MSU Tuesday Bulletin, 03/23/99

MSU Tuesday Bulletin, 03/23/99

Issue No. 11, Spring+ 1999
March 23, 1999
EAST LANSING+ MI+ 48824-1035
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March 25, Thursday March 25, Thursday "An Anthropologist Views 50 Years of African Studies."African Studies Center Brown Bag with Simon Ottenberg, Professor Emeritus (Univ of Washington) and former President of ASA, 12:00 noon, Room 201, International Center.

March 25, Thursday "Collecting African Art: Scholarly and Personal Aesthetic Interconnections." Public lecture with Simon Ottenberg, Professor Emeritus and former President of ASA, 7:00 p.m., MSU Museum Auditorium.

April 1, Thursday "Reflections on TransSaharan Trade in 20th Century Western Africa."African Studies Center Brown Bag with Ghislaine Lydon, Advanced Ph.D. Graduate Student (History, MSU), 12:00 noon, Room 201, International Center.

April 8, Thursday "Current Challenges to AfricanAgricultural Research." African Studies Center Brown Bag with Peter Matlon, Division Chief (Africa Desk, UNDP, New York), 12:00 noon, Room 201, International Center.

"Agriculture and Donor FatigueA View from Within UNDP."Department of Agricultural Economics seminar with Peter Matlon, 3:305:00 p.m., Room 466 Berkey Hall.

MSU ANNOUNCEMENTS 4th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Conference in African Studies to be held at Michigan State University, September 10-12, 1999. (See Conferences for details).

Grant writing International Studies and Programs has engaged Anne Schneller and Chris Root to provide grant writing assistance to faculty, departments and colleges wishing to submit grant applications. Priority will be given to activities which target external funding, projects for which MSU faculty, departments or colleges have already established relationships or ongoing discussions with colleagues in South Africa, or individuals or institutional collaboration with South African Scholars at Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDI's) or consortia that include HDI's.Faculty and departments should have an indication of support from their deans for proposed project.This is a pilot program (now until June 30, 1999).For more information contact Chris Root at Room 1, International Center, (517) 432-3663; email:, or Anne Schneller at 238 Erickson Hall; (517) 355-5522; email:

OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS The Nigerian Reunion Committees (NRC) announces the 3rd Annual Nigerian Reunion to be held on July 2 July 5, 1999 in Motown City, Detroit.The reunion is entitled "Make the Move Motown '99: Stepping Stone into the 21st Century." The activitypacked event, with mixers and workshops and more fun, will be held at the Marriot HotelRenaissance Center.For more information contact: Nigerian Reunion Committees(M/C 105), P O Box 441891, Detroit, MI 48244;Telephone: (248) 386-0308. E Web: <>

Encarta Africana Harvard professors, Henry Louis Gates, Jr and Kwame Anthony Appiah, have created Encarta Africana, a comprehensive work documenting African History from 3 million B.C. to modern times.The two-volume CD offers more than 3000 articles, 2000 photos, videos, maps and charts according to Kassey Jones of the Lansing State Journal (February 26, 1999).There is also a text to speech reader for the virtually impaired. The website, <>, also offers lesson plans for teachers who want to incorporate Africana in their lessons.The reader can also refer to the website for more information on the availability of the CD.

Lecture on Agriculture James McCann from the African Studies Center at Boston University will be giving a lecture entitled "Maize and Grace: Africa's Green Revolution and Landscape Memory, 1500 - 1999."The lecture will be on Friday, March 26, at 11:00a.m. in the Seminar Room at MSU Institute for Social Policy Studies, 77 Prospect Street, Lansing.

