PENN African Studies News, September 1994
PENN African Studies News
September 1994
- Dr. Leidy Moudeleno joined the Department of Romance Languages in September. She is a
graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and specializes in Francophone literature of sub-Saharan
Africa and the Caribbean.
- Dr. Lioba Moshi is a visiting faculty member in the Department of Linguistics and African
Language specialist in the Penn Language Center. Dr. Moshi is associate professor at the University of
Georgia and an expert in Swahili. She will oversee African language instruction at Penn this year and teach
- Dr. Laura Downing is a visiting faculty member in the Department of Linguistics who
specializes in Bantu Languages and will teach a course on the structure of Bantu in the spring.
- Dr. Moussa Bamba, visiting post-doctoral scholar from the University of Montreal is working
with the cognitive-linguistics research group at Penn for the next two years. Dr. Bamba also is teaching
Bambara in the Penn Language Center.
- Dr. Anatole Ayissi is a Fulbright visiting scholar from the Cameroon where he is employed by
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At Penn, Dr. Ayissi is joining the Department of Political Science.
- Dr. Ode Ogede, from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira (Nigeria), is a Mellon Fellow in the
Department of English.
- Elisa Forgey, graduate student in History, is Assistant Bibliographer for African Studies in Van
Pelt Library during 1994-95. Elisa was assistant Africana bibliographer at Columbia before coming to Penn.
- Joe Glicksberg, graduate student in Political Science, is the graduate fellow/research assistant in
African Studies during 1994-95.
- Felicia Walton, an International Relations major and African Studies minor, is the undergraduate
assistant in African Studies.
Please put the following dates on your calendars for African Studies lectures, workshop, and reading group
1994 Fall Lecture Series:
October 7 Mark Auslander 12 Noon
Department of Anthropology
Haverford College
"Tonight, His Horn Will Bear a Thousand Children!":
Spatiotemporal Framing and the Politics of Re-
Production in an Ngoni Witchfinding Ceremony"
October 28 Usama Osman Abdulgadir 12 noon
Institute of Afro-Asian Studies
University of Khartoum
"Islamic Credit System and Development
in Northeast Africa: The Case of Sudan"
December 2 Olabiyi Yai 12 noon
Chair, Asian and African
Languages and Literatures
University of Florida
Tentative: "African Diaspora"
PLEASE NOTE: All Lectures will be held in the History Lounge, 215 College Hall.
Participants are invited to join the speaker for an informal lunch following each Lecture.
Second Annual Consortium Workshop:
October 21 Topic: All day
"Documenting Change in Contemporary Africa"
Stiteler Hall, 1st Floor Lounge
Reading Group Seminar:
November 18 Jane Guyer All day
Director, African Studies
Northwestern University
African Studies Reading Group
-- Separate announcements will be sent for each event --
African Studies' Graduate Students have formed a Reading Group designed to provide a forum for an
intimate, informal, and intense dialogue between disciplines and regions, graduate students and faculty.
Theorists to be discussed this fall include Derrida, Deleuze, Bataille, Foucault, Husserl, Appiah, Bachelard
and others.
Each semester participants will be invited to spend one day with a scholar renowned in the discipline. The
guest scholar for the fall is Jane Guyer from Northwestern University. This spring, the guest scholar will be
Kwame Anthony Appiah.
The Reading Group will meet every other week at announced locations.
Syllabi are available at the African Studies Program Office. All books are available at HOUSE OF OUR
For More Information Call:
- Achille Mbembe: (o) 573-3252 or (h) 893-0526
- Elisa Forgey: (h) 790-1577
- Lynette Loose: (o) 898-6971
Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar