The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded Penn's African Studies Center a two-year grant for an educationally innovative project on "Teaching and Learning about Africa through Modeling, the Internet, and Distance-Learning." The $210,000 project focuses on East Africa and the Swahili language and peoples as focal points for building an interlocking and cohesive set of teaching materials, educational resources, instructional models, and interactive distance-learning TV broadcasts. The broadcasts will be beamed by satellite to school children across the United States, and educational resource materials will be made available through the Internet to the general public and to academics and educators at all levels.
The NEH project is therefore targeted to multiple audiences:
--For school children in the Philadelphia area, a year-long distance learning TV course in the Swahili language will be broadcast to students in the sixth through 12th grades. The course will be videotaped and disseminated nationally.
--For school students nationally, a series of model lessons broadcast live for TV audiences will be beamed by satellite connection. These broadcasts will focus on East African history, culture, arts, and literature.
--For the general public a "living library of educational resources" on East Africa and its Swahili-speaking peoples will be posted on the Penn African Studies Internet Web site.
--Finally, for Philadelphia school teachers, Africanist faculty from the Penn, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore African Studies Consortium will conduct curriculum enrichment seminars on East African history, archaeology, literatures, arts, and culture. The seminars will be held in 1996-97 and will prepare teachers for the broadcasts that are scheduled for 1997-98.
The grant will be carried out by faculty from Penn and its African Studies Consortium colleagues at Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore colleges in collaboration with the School District of Philadelphia's Department of African and African-American Studies and its Division of Television, Instructional Media Technologies, and Distance Learning.
Fourth Annual Fall African Studies Workshop to be Held October 4th
The fourth annual workshop of the African Studies Consortium entitled Competing Epistemologies and Strategies about Africa will be held Friday, October 4th at the University of Pennsylvania. Three panels and two roundtables have been organized. The panels are The Epistemological Status of Academic Discourses as Applied to Africa: Theoretical and Practical Implications; Images of Local Knowledge from Daily Life in Contemporary African Societies; and Symbolic and Institutional Implications of Wars. The two roundtables are F(l)ailing States: Changing Patterns of Power and Authority, and Political/Economic Priorities in Africa: Favored and Unfavored States.
Contributors include professors and students from local universities including Penn, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore, Temple, and West Chester as well as from universities farther away including Princeton, Harvard, University of Florida, NYU, Indiana University, and Johns Hopkins.
The workshop will be from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Bodek Lounge in Houston Hall. A lunch buffet is available for all workshop participants for $8.00. To make a reservation, please send a check, payable to the African Studies Center, along with your name, phone number, and e-mail address to Molly Roth, African Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, 642 Williams Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305. Reservations must be made by September 30th. For information call 215-898-6971 or e-mail
The African Studies Consortium
University of Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges
Friday, October 4, 1996
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall
PANEL I--9:00 TO 10:30
The Epistemological Status of Academic Discourses as Applied to Africa: Theoretical and Practical Implications
Paul Stoller "Epistemology and Embodiment Toward a Sensuous Scholarship"
Elisa Forgey and Wambui Mwangi "Of Prepositions and Propositions: Perspectives on Feminism and the Epistemology of Africanist Collaboration"
Philip Kilbride "Epistemology and Cultural Comparison, Plural Marriage"
Richard Waller "Making and Taking Time"
Chair: Steven Feierman; Discussant: Linda-Susan Beard
ROUNDTABLE--11:00 TO 12:30
F(l)ailing States: Changing Patterns of Power and Authority
Jeffrey Herbst, William Reno, Michael Chege; Chair: Tom Callaghy
PANEL II--1:30 to 3:00
Images of Local Knowledge from Daily Life in Contemporary African Societies
T. K. Biaya "Conceptualizing Everyday Life in Zaire: Social Practices from Below"
Niyi Akinnaso "Knowledge, Power, and Authority in Yoruba Divination"
P. Stanley Yoder "Discovering the Knowledge Relevant to Participants in Illness Episodes"
Chair: Timothy Burke; Discussant: Wyatt MacGaffey
Political/Economic Priorities in Africa: Favored and Unfavored States
