MSU Tuesday Bulletin, 10/16/01

MSU Tuesday Bulletin, 10/16/01

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October 16, Tuesday

"World Food Systems: Serving All or Serving Some?" World Food Day Teleconference, 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., MSU Union, Ohio State Room. Sponsored by the Center for Advanced Study of International Development (CASID), Women and International Development (WID), and Bread for the World.

October 18, Thursday

"Between Deals and Clashes: What is Africa's Stand on Global Agricultural Trade Issues?" African Studies Center Brown Bag with Kofi Nouve, Graduate Student (Agricultural Economics, MSU), 12:00 noon, Room 201, International Center.

October 25, Thursday

"Women's Knowledge and Practice Responding to Disease and Promoting Health in Senegal," African Studies Center Brown Bag with Ellen Foley, Graduate Student, ABD (Anthropology, MSU).

November 1, Thursday

"DOING the History of Muslim Societies in African History," African Studies Center Brown Bag with David Robinson, Faculty (History, MSU), 12:00 noon, Room 201, International Center.


World Food Day Teleconference

This year's World Food Day satellite teleconference will be a "Conversation with Dr. Wenche Barth Eide" of the Institute for Nutrition Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ohio of Oslo in Norway. Dr. Eide's career spans more than 40 years, from pioneering efforts in developing the first academic nutrition training program for the Nordic countries, to her longtime leadership in international right to food efforts. The presentation runs from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., with a panel discussion of the issues raised in her talk, from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., MSU Union, Ohio State Room.

Course Announcement

MSU Virtual University

RD876, International Rural Development, is a 3 credit graduate seminar available every semester on the MSU Virtual University. The course stimulates a small group of students sitting around a table with the professor, who has years of hands-on experience designing and implementing many development programs and projects in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Since the course is offered in a weekly a-synchronous conversation, students can fit it into their schedule at any time.

Conversations, readings, individual term paper, and other assignments address various topics. Some of these topics include: Development and International Development; Current Issues and Concerns in Development; Strategies and Design of International Development Collaboration; Directing Development Organizations, and International Development in the 21st Century. For details about this graduate seminar, see the preview at: or e-mail Professor George H. Axinn at


Secondary Wage Earner Programs - Lansing, MI

The Secondary Wage Earner Program for Refugee Services in Lansing, Michigan, is a refugee resettlement agency for the Greater Lansing area. There are over 8,000 refugees from 30 different countries living in the area and many are women with strict cultural constraints who are literally homebound because of cultural and language barriers.

Refugee Services has many volunteer positions that offer a variety of experiences and time commitments. The first position is that of English as a Second Language (ESL) Tutor. This position requires a time commitment of at least two hours a week, plus a two- hour ESL training and cultural orientation session before beginning. The other positions include a variety of intern positions available in the units of reception and placement, employment, health, immigration, and English as a second language.

For further information contact: Shana Bombrys, Secondary Wage Earner Program Case Manager, Refugee Services, 2722 E. Michigan Ave., Suite 100B, Lansing, MI 48912, USA; e-mail:; Tel: (517) 484-1010; Fax: (517) 484-2560.

Call for Papers

Globalization, Gender, and Social Change in the 21st Century is publishing a special issue of International Sociology. This special issue is aimed at promoting scholarship and research that emphasizes the centrality of gender in studying social change associated with the process of globalization. The main objectives are to promote scholarship about important women/gender issues, growing concerns, and new problems worldwide at the dawn of the 21st century. Articles exploring in- depth case studies, ethnographic field research, historical/comparative analyses, and reflective/theoretical think pieces are welcome. The topic is open as long as it relates to the relationships between gender and globalization.

Papers should be about 6000 words, with an abstract of 100-200 words. Two copies of the paper, typed and double-spaced, should be submitted by June 1, 2002 to: Esther Ngan-ling Chow, Department of Sociology, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., McCabe Hall, Washington, DC 20016, USA; e- mail:


Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS)

"The Global and the Local: Africa in the World and the World in Africa," is the title of this conference to be held May 29 - June 1, 2002. The conference will be held at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA.

