newspapers, press services, radios, and articles - Provided by Karen Fung of Stanford University.

Media & Democracy in Africa
This paper: "Media and Democracy in Africa - Mutual Political Bedfellows or Implacable Arch-Foes" is written by Jimmy Ocitti, 1999.

African Videotapes & Cassettes
The website prepared by the University of California at Berekely include list of videotapes and audiocassettes about Africa, African cinema videography, films and documents about women in Africa, and bibliographies.

For inquiries please contact:
Dr. Ali B. Ali-Dinar, Ph.D
(215) 898-6610

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Philadelphia, PA | 19104-6305, USA | Ph: 215.898.6971 | Fax: 215.573.7379