Robert Mortimer, Harvey Glickman, Ahmed Shariff, Marja Hoek-Smit, Steve O'Connell
Chair: Ray Hopkins
PANEL III--3:30 to 5:00
Symbolic and Institutional Implications of Wars
Jendayi Frazer "The Institutional Legacy of Armed Struggle for the Military"
Siba Grovogui "African Political Thought: The Influences of World War I and World War II"
Norma Kriger "The Politics of Heroes in Post-War Zimbabwe"
Chair: Lee Cassanelli; Discussant: Stephan Miescher
Study Abroad in Africa
New Program in Senegal
Students will soon have one more African university to choose from when deciding where to study in Africa. The University of Pennsylvania is finalizing arrangements for a new study abroad program at the University Saint-Louis in Senegal. More details will be forthcoming. Students at Penn, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges, all members of the African Studies Consortium, currently have three African universities to choose from: the University of Ghana in Legon, the University of Nairobi in Kenya, and the University of Zimbabwe in Harare.
Swarthmore College is the lead institution for the program at the University of Ghana in Legon. Students attending the University will have the guidance of a university professor who works directly with Swarthmore and access to individual faculty tutors in their main areas of interest. They will be encouraged to develop independent projects with the advice and supervision of faculty members. They will also live with Ghanaian students at the University. Courses and projects are available in most areas of the social sciences as well as the humanities, including especially Ghanaian (and African) history and culture, literature, development, society and politics, music, theater, arts, and linguistics. English is the official language of Ghana and the instructional language at the University. Instruction in Twi, a principle Ghanaian language, is available and strongly recommended. For more information contact Steven Piker, Foreign Study Advisor, Swarthmore College at 215-328-7826 or
Bryn Mawr is the lead institution for the program at the University of Nairobi in Kenya. The host institution is the Institute of African Studies at the University of Nairobi. Courses will be selected from the University curriculum under the advice of the Director of the Institute and the students' academic advisors. Available courses include Ethnology of African Societies, Field Methods in Anthropology, Family and Kinship, Economic Anthropology, and Verbal Art (oral literature). Students will reside in hostels within walking distance of the University, which offer options from dormitories to private rooms. Staying with local families is also a possibility. For more information contact Elizabeth G. Vermey, Office for International Initiatives, Bryn Mawr College at 610-526-7921 or 7922.
Penn is the lead institution for the program at the University of Zimbabwe. Currently, undergraduate engineering and liberal arts students can take courses at the University. In addition, faculty from Zimbabwe will be teaching, doing research, and taking courses at Penn. Penn's School of Medicine is also negotiating with Zimbabwe's medical school to establish research and clinical relationships.
Penn students interested in studying in Africa may attend an introductory meeting on October 3rd, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Bennett Hall, Room 328. For information contact Patricia Martin, Office of International Programs at 898-1654, 898-9073, or
The Passing of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe
Nigeria's first president, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, passed away on May 11th of this year at the age of 91. With his death, the world mourns a monumental figure in this century's decolonization and nation-building struggles. Penn played a part in Azikiwe's story as the institution where he completed a master's degree in Philosophy and Anthropology in 1933 and which conferred on him an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters in 1980, on the occasion of Nigeria's twentieth anniversary as an independent nation.
"Zik of Africa" was born in Zungeru in northern Nigeria in 1903 under a British rule that he would work tirelessly to cast off. Returning to Africa after his studies in the U.S., Azikiwe went first to Ghana (then the Gold Coast) where he worked for the cause of national independence throughout West Africa with fellow Lincoln University and Penn classmate Kwame Nkrumah. Having served in the opposition Western House Assembly, Azikiwe was made first prime minister of Eastern Nigeria before becoming the president of an independent Nigeria in 1963. Scholar, journalist, and poet as well as politician, Azikiwe governed for three years before being ousted in a military coup that ultimately led to civil war. Criticized by the Biafran leadership, Azikiwe advocated a return to the federation when he saw the suffering wrought on his fellow Igbo people, and helped to end the bloody conflict.
