In early March 1997, the AGNET-AFRICA mailing list, also known as the African Agribusiness Network, was officially launched.
I. MISSION STATEMENT. AGNET-AFRICA is an electronic forum for networking and information sharing among agribusiness professional and trade associations in eastern and southern Africa.
II. MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT. The list is currently limited to 100 participants and it's primary goal is to serve as a communication tool for agricultural interests within Africa.
Participation in the list may also be extended to individuals residing outside of the Africa continent who have an active interest in promoting or forming business partnerships with African agribusinesses and associations.
III. DISCUSSION TOPICS. Appropriate topics include any discussion relating to agribusiness in eastern and southern Africa, such as: agriculture production, post-harvest handling, packaging, distribution and shipping, new crop or food product development, food technologies, government agricultural policies, business development, trade, financing, market and price information, and electronic marketing.
IV. HOW TO JOIN. To subscribe to this list, send an email message addressed to Leave the subject line blank. In the text of the message type: subscribe agnet-africa firstname lastname.
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 13:09:42 -0600 From: Cheryl Warner <> Subject: The African Agribusiness Network
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