Thanks to Laurie Anderson, Carnegie Library of Research Pittsburg PA
Abstracted from: Grassroots Fundraising Journal Dec 1993
Free Software
Many computer companies donate computer software to non-profit organizations. Here is a partial list of companies that provide free software to all types of nonprofits. For application forms, contact the company's corporate giving or public affairs department. For a more comprehensive list of companies that award computer software and hardware grants, see The Nonprofit Computer Sourcebook, published by The Taft Group,(800) 877-TAFT, and The Directory of Computer and High Technology Grants, published by Research Grant Guides, (407) 795-6129.
Some other companies with equipment and software grant programs include:
Atari Corp., Sunnyvale, CA; Control Data Corp,, Minneapolis, MN; Data General Corp., Westboro, MA; Dlgital Equipment Corp,, Maynard, MA; Hewlett-Packard Co,, Palo Alto, CA; IBM Corporation, Purchase, NY; Lotus Development, Cambridge, MA; Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, IL; NCR Corporation, Dayton, OH; Pitney Bowes Inc., Stamford, CT; Prime Computer; Inc., Natick, MA.
Contact Available Software
--------------------------------------------------------------------- BorlandInternational dbase III Plus 1800 Green Hills Road dBase IV Scotts Valley, CA 95067 Sprint (408) 439-1800 Framework IV Quattro Pro Paradox 3.5
Broderbund SoftwareCompanion 17 Paul Drive Graphics I.ib, San Rafael, CA 94903 Kid Pix (415) 382-4400 PrintShop
Claris Corporation FileMaker Pro 5201 Patrick Henry Drive MacDraw Santa Clara, CA 95052 MacWrite (408) 987-7000 AppleWorks 3.0 Appleworks
Gifts in Kind America Lotus 700 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 300 Microsoft Alexandria, VA 22314
Computer Associates (703) 836-2121
Egghead Discount Aldus
Microsoft Corporation Word One Microsoft Way Works Redmond, WA 98052 Excel (206) 882-8080 MS DOS
Novell, Inc. Netware Lite 890 Ross Drive Netware 386 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (415) 747-4048
Software Publishing Professional Write 3165 Kiser Road Professional Write PIus Santa Clara, CA 95051 Harvard Projects Manager (408) 450-7331 Professional File Harvard Graphics 3.0
The Software Toolworks Multimedia PC 60 Leveroni Court CD ROM Novato, CA 94949 (415) 883-3000, ext. 520
lnformation compiled by: Nonprofit Management Strategies
==================================================================== Thomas G. Tate Communications, Information, Technology USDA Extension Service Room 3322-S Washington, D.C. 20250-0900 Phone (202) 720-8155
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