This welcome message is designed to provide you with basic information about
this network. It contains information on using the list (managing your
subscription; tips on contacting and communicating via the list; mailing
addresses of the list editors; a list of the current editorial board); rules
for posting (style, editorial practice); information about the network's
associated service on the World Wide Web; and contact information about the
network's parent, H-Net. I. The H-HAUSA Network: Scope, Content, Purpose.
H-Hausa is for the discussion of issues related to Hausa language, literature
and culture. It began as a list concerned exclusively with language, but it has
also hosted discussions ranging from traditional, Arabic-based orthography to
computerization of Hausa, from grammar to culture and other subjects. It has
attracted academics, missionaries, former expatriates and Hausa themselves to
the only list which deals primarily with Hausa issues.
The editors will solicit postings (by
email, phone and even by regular mail), will assist people in managing subscriptions
and setting up options, will handle routine inquiries, and will consolidate
some postings. Anyone with suggestions about what H-HAUSA can and might do
is invited to send in ideas. The editors will solicit and post newsletter-type
information (calls for conferences, for example, or listings of sessions at
conventions.) Like all H-Net lists, H-HAUSA is moderated to edit out material
that, in the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list, involves technical
matters (such as subscription management requests), is inflammatory, or violates
evolving, yet common, standards of Internet etiquette. Please read section
III below for details about ownership, style, formatting, and content of your
messages. H-Net's procedure for resolving disputes over list editorial practices
is Article II, Section 2.20 of our bylaws, located at: III. Communicating Through the
A. Copyright notice. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. H-Net considers all messages posted
to its lists to be a form of publication. All contributions to H-HAUSA fall
under Art. II, Sec. 2.04 of the H-Net Bylaws concerning copyright and intellectual
property: "Although authors of messages to H-Net lists retain the copyright
in those messages, sending a message to an H-Net list for posting will constitute
permission to H-Net and its subscribers for electronic distribution and downloading
for nonprofit educational purposes with proper attribution to the author,
the originating list, and the date of original posting. Original messages
to H-Net lists are not in the public domain, and may not be used for other
than educational, nonprofit purposes without the permission of the copyright
holder and notification to H-Net." In general, the author retains copyright
rights to publication of any submission to the list, and grants to H-HAUSA
and H-Net permission to store, disseminate with full attribution, and make
available to subscribers such submissions without further permission. Postings
(such as H-Net reviews) that are commissioned by H-Net are copyrighted by
H-Net and may be reprinted for nonprofit, educational purposes with proper
attribution to the author, location, and H-Net. A full copy of the H-Net Constitution
and Bylaws and other important information may be found on the World Wide
Web at:
B. Contributions: "Netiquette." The tone and content of H-HAUSA
depend directly on subscribers. The editors want to encourage lively, informal,
productive discussion and exchange of information. To that end, we ask that
contributions be considerate of the needs of a busy audience of scholars,
many of whom must pay for their access to the internet. A number of excellent
guides to online behavior and style are available on the World Wide Web; we
invite you consult them. -- ALL MAIL TO THE LIST MUST BE SIGNED. The editors
will delay posting until authorship and email address are confirmed. -- CONTENT:
Editors retain the right to review material for its pertinence, tone, style,
and relevance to the list's mission. Ad hominems, unattributed quotations
or innuendo, private messages forwarded for posting without permission, or
messages that violate the norms of civility and professional courtesy will
be rejected. Persistent violators can be removed from the subscription list.
-- STYLE: the default editorial style for the list is that of a letter to
the editor. Your remarks can be crafted to suit the tone of an existing discussion
thread, but in any case they should address the editor and not make direct
personal references to others, except where you are replying directly to a
simple query (e.g., "you can find this information in Webster's Third
International Dictionary."). Avoid excessive quotation of messages you
refer or reply to. -- FORMAT: Please send messages in plain text: no styles,
html, special fonts, graphics files, or nonstandard characters (except diacriticals,
which are acceptable). Signature files are subject to editing for content
and length. Advertisements in signatures will be removed. Remove or turn off
.vcf, digital signatures, or other automatic attachments. As a rule, editors
do not redistribute attachments to the list; consider posting the material
at a web site, or consult with the editor concerning proper venues for publication.
IV. Technical Information.
When you subscribe, LISTSERV will send you a confirmation message containing
important information about managing your subscription. Please save this message
as a text file for future reference. ALL changes to your subscription must
be addressed to,
the software that manages the distribution and archiving of list electronic
mail. For online help with your subscription, visit:
1.) To subscribe: Normally, receiving this message from listserv indicates
that you are already subscribed to the list. But should you need to resubscribe,
send the following command (turn off signatures, styles/fonts, and word wrap
if you expect the line to wrap), as an email message to sub H-HAUSA your
name, institution
Example: sub H-HAUSA Jane Smith, Illinois State U. Follow the instructions
in the reply that LISTSERV will send you in response to this command.
2.) To unsubscribe, logon to the computer account from which you subscribed
to the list, and send this message to
Please unsubscribe from H-HAUSA and all other mailing lists if you are terminating
a particular computer account. You can then resubscribe from the new account.
3.) To change your subscription address: if you have access to your old account,
login to it and send the command: CHANGE listname newaddress
You then must login to the NEW account to confirm the change, or it will not
be executed. If you do not have access to your old account, then write to
the list address and have an editor make the change for you; be sure to provide
your old and new addresses. 4.) To send your own message to all subscribers,
send an email note directly to
Please see III above on style and formatting of messages to the list.
5.) To REPLY to a message so that all subscribers can read it, be sure that
the outgoing reply is directed to,
and not to the original author or to the editor. Replies intended only for
individual authors should be sent directly to the author. 6.) If you are away
for an extended period, suspend H-HAUSA email by sending this to SET H-HAUSA NOMAIL
7.) After vacation, you can resume by sending to SET H-HAUSA MAIL
8.) If you prefer to receive one daily digest of all posts to H-HAUSA instead
of various individual posts, you can do so by sending this to SET H-HAUSA DIGEST
To return to individual messages, send the following message: SET H-HAUSA
V. The H-HAUSA Site on the World Wide Web In addition to providing interactive
communications via electronic mail, H-HAUSA also maintains a site on the World
Wide Web. The site is located on the H-Net server at Michigan State University
in East Lansing, Michigan, USA. It may be located by following the hypertext
links at
H-HAUSA web site contains the following information and services:
- The archives of the H-HAUSA list, known as its "logs." They are
in searchable and sortable format.
- The network's official documents: its welcome files, lists of board members
and editors, contact information, and other founding and information documents.
- Hypertext links to resources in our subject: teaching materials, research
archives, other lists.
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