With this first call for papers, the conference committee invites submissions of proposals for both panels and individual papers. Panel proposals are especially desired. Panel proposals that deal with one of the major sub-themes are encouraged. Sub-themes include: Health and Society; Migration and Ethnicity; Food and Development; The Politics of Reconstruction; and Popular Culture. Panel submissions should include three to four papers, a chair and a discussant. List name of each participant, including their institutional affiliation and the title of the panel, title of each paper and an abstract of 200-250 words, and postal and electronic addresses for each participant. Persons submitting individual papers should submit their names, titles, addresses and an abstract of 200-250 words. All panel and individual proposals should be sent via e-mail or regular post to: The Secretariat, Mme. Linda Theriault, Mme. Roxanne Welters, c/o CETASE, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3C 3J7; e-mail:; Tel: (514) 343-6569; Fax: (514) 343-7716. Submission deadline is January 15, 2002. For registration and further details, visit the web at:

A special note to Graduate students The Area Studies Associations under the Canadian Council of Area Studies Learned Societies (CCASLS) are hosting Joint Graduate Methodology Workshops during the CAAS Conference. Graduate Students interested in making presentations on their research methodologies, problems encountered in accessing sources, draft chapters of theses or research proposals, or anything related to doing research, are asked to provide their names, institutional affiliation, and a 250 word abstract by January 15, 2002.


Semester Programs in Namibia

The Center for Global Education at Augsburg College announces its Fall 2002 program in Namibia, "Multicultural Societies in Transition: Southern African Perspectives." This program runs from September 2- December 13, 2002. The Spring semester program in Namibia focuses on "Nation Building, Globalization and Decolonizing the Mind." This program runs from January 27 - May 9, 2003.

Both programs combine experiential education with rigorous academic work. Students will participate in rural and urban homestays, travel to South Africa and learn from a variety of guest lecturers and field trips. Applications are accepted on a rolling admissions basis. Deadlines are April 1, 2002 for the fall program and October 15, 2002 for the spring program.

For more information or an application form, contact The Center for Global Education at Augsburg College, Tel: (800) 299-8889;; Application forms can also be accessed on line.


Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, a unit of The New York Public Library's Research Libraries, announces its Scholars-in-Residence Program. The residency program assists those scholars and professionals whose research on the black experience can benefit from extended access to the Center's collections.

The program is designed to encourage research and writing on the history, literature, and cultures of the peoples of Africa and the African diaspora, to facilitate interaction among the participants, and to provide for widespread dissemination of findings through lectures, publications, and Schomburg Center Colloquia.

The Fellowship Program is open to scholars studying the history, literature, and culture of the peoples of African descent from a humanistic perspective and to professionals in fields related to the Schomburg Center's collections and program activities. Persons seeking support for research leading to degrees are not eligible under this program. Also, foreign nationals are not eligible unless they will have resided in the United States three years immediately preceding the application deadline.

Completed applications must be postmarked no later than December 1, 2001 and sent to: Scholars-in- Residence Program, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, 515 Malcolm X Boulevard, New York, NY 10037-1801; Telephone: (212) 491-2228 or visit:

AAUW International Fellowships 2001-2002

Women graduate students from countries outside the United States are invited to apply for a $16,860 fellowship from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Educational Foundation for study or research in the United States.

International fellowships are available to women who are not American citizens or permanent residents. Of the 58 fellowships awarded, six are available to members of the International Federation of University Women for graduate study in a country other than their own. Awards support full-time graduate or postgraduate study in all disciplines for one year, and studies important to changing the lives of women and girls.

The Foundation also awards several annual Home Country Project Grants ($5,000-$7,000 each). These grants support community based projects designed to improve the lives of women and girls in a fellow's home country. Application deadline is December 15, 2001. For more information and to receive an application contact: AAUW Educational Foundation, Dept.60; 2201 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52243-4030; tel: (319) 337- 1716, ext. 60. Or visit the web at:


Message-Id: <> Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 15:08:08 -0400 From: MSU African Studies Center <> Subject: Tuesday Bulletin No. 8

Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar

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