African Political Science Association.
H-AfrPol is an on-line discussion forum, web site, and
electronic service for scholars, students, teachers,
diplomats, members of the international humanitarian
community, and others interested in the serious study
of current African politics. This refereed discussion
forum is designed to focus, to the extent possible,
on both strategic-level and practical issues involving
political system development and viability, the democratizing
process, the roles of external humanitarian and political
intervention, and those indigenous traditional political
elements which enrich and complicate modern political
life in Africa. H-AfrPol's coverage is not limited
by the Sahara; we will include any useful submissions
concerning the whole continent and the adjacent islands.
At the core of these activities is the H-AfrPol discussion
forum for those desiring a source of regular and open
communication of ideas and information regarding the
understanding of African politics. Discussions are
to be open and constructive. The editors are prepared
to accept material in French, although such material
may have less response from the discussion forum. Participants
are invited to use the forum as a means to bring matters
of immediate interest to the attention of the forum.
H-AfrPol welcomes research reports and inquiries, bibliographies, syllabi and course materials, listings of new sources, library and archival information, non-commercial announcements of jobs, books, exhibits, journals, conferences, fellowships, and funding options, as well as reports on new software, datasets, CD-ROMs, and other electronic information relevant to the study of current African political developments. H-AfrPol is edited by Walter Clarke, a retired Foreign Service Officer with many years of experience working on African affairs; Amos Anyimadu, University of Ghana; and Chris Johnson, University of Florida. It is advised by a board of scholars and is endorsed by the American Political Science Association and the African Political Science Association.
Logs and more information can also be found at the H-Net Web Site, located at
H-AFRPOL is owned by H-Net, an international network of scholars in the humanities and social sciences that creates and coordinates electronic networks, using a variety of media, and with a common objective of advancing humanities and social science teaching and research. H-Net was created to provide a positive, supportive, equalitarian environment for the friendly exchange of ideas and scholarly resources. H-NET sponsors dozens of e-mail lists and Web sites for them in a variety of disciplines and fields, publishes reviews of scholary books and articles on the internet, and provides a weekly Job Guide. Our host is Michigan State University. More information can be obtained by sending an e-mail message to or by browsing our Web site at
To subscribe, send the following command as an e-mail message (no
styles, fonts, signature files, or other text) to
SUBSCRIBE H-AFRPOL firstname lastname, institution
Example: SUBSCRIBE H-AFRPOL Jane Smith, Pioneer State U
You will receive a Survey asking for name, address, and other
information. When this form has been returned, the editors will add
you to the list.
For additional information please write:
For technical assistance please contact the H-NET help staff at:
Thank you for your interest in H-AFRPOL!
Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 04:01:25 -0500 From: Mel Page <> Subject: NET: H-AFRPOL, new H-Net list
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