Nnamdi Azikiwe survived his wife Flora and is survived by children and grandchildren. He will be missed by all partisans and friends of African liberation struggles.
Penn African Studies Center
Fall Lecture Series
October 9th
Publishing in African Studies
Janet Rabinowitch
Senior Editor for Africa
Indiana University Press
4:00 p.m.
October 25th
The Invisible Continent: US Policy Toward
Africa at the End of the Millennium
Salih Booker
Fellow for Africa Studies
Council on Foreign Relations
Washington, D.C.
12:00 noon
November 15th
Tales of Remembering and Forgetting
Nozipo Maraire, M.D.
Neurosurgeon and Novelist
Yale University Medical School
12:00 noon
Lectures will be held in Room 421
Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania
Chinua Achebe to Speak
A conference entitled Across Languages and Cultures: Creative Writing in English by non-Native Speakers will be held October 24, 25, and 26 at West Chester University with keynote speaker Chinua Achebe. The conference aims to explore how non-native speakers of English, especially Africans, use the language in their creative writing. Writers will discuss the challenges of writing across cultural and language barriers, with emphasis on the intra-personal processes involved in using English and/or African vernaculars to mediate and articulate experiences, thoughts, and artistic creations. It also seeks to encourage scholars to examine the cultural and linguistic features of the English language as used by Africans in their creative writing during the past 50 years. A final aim is to place African creative writing and poly-lingualism in the context of multi-culturalism and poly-lingualism elsewhere (e.g. among the African-American diaspora), and in other situations produced by conquest, immigration, or exile. Special features of the conference are the presentations by various writers in which they discuss their works and the challenges they face in writing across the language divide.
The conference opens Thursday, October 24th at 9:00 a.m. After welcoming and preliminaries, Steven Kellman, Ashbel Professor of Modern Languages at the University of Texas-San Antonio, will lecture at 10:00 a.m. on Translingualism as a Worldwide Phenomenon. Various panels occur throughout the day. Chinua Achebe will speak at 7:30 p.m., and a reception will follow. On Friday, October 25th, panels focus on such topics as national literatures, Africanization of English, and representations of women. Houston Baker leads off on Saturday, October 26th at 9:00 a.m. speaking on Everybody Knows the Real Thing, But Magic Brings Us Home: Multicultural Notes. Panels will follow on African-American and Caribbean translingual/transcultural creativity. A forum comprising Achebe, Baker, Okpewho, Chinodya, Lindfors, and Kellman will wrap up the conference on Saturday afternoon.
Registration for the conference is $70 for professionals and $35 for students; it covers attendance at all conference events and a continental breakfast each day. Early registration, before October 11th, is available for $60 and $30. For more information contact Dr. T. Obinkaram Echewa, Dept. of English, West Chester University at 610-436-2822 or
African Dissertation Workshop Held
The University of Pennsylvania Population Studies Center and the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health collaborated to produce a "virtual" African Dissertation Workshop that took place between May 28 and June 3, 1996. Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the workshop was designed to enhance research skills through identifying compelling research questions; formulating significant hypotheses; and developing rigorous, systematic methodological frameworks. Seven faculty members from the two organizing universities and 14 graduate students from various U.S. and Canadian universities worked on the workshop topics for a week without leaving their home towns.
The Workshop was facilitated by the distribution of videotaped lectures and accompanying lecture notes, teleconferences, and workshop web sites with group e-mail. On their own time, participants viewed a total of eight videotapes covering a range of topics regarding the design of research on issues of African population and health. Sets of two videotapes were the subject of group teleconferences led by the faculty who gave the lectures. Internet connections on the Penn African Studies Web site allowed participants to have regular, real-time interaction and gave graduate students access to distinguished scholars in Demography and Public Health.
