Kenya -- Archaeology
of the most important paleontological
sites in Kenya is Koobi Fora on the
Eastern shore of Lake Turkana. In
1965, Bryan Patterson found fossilized
remains of Australopithecus boisei
dated at 2.5 million years. This discovery
showed that this hominid was older
than first thought. Richard Leakey
and paleontologists from the University
of California have excavated this
site since 1969. They found skulls,
jaws and leg and arm fragments of
Australopithecus boisei dated at 1
to 2 million years. Also found at
this site were fossils and stone artifacts
of Homo Habilus dated at over 2 million
important site is Hyrax Hill near
Nakuru. Archaeological excavations
began in the 1930s and excavation
continues to be done periodically.
Both an Iron Age and Neolithic site
were discovered on this site. Artifacts
found include pottery fragments, hut
and village remains, and burial mounds.
Both Iron Age and Neolithic people
chose to bury their dead in the same
place. On the site there is also a
bao game board carved into a boulder.
archaeological sites include the Swahili
settlements on the coast (800 AD to
the present). The ruins at Gedi, near
Malindi, Mombasa the Lamu Archipelago
in Kenya and Pate and Zanzibar in
Tanzania have been investigated by
archaeologist in order to better understand
the Swahili people and maritime communities
of the East African coast. The Swahili
were an urban-based trading people
who inhabited the coast. Archeological
evidence suggests that they had their
own culture before the adoption of
Islam in the late 12th century. In
the Lamu area, archaeologist found
that a timber phase was followed by
stone construction around 920 AD.
The ruins at Gedi and houses in Lamu
that date from the 19th century reveal
the evolution of Swahili architecture
and design. Many of the surviving
buildings and archaeological evidence
show the influence of Islam. Almost
every community had a stone mosque,
many of which have survived in excellent
condition. Archaeological studies
in this area have also revealed the
extent of . Evidence suggests
that pottery, glass and beads were
imported while ivory, gold, and slaves
were exported. This evidence suggests
that an important component of the
Swahili economy was the manufacturing
of goods from raw materials, especially
ironwork and textiles.
Further Reading:
James de Vere. Swahili Origins. London,
Horton, Mark. Shanga: The Archeology
of a Muslim Trading Community on the
Coast of East Of Africa. London and
Nairobi, 1996.
Richard. The Origin of Mankind. New
York, 1996
Resources researched
Abdelaziz Marhoum, & David A. Samper