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1999  Regional and Thematic Monitoring Reports

Severe Drought Affects Gode Zone, Somali Region :- a summary of assessment missions undertaken to drought and flood affected zones of the Somali region.  The report is based on information obtained from the multi-agency mission (14 December) and an earlier UN-EUE mission.  Prepared by Mahmud Ugas, Assistant Field Officer, 20 December 1999. 

Arsi and Bale Zones of Oromiya Region: Increasing Vulnerability to Food Shortages.  Report of a rapid area assessment mission undertaken in late October.  The report highlights the emergence of increasing food insecurity in some marginal areas of these zones following several seasons of marginal rainfall and poor harvests.  By Negussie Belay, UN-EUE Assistant Field Officer. 1 December 1999. (Word 6, 59 Kb) 

Drought and Floods Stress Livelihoods and Food Security in the Ethiopian Somali Region: a summary of two rapid assessment missions undertaken to drought and flood affected zones of the Somali region. By Mahmud Ugas and Walter Eggenberger, UN-EUE Field Officers, 29 November 1999.  (downloadable as a word 6 file) 

List of International Contributions for Assistance to Severely Drought Affected Areas of Ethiopia: Final update of contributions to the UN Country Team drought appeal issued on 12 July 1999. By Laura Hammond, UN-EUE Monitoring Officer, November 25, 1999.  (downloadableas a word file) 

Food Shortages and Seasonal Floods - Major recurrent threats to Gambella Region: A rapid assessment mission report looking at the impact of recent flooding on farmers living adjacent to the Baro River in Gambella Region. By Dechassa Lemessa, UN-EUE Field Assistant. November 4, 1999.  (downloadable as a word 6 file) 

Update on Borena Zone - Loss of livestock and shortage of drinking water as a result of small rains failure:  The second in a series of reports on the growing impact of drought on pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in Borena, southern Ethiopia. By Negussie Belay, UN-EUE Field Assistant, and Laura Hammond, UN-EUE Monitoring Officer. November 4, 1999.   (downloadable as a word 6 file) 

Prosperity Fades - Jimma and Illubabor Zones of Oromiya Region:  Report of an assessment mission looking at the impact of recent rain failures and poor harvests on food security and vulnerability in an important coffee growing area of Ethiopia. By Dechassa Lemessa, UN-EUE Field Assistant. November 9, 1999.  (downloadable as a word 6 file) 

Borena Zone: Outcome of Small Rains Anxiously Awaited.  Report on a  rapid assessment mission to Borena Zone, Oromiya Region. Negussie Belay and Dechassa Lemessa, UN-EUE Field Officers, October 14, 1999.  (downloadable as a word 6 file) 

Under-developed, drought prone, food insecure: reflections on living conditions in parts of the Simien Mountains.  Report on an assessment mission to North Gondar Zone, Amhara Region. Yves Guinand and Mohamud Ugas. UN-EUE Field Officers, October 4, 1999.  (downloadable as a word 6 file) 
Map: - Food Insecure Areas in the Simien Mountains - North Gonder - Amhara Region, September 1999 . (downloadable  Gif file, 346K) 

Afar Region - Awash River Floods:-  Report of a rapid assessment mission to the Awash river 7-10 September.   The report details flood damage in zones 1 and 3 of the Afar region  caused by  the over flooding of the Awash river in August and early September.   Discusses the  reasons for the flooding and the effectiveness of the relief response.   By UN-EUE Field Officer Yves Guinand.  (downloadable as a word file) 
Map: - Awash River Floods Survey - Afar National Regional State, September 1999 . (downloadable  Gif file, 361K) 

Food Deliveries to South Welo Increased, but Targeting Remains a Problem: - report on a rapid assessment mission undertaken to the South Welo Zone of Amhara region in late August, focusing on food security issues, crop prospects and the status of relief operations.  Prepared by Laura Hammond and Walter Eggenberger, UN-EUE  Field Officers, 22 - 27  August 1999. (downloadable as a word file) 

Rapid Assessment Report: Konso Special Werda, SNNPR:- summary of the main findings from a recent assessment mission to Konso in southern Ethiopia.  The report highlights increased relief needs arising from a total failure of the belg rains and expectations of a very poor main season harvest.  Prepared by Dechassa Lemessa, UN - EUE Senior Field Officer. (downloadable as a word file) 

Area Assessment - Wolayita, North Omo Zone:-  Report on a rapid assessment of the current food security situation and relief operations in the Wolayita area of southern Ethiopia. Mission undertaken 17-21 August, 1999.  Prepared by Dechassa Lemessa, UNDP-EUE Senior Field Assistant.  (downloadable as a word file) 