The two web sites created for the workshop have been left in place as public resources and a base to build on for the future. Check them out at and
African Studies Association
The African Studies Association 39th annual meeting will be held at the Hyatt Embarcadero Center in San Francisco, California, from November 23-26, 1996. Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley are hosting the event. The National Panels Chair for the conference is Toyin Falola of the University of Texas at Austin. The conference theme is The Challenges of Renewal in Africa. For information on the program and registration contact the African Studies Center Web Page (hhtp://
Wharton Executive MBA
Students from the Wharton School's Executive MBA Program will be traveling to South Africa for one week in October. The students, comprising some 100 distinguished executives, selected South Africa as their country of choice for this year's International Seminar, an annual trip to a foreign country to study and observe the economic and business environment. The group will tour South Africa and meet with top government officials and corporate executives to discuss issues related to international business policy and strategy. The seminar takes place during the final semester of the two-year program and caps a curriculum that places great emphasis on global business. The choice of South Africa reflects the opinion of these executive students that the country will play a key role in the business world and regional development.
The Penn African Students Association is opening the year with a potluck dinner on September 22, 1996 at 6:00 p.m. It will be held at the Greenfield Intercultural Center, 3708 Chestnut Street. Please bring a contribution to the potluck.
PASA holds its general meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. The first general meeting will be October 1, 1996, and the second will be November 5, 1996. PASA also organizes a social event each month. PASA is currently planning a formal dinner with CASA and Dessaline. Keep posted for more information. If you have questions, contact Temilayo Okeowo at
Academic Career Conference:
Funding Research
Dr. Rebecca Huss-Ashmore, an Africanist from the Anthropology Department, will participate in a panel entitled Applying for Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Dr. Huss-Ashmore will discuss how to write a strong funding application and what funding organizations want to see. The panel, which will meet on September 24, 1996 from 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. on the second floor of Houston Hall, is part of an Academic Career Conference organized by the Career Planning and Placement Center and the Vice Provost for Graduate Education. If you plan to attend or want more information, send a message to or
What's New on the Web
Look in the "What's New" link on the African Studies Web site ( for these and many other current postings:
Great Lakes: New Documents, 8/26/96
New documents available from the UN
Department of Humanitarian Affairs
Integrated Regional Information Network
Africa: US Aid Decision Nears, 8/27/96
(from the Washington Office on Africa)
The Bank of Ireland Research Fellowship
in Development Studies
Call for Papers: "Social Education"
(Journal issue to focus on Sub-Saharan Africa)
Calendar of Events
September 22, 1996
PASA Potluck Dinner
6:00 p.m.
Greenfield Intercultural Center
3708 Chestnut, University of Pennsylvania
September 24, 1996
Academic Career Conference
Panel on Applying for Dissertation
and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Dr. Rebecca Huss-Ashmore, Africanist panel member
4:15 - 5:15 p.m.
Houston Hall, Second Floor
University of Pennsylvania
October 3, 1996
Meeting for undergraduates interested in
studying abroad in Africa
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Bennett Hall, Room 328
October 4, 1996
W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biography in Four Voices
Louis Massiah presents his 1995 film
7:00 p.m.
International House, 3701 Chestnut St.
The film will also be shown
Oct. 4th at 1:00 p.m.
Oct. 5th at 6:00 p.m. and Oct. 6th at 3:00 p.m.
October 9, 1996
Publishing in African Studies
Janet Rabinowitch, Senior Editor for Africa
Indiana University Press
4:00 p.m.
Williams Hall, Room 421 West
University of Pennsylvania
October 10, 1996
Cannibalism and Class Struggle:
Story-Telling and History Writing on the
Copperbelts of Zaire and Zambia
Luise White, Smithsonian Institution
7:00 p.m.