CONFERENCES 4th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Conference in African Studies The graduate students in African Studies and the African Studies Center invite graduate students to the 4th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Conference in African Studies.The conference will be held on September 10-12 at Michigan State University.Graduate papers in any field, at any level are accepted.This is an interdisciplinary conference meant to provide graduate students from all over the country, especially those from the Midwest, with an opportunity to present their work in a collegial and friendly atmosphere.There will also be forums addressing current issues of interest among graduate students in African Studies.Short abstracts not exceeding one halfpage, singlespaced, title page with the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation, address, phone number and/ email address should be submitted by April 15, 1999.Completed papers will be due to panel discussants by August 23, 1999.For submission of abstracts and more information about registration and accommodation write to: 4th Annual Graduate Student Conference, African Studies Center, Michigan State University, 100 International Center, East Lansing, MI 48824-1035.Further queries may be directed to: Tim Carmichael, mrtim@mail.h, Ghislaine Lydon, lydon@mail.h, or Manelisi Genge,

Call for Papers The Sudan Studies Association of North America (SSA) announces a call for papers for its annual conference at Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts.The theme of the conference is "Sudan: Dilemmas and Prospects." Abstract should be approximately 150 words, including the title of the presentation.Graduate students and scholars who specialize in Sudan and neighboring countries are encouraged to participate in the conference. Panel proposals and abstract must be sent to: Dr. Ann M.Lesch, Villanova University, Political Science Department, 800 Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085;Fax: (610) 519-7487;E mail: deadline for proposals is May 1, 1999.For more information contact: Dr. Malik Balla, African Studies Center, Michigan State University, 100 Center for International Programs, East Lansing, MI. 48824- 1035;Telephone: (517) 432-3569;Fax: (517) 432- 2735;Email: or Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud, Department of Comparative Religion, Miner Hall, Medford, MA 02155; Telephone: (617) 627-2536;Fax: (617) 627-3191; Email:

University of the District of Columbia The Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Languages and Cultures in Africa and the African Diaspora announce a call for papers to the Second International Cultural Conference to be held on October 7 - 9, 1999.The theme of the conference is "Economic and Cultural Survival Strategies for the New Millennium, Global Languages and Cultures: Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, United States, Europe and Asia. The abstracts must be forwarded to: Co-Chairs, Gail Dixon and Ernest Myers, University of the District of Columbia, The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures in Africa and the African Diaspora, Department of Languages, Building 41, 4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008; Fax: (202) 274-5589; Voice (202) 274-5824; Telephone: (202) 274-6447;Website: htpp:/

Cornell University The Departments of History and Anthropology will host a symposium on April 16-17, 1999.The theme of the symposium is "Gender, Politics, and Spirit Possession."The symposium will highlight the intersection of gender and power with the spirit possession as it exists today in Africa.For more information contact:Sandra Greene, Department of History, McGraw Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853;Telephone: (607) 255-4124;Email:

The Berkeley-Stanford Joint Center for African Studies The Berkeley-Stanford Joint Center for African Studies will host the annual Spring Conference on April 24, 1999.The theme of the conference "Health and Society in Africa," will investigate how social science and biological perspectives might inform each other in the study of health in Africa. For more information contact: Christine Capper, Joint Center for African Studies, Stanford Center for African Studies, Building 240, Room 104, Stanford, CA 94305-2152; Telephone: (650) 723-0295;E mail:

University of Toronto The 11th Annual All-African Students' Conference will be held May 21- 23, 1999 at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.The theme of the conference is "The Role of Africa and the African Peoples in the Next Millennium: End of the Century or Beginning of a new Era?"Invited speakers include: Winnie MadikizelaMandela, Rakiya Omar, and Wangari Mathai.For more information contact: AllAfrican Students' Conference, African Studies Program, New College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

JOBS University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Center for African Studies is seeking an assistant director to coordinate and develop the Center's Outreach Program, administer the Permit No. 21 interdisciplinary MA program and to assist the director in program development and implementation.Applicants must have a doctorate in education or related field with special emphasis on African Studies. Other requirements include experience working with faculty and administrators in diverse communities, knowledge of a language spoken in Africa, and experience with K-12 teaching and or curriculum.An application letter, a curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation must be sent to: Search Committee, Center for African Studies, 210 International Studies Building, 910 S. Fifth St., Champaign, IL 61820;Telephone: (217) 333 -6335;Fax: (217) 244-2429;Email: deadline for applications is April 1, 1999.

Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar

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