The Consortium's main objective is to reinforce and augment the capacity of Candian universities and other research institutions to undertake research on teaching and Southern Africa in the social sciences and humanities. CRCSA also acts as a resource for information and analysis on Southern Africa for government, the media and the general public.
The Consortium's activities include the following elements: regular research seminars and workshops; policy seminars; collaborative research projects; publications; the development of a computerised catalogue of all Canadian holdings on Southern Africa; a register of Canadian scholars and graduate students in this field; a graduate summer school; assistance to graduate students working on the region; links with Southern African research institutions; and a programme of visiting scholars.
CRCSA's offices are housed at McGill University in Montreal. Other Canadian universities supporting its programme include: Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Queen's and Carleton. Funding for CRCSA's activities comes from a grant provided by the Regional Office for Southern Africa of the International Development Research Centre.
For further information, contact:
Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa
2020 University
Suite 2400
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A5
Tel.: (514) 398-1050
Fax: (514) 398-3341
Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa (CRCSA)
Research Seminar Series
Fall 1995
September 29 Dan O'Meara (Universite du Quebec a Montreal)
2:00 p.m. "A Future too Ghastly to Contemplate:
Dimensions of the Crisis of Apartheid
during the 1970's"
Seminar Room, 2020 University Street, Suite
2400, CRCSA, McGill University, Montreal
October 27 Alan Mabin (University of Witwatersrand)
2:00 p.m. "Negotiating Local Identities,
A Subtext to Remaking Political Geography
in a Post-Apartheid South Africa"
Lakeside Lounge, Faculty Club, 168 Stuart
Street, Queen's University, Kingston
November 24 Jackie Solway (Trent University)
2:00 p.m. "Multiparty Democracy and Ethnic Politics
in Botswana: Grassroots Perspectives"
Wilson Hall, Room 2053, 20 Willcocks Street,
New College, University of Toronto, Toronto
December 1 Cynthia Kros (University of Witwatersrand)
2:00 p.m. "Reconstructing and Teaching History
at Tertiary Institutions in South Africa"
Lakeside Lounge, Faculty Club, 168 Stuart
Street, Queen's University, Kingston
NB: a) papers for the Research seminars are available in advance either from the CRCSA office or from the Faculty coordinator for your university (call CRCSA for their names). Participants are requested to read papers in advance;
b) funding for graduate student travel to Research Seminars is available if organised in advance with the CRCSA office. Telephone (514) 398-1050, Fax (514) 398-3341 or email
Courses given at Canadian universities*
The Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa (CRCSA) is pleased to announce the publication of a collection of course outlines on Southern Africa. *Teaching Southern African Studies* contains 42 graduate and undergraduate course outlines drawn from the following disciplines: Anthropology, Geography, History, Literature, Political Science, Sociology, Urban Studies, Women's Studies.
In compiling this collection, CRCSA has contacted all known Canadian academics teaching on Southern Africa, and has solicited course outlines from departments across the country. Where a course is given regularly, we have tried to include the most recent outline.
*Teaching Southern African Studies* is designed for a wide range of users. The comprehensive bibliographies and topic headings will be useful for students. Faculty can find out what is being taught by others in their field, and might use these outlines to advise students. Graduate students will find detailed information about graduate courses on Southern Africa. These collected course outlines should also be particularly useful to university libraries.
*Teaching Southern African Studies* costs $22 for individuals and $29 for institutions, postage and GST included. Orders of five or more copies receive a discount of 15%. Please mail the following order form, together with payment, to the address on the letterhead, or call the CRCSA office. Cheques should be made payable to McGill University.