Kohlberg, Room 115, Swarthmore College
October 24-26, 1996
Across Languages and Cultures: Creative Writing in English by non-Native Speakers
Speakers include Chinua Achebe and Houston Baker
West Chester University, West Chester, PA
(For details, see page 4)
October 25, 1996
The Invisible Continent: US Policy Toward Africa
at the End of the Millennium
Salih Booker
Fellow for Africa Studies
Council of Foreign Relations
Washington, D.C.
12:00 noon
Williams Hall, Room 421 West
University of Pennsylvania
November 2, 1996
The More Things Change: Health and Healing
in East and Southern Africa
Kathleen Ryan
Research Specialist, MASCA
Dr. Rebecca Huss-Ashmore
Penn Anthropology Professor
University of Pennsylvania Museum
33rd and Spruce Streets
$7.50 fee
Call 898-4890 for required preregistration
November 11, 1996
Localizing Modernity
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Harvard University
12:00 - 2:30 p.m.
History Lounge, Room 329A
3401 Walnut St.
University of Pennsylvania
November 15, 1996
Tales of Remembering and Forgetting
Nozipo Maraire
Neurosurgeon and Novelist
Yale University Medical School
12:00 noon
Williams Hall, Room 421 West
University of Pennsylvania
November 17, 1996
Concert in Museum Gallery
African Rhythms
Penn African drum and dance troupe
The troupe performs rhythms and dances from
West Africa, the Caribbean and
South America
2:30 p.m.
University of Pennsylvania Museum
33rd and Spruce Streets
New and Visiting Faculty
Professor Josef William Wegner is a new faculty member at Penn in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. He is Acting Curator of the Egyptian Section, and this fall he is teaching a course in Ancient Egyptian History. Professor Wegner received his doctorate from Penn this Spring with a dissertation entitled An Archaeological Examination of the Senwosret III Mortuary Complex at Abydos. He has published and presented a number of papers, primarily focusing on his archaeological work in Egypt and Nubia.
Dr. Yiwola Awoyale is a visiting researcher at Penn's Linguistic Data Consortium. He is preparing a lexicon base for both a general dictionary of modern Yoruba, as well as a full dictionary of Yoruba ideophones. He is also assisting Professor Mark Liberman in his Linguistic Field Methods class as a consultant on the Yoruba language. He will be at Penn until the end of 1997. His area of specialization in Linguistics is the syntax of language and the application of linguistics to discourse. In addition to the study of ideophones, he has also worked on verb serialization, nominalization, and language policy and planning. Professor Awoyale is on a sabbatical leave from the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, where he has been Professor and Head of the Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages for many years.
Professor James Kimani is a visiting faculty member this semester in the Cell and Developmental Biology Department in Penn's School of Medicine. Professor Kimani will teach Gross Anatomy to the medical school students. He is a professor at the University of Nairobi and Director there of the Student Welfare Authority. Professor Kimani has taught this course at Penn for several years.
Dr. Stephan Miescher is a new faculty member at Bryn Mawr. He is an Assistant Professor whose specialty is West African social history. This semester he co-teaches the Consortium undergraduate Introduction to African Studies with Harvey Glickman of Haverford. He will be receiving his Ph.D. in history from Northwestern University with a dissertation entitled Becoming a Man in Kwawu: Gender, Law and the Construction of Masculinity in Colonial Ghana.
Professor Jurgen W.W. Heinrichs, who is completing a Ph.D. at Yale University, is teaching classes this year at Swarthmore College. This semester he is teaching a course on African-American art and on "primitivism" and modern art; next semester he will teach a course on African art.
Graduate Certificate in African Studies
The African Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania offers a Certificate in African Studies to its MA and Ph.D. students. Participants in the certificate program take a minimum of five Africa-focused courses, including the required seminar in African Studies (AFST 701). Students can pursue a humanities track, a development studies track, a social science track, an African languages track, or an agreed upon combination.