Humanitarian Update, August 1999:- highlights regarding the current food security and drought condition in Ethiopia and summary of humanitarian consequences of the Ethio-Eritrea conflict. (downloadable as a word file) 

List of International Contributions for Assistance to Severely Drought Affected Areas of Ethiopia:- detailed and updated information on contributions from international donors, the UN agencies and NGOs.  Prepared by the UN-Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, as of 11 August 1999.  (downloadable as a word file) 

Localised areas of extreme vulnerability and targeting problems persist in East Haraghe:- Report on a rapid assessment of current crop conditions, food and non-food needs of rural residents, and food availability/distributions in the East Haraghe Zone of Oromyia region. Prepared by Laura Hammond, UNDP-EUE Monitoring Officer. (downloadableas a word file) 

UNDP Human Development Report - 1999:- containing basic statistics for the IGAD countries (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda).  Prepared by the UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia. (downloadable as an excel file) 

United Nations Country Team Relief Action Plan and Appeal for Severely Drought Affected Areas of Ethiopia –relates to Ethiopia UN Country Team (UNCT) drought action plan and appeal - 12 July 1999.  ( downloadable as a word 6 file) 

Update on current food security situation in Ethiopia, 30 June 1999 :- highlights concern regarding the implications of a belg season failure in the northern and southern areas of the country.  By Jim Borton, UN-EUE Technical Coordinator.    (downloadable as a word 6 file) 

"Belg labour dependency" contributes to food shortage in Wag Hamra :-provides an update on the current situation in Wag Hamra. .   By Laura Hammond, UN-EUE Monitoring Officer.   (downloadable as a word file)  25 May - 9 June 1999. 

Estimates of Drought Affected population since 1978 .  Data compiled by EUE based on statistics provided by Ethiopian Disaster Prevention and Preparedness  Commission. May 1999. 

Armyworm Infestations in Ethiopia :- an illustrated briefing paper highlighting the threat posed to agricultural production in Ethiopia by the current outbreak of African armyworms.  As well as providing an update on the current situation, the report reviews the two most recent outbreaks in 1994 and 1996 and the control measures that were undertaken.   (downloadable as a word 8 file)  May 27, 1999. 

North and South Gonder - Food Security assessment in parts of the Tekeze River watershed:- food security assessment mission to North and South Gonder, 26 May - 7 June 1999.  By Yves Guinand, UN-EUE Field Officer. (downloadable as a word file) 
Pictures: - Field visit pictures, Tekeze River lowlands, North and South Gonder (26 May – 7 June 1999) 

A special report on the current food security situation in Ethiopia :-   highlights concern regarding the implications of a belg season failure in the northern highlands of the country and provides the latest figures regarding food aid requirements (as of April  30, 1999) .  (downloadable as a Word 6 file

Mission Report - East and West Hararghe:- A report on a recent field appraisal mission to Hararghe, reflecting on food security issues and the relative economic importance of coffee and chat.  (downloadable as a word file) 28 April 1999. 

UN Country Team for Ethiopia - "Humanitarian Needs of War-Displaced  and Drought-Affected People in Tigray:- Final report of the high-level UN mission to Tigray, 7-8 April. (downloadable as a Word 8 file) 24 April, 1999 
Map: - Civilian populations displaced by the Ethiopia-Eritrea  conflict. (downloadable jpeg file, 320K) 

Situation of displaced people in Afar Region remains sketchy - A report based on a recent UN mission to the Afar region to assess the current needs of people displaced by the conflict with Eritrea. (downloadable as a Word  file) 12 April, 1999 

North Welo Food Security Situation - Effects of consecutive crop losses on farm households in selected areas. A study examining some of the factors underlying the current food security crisis in this area of the central Ethiopian highlands. (downloadable as a word 6 file) 15 April, 1999 

List of International Contributions for the War-Affected in Tigray and Afar Regions:- detailed and updated information on contributions from international donors, the UN agencies and NGOs.  10 March 1999. 

UNICEF – The State of the World’s Children 1999:- Prepared by the UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia containing basic consolidated economic and social statistics for the Horn of Africa countries (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda), with particular reference to children’s well-being. 

Personal Reflections on Farming Life in South Welo:  A personal look at the experiences of three farming families in the highlands of Ethiopia, covering the period from 1983 to the present day. (downloadable as a Word 6  file) December 1998 

Evacuees from Border Towns in Tigray Setting-Up Makeshift Camps:- Analysis of the Current situation facing the war-affected population in Northern Ethiopia and the status of the humanitarian response. 
(downloadable as a Word 6 file) December 1998 