*Teaching Southern African Studies
Courses given at Canadian Universities*
(Price: $22 individuals, $29 institutions, incl. postage & GST)
Notes to users and potential contributors
PART 1: Graduate Courses on Southern Africa
Heribert Adam Selected Problems in Social Analysis: the Revival of
Nationalism (SA 886-5)
Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Simon Fraser
Chris Brown The Politics of Southern Africa (Pol 47.423/523)
Department of Political Science, Carleton
Jonathan Crush International Labour Migration (Gphy 873)
Department of Geography, Queen's University
Marc Epprecht Women and Development in Africa (Hist 3461B)
Department of History, Dalhousie University
Linda Freeman The Politics of Southern Africa (Pol 47.423/523)
Department of Political Science, Carleton University
Linda Freeman Selected Problems in African Political Economy
(Pol. 517) Department of Political Science, Carleton
Alan Jeeves The Societies of Southern Africa (Hist 838)
Department of History, Queen's University
Rosemary Jolly Topics in Post-Colonial Literature II:
Southern African Literature (Eng 872)
Department of English, Queen's University
Dan O'Meara Afrique (Pol 7280) Departement de science politique,
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Jane Parpart Women and Development in Africa (Hist 3461A/5461A)
Department of History, Dalhousie University
John S. Saul Democratizing South Africa: Class, Race, Gender
and Nation/Ethnie in the Transition Process (Pol
6641.03) Department of Political Science, York
CRCSA / Carleton Institute of Political Economy Graduate Summer School
Colin Bundy & Apartheid's Aftermath: The Political Economy of
John S.Saul Transition in Southern Africa
a) Colin Bundy
b) John S.Saul
Linda Freeman The Politics of Southern Africa
Linzi Manicom & Gender and Culture in South Africa
Cherry Clayton a) Part 1: Linzi Manicom
b) Part 2: Cherry Clayton
PART 2: Undergraduate Courses on Southern Africa
Richard Lee Southern Africa: Cultures and Societies (Ant 325Y)
Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto
Blair Rutherford Peoples and Cultures of Africa (Ant 151-321A)
Department of Anthropology, McGill University
Jacqueline Solway Peoples and Cultures of Africa (Com Dev 301)
Department of Anthropology/Comparative Development
Program Trent University
Eric Worby Culture and Social Change in Modern Africa (Ant
151-322A) Department of Anthropology, McGill
Jonathan Crush The Regional Geography of Southern Africa (Gphy
256) Department of Geography, Queen's University
Anna Vakil Introduction to African Development (42-425)
Department of Geography, University of Windsor
Julie Baker The History of Southern Africa from 1870 to the
Present (Hist 338) Department of History, Queen's
Myron Echenberg A Survey of African History (Hist 101-200D)
Department of History, McGill University
Marc Epprecht Africa in the Era of Empire and Slaves (Hist 246)
Department of History, University of Alberta
Marc Epprecht Africa: From Colonialism to Revolution in the
20th Century (Hist 247) Department of History,
University of Alberta
Marc Epprecht Themes in African History: Women and Gender
in Africa Since 1800 (Hist 446) Department of
History, University of Alberta
Jane Parpart South Africa Since the Mineral Revolution (Hist
3452B) Department of History, Dalhousie University
Jane Parpart Independent Africa (Hist 2422B)
Department of History, Dalhousie University
Christopher Youe Dividing the Black Man in Half:
South Africa Since 1815 (Hist 3809) (32)
Department of History, Memorial University
Cherry Clayton Contemporary Literature (English 37-421)
Department of English, University of Guelph
Political Science
David Black African Politics (Pol Sci 3315B/5315B)
Department of Political Science, Dalhousie
David Black Politics of Africa (Pol 344)
Piotr Dutkiewicz Department of Political Studies, Queen's
Linda Freeman Selected Problems in Third World Development (Pol
47.415) Department of Political Science, Carleton
Linda Freeman Government and Politics in Africa (Pol 47.310)
Department of Political Science, Carleton University
Lynn Mytelka Government and Politics in Africa (Pol 47.310)
Chris Brown Department of Political Science, Carleton University
Dan O'Meara Relations internationales: Cooperation et conflit en
Afrique australe (Pol 5400-20) Departement de
science politique, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
David Pottie Politics of Southern Africa (Pol 3185)
Marlea Clarke Department of Political Science, Algoma University-
David Pottie Race, Class and Gender in South Africa's Development
(Soc. Sci 3990D.06) Department of Social Science,
York University
Tim Shaw Political Economy of Southern Africa (Pol 3544 /
5544B) Department of Political Science, Dalhousie
John Shingler Government, Politics and Society in South Africa
(160-492B) Department of Political Science, McGill
Social Science/Political Science
John S. Saul Contemporary Africa: Crisis and Response (Soc Sci
3340.06) Department of Social Science, Atkinson
College, York University
Heribert Adam Southern Africa (SA 477-4) Department of
Sociology/Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
Urban Studies
Patricia McCarney Politics and Planning in Third World Cities (Pol
418Y) Centre for Urban and Community Studies,
University of Toronto
Message-Id: <199510141556.LAA17779@sirocco.CC.McGill.CA>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 11:47:24 EST5EDT
From: "Jose C. Curto" <JCURTO@FACL.Lan.McGill.CA>
Subject: Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa
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