For more information on the program and Africa-focused courses, contact Lynette Loose, the African Studies Program Coordinator, at 898-6971 or
Kwa herini na Karibuni
The African Studies Center at Penn was ably assisted this past year by two graduate students, Edda Fields and Amanda Seidl-Friedman. We greatly appreciated their talent and hard work and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. The Center also welcomes two new graduate assistants. Molly Roth is a fourth-year anthropology student, and Anne Marie Stoner-Eby is a first-year history student. Our new work-study student is Jon Kraybill, a sophomore from Australia.
African Studies Center
Important Names and Numbers
University of Pennsylvania
642 Williams Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
215-898-6971 Fax: 215-573-8130
Director and Staff
Prof. Sandra T. Barnes, Director
Dr. Alwiya Omar, Language Coordinator
Dr. Ali B. Ali-Dinar, Outreach Coordinator
Lynette Loose, Program Coordinator
URL for African Studies
World Wide Web:
Dept info:
Internships and Fellowships
The Washington Office on Africa/
Africa Policy Information Center
The WOA has undergraduate internships available for legislative assistant/research assistant positions. Specific intern tasks include: tracking and analyzing Africa-created legislation, sharing information with congressional staff and media outlets, working with coalition partners, researching and drafting background text for upcoming publications, and assisting with community education and grassroots initiatives. Internships are non-paying and are available on a full-time or part-time basis. The application deadline for internships in the spring semester is December 1, 1996. For information contact Vicki Lynn Ferguson, Associate Director for Legislative Affairs, WOA/APIC, Washington, D.C., 202-546-7961, fax: 202-546-1545, or
International Dissertation Field Research Fellowships
The Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies announce a major new initiative in support of field research at the dissertation level. The International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship Program provides support for social scientists and humanists to conduct dissertation field research in all areas and regions of the world. The program will award up to fifty fellowships in 1997.
The Fellowship Program promotes scholarship that treats place and setting in relation to global and transnational phenomena as well as particular histories and cultures. The program operates on the premise that societies and cultures, from isolated villages to entire world regions, are caught up in processes that link them to events, which -- though geographically distant -- are culturally, economically, strategically, or ecologically quite near. At the same time, an integrated understanding of transnational and global phenomena (past and present) cannot be acquired without reference to the numerous specific places which give shape and substance to those larger processes.
The application deadline is December 2, 1996. For further information contact the Social Science Research Council, New York City, 212-377-2700, fax: 212-377-2727,, or
International Predissertation Fellowship Program
The Social Science Research Council and the American Councils of Learned Societies will continue their International Predissertation Fellowship Program established in 1990 to increase the flow of the most talented students of social science into careers in advanced research on the developing world and to encourage departments of social sciences to more effectively promote and facilitate interdisciplinary preparation for research in developing countries.
The program provides an opportunity for the most promising graduate students in discipline-based doctoral programs to pursue training that will prepare them to conduct theoretically sophisticated dissertation research on the developing world that is informed by knowledge of local language, history, and culture.
The application deadline for Penn is January 2, 1997. For further information contact Dean Walter Licht, 16 College Hall or Ellen Perecman, Social Science Research Council, 810 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York, 10019, 212-377-2700, fax: 212-377-2727.
Spencer Dissertation Fellowship
Some thirty Fellowships are awarded each year by the Spencer Foundation to support doctoral candidates in a variety of fields whose dissertations promise to contribute fresh perspectives to the history, theory, or practice of education. Although the dissertation topic must concern education, graduate study may be in any discipline.
Requests for required application forms must be received by October 11, 1996, and completed applications must be postmarked by October 23, 1996. For further information, contact Catherine A. Lacey, Program Officer, The Spencer Foundation, 900 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, IL 60611-1542, 312-337-7000.
Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar
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