K-12 Internet Resources on Africa
The aim of this guide is to assist K-12 teachers, librarians, and students in locating on-line resources on Africa that can be used in the classroom for research and studies. These materials are available for use by students, teachers, librarians, the business community, and the general public. Use the menu on the left to navigate the various resources for teaching about Africa online.
African Studies Center launches the Greater Philadelphia Global Education Network
This Global Education Network is a tool and gathering place for teachers and schools in the greater Philadelphia region who are seeking to educate their students about the world. It provides global education resources and connections so that teachers can begin, deepen, and enrich a global education program for their students. It will feature those resources that are local to Philadelphia—such as upcoming lectures, programs, exhibits and the like—as well as resources from around the world that can be of use in your classroom and opportunities for you and your students.
To make this site a vital part of the global education of your students please—TAKE IT OVER. The sponsors of this site will use it to keep you informed of all the programs and activities that they have scheduled in the Philadelphia area, but your fellow teachers can also learn from your experiences with global education. Lesson plans, global education materials, and suggested activities are a few of the things we hope you will share with your fellow teachers. If it isn't on this site and you think it will benefit other Philadelphia area teachers, please add it! To share your experiences and materials, just go to the various Quick Links on the right (Lesson Plans, Events, Resources, Opportunities) and add your item(s). There are easy instruction for uploading your materials and announcements on each of these pages. We welcome you to register and become a part of this community network!
Read our Press Release.
Global Education Network in the news:
- Listen to the interview on Philadelphia-WPEB-FM-88.1.
- Read the article in the Penn News.
- Here is a piece with the Global Philadelphia Association.
- And also read coverage of our site in the PACIE newsletter.