crossposted from African Libraries Listserve <>
<P> Date: Mon 23 Nov 1998<p>
From: Tim France, Fondation du Present <BR>
A new electronic discussion forum on HIV/AIDS in Africa has recently been established. Please take a look at the announcement below and join AF-AIDS if you are interested.
We would also be grateful if you would suggest others
who might be interested in staying informed about HIV/AIDS,
or if you could pass on the information below. If you
have suggestions for ways in which we might alternatively
reach those interested in this topic, for example through
regional or national networks, newsletters or other
channels, these would also be most welcome. Please
freely reproduce the information below as appropriate.
Introducing AF-AIDS
</pre> Discussion and exchange of information
and experiences has recently begun on AF-AIDS - a new
regional HIV/AIDS information email forum for Africa
(in English and French).
Over 350 people and organisations working in or with African Nations in the response to the epidemic have already joined the forum.
Each day members discuss current HIV/AIDS issues and share their experiences about what works and what does not in response to the epidemic, as well as news from the regions and forthcoming events such as conferences and workshops. The forum is also linked to a similar iniative among over 1200 people working on HIV in Asia, so that the two regions can benefit from each others experience and knowledge. <pre> You can join AF-AIDS by sending an email to:
with the word 'join' in the subject line.
You will automatically be sent each days messages free of charge.
Or if you have full internet access, you can point your web browser to:
AF-AIDS partners include:-
- Regional NGO networks (sub-regional networks of International Council of AIDS Service Organisations, e.g. AFRICASO, SANASO) - Regional networks of people living with HIV/AIDS including national focal points of Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) and International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) - International NGOs - UNAIDS and its cosponsoring agencies </pre> <pre> and members include:
- People with HIV or AIDS (PWHA) - NGOs and community-based
organizations - Education specialists - International
NGOs - Human rights organizations - Biomedical scientists
and research institutions - Medical doctors and health
workers - Non-biomedical academics/researchers - Government
agencies - Documentation and information professionals
- Cultural and religious leaders/organizations - International
organizations - Pharmaceutical companies - Journalists
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us at: </pre> <pre> Fondation du Present Villa Moynier - 120B Rue de Lausanne P.O. Box 1493 CH - 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Tel: +41-22-901-0151 Fax: +41-22-901-0152 Email: <> <>
</pre> Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998
14:11:21 -0500
From: Mel Page <>
Organization: University of Natal (Durban) Subject:
NET: AF-AIDS discussion forum
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