Announcement of H-AfrArts
H-AfrArts is an on-line discussion forum, web site, and electronic service for scholars, students, teachers, artists, librarians, and others interested in the serious study of African expressive culture. Representing a collaboration between the H-Net: Humanities-on-Line family of electronic networks and the Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA), H-AfrArts encourages informed consideration of teaching and research about African expressive culture at all levels of interest and complexity.
At the core of these activities is the H-AfrArts discussion forum for those desiring a source of regular and open communication of ideas and information regarding the study of African art. Discussions are open in any language.
H-AfrArts welcomes research reports and inquiries, bibliographies, syllabi and course materials, listings of new sources, library and archival information, non-commercial announcements of jobs, books, exhibits, journals, conferences, fellowships, and funding options, as well as reports on new software, datasets, CD-ROMs, and other electronic information relevant to the study of African expressive culture.
H-AfrArts is one of a group of H-Net networks dedicated to Africa that currently includes, H-AfrLitCine (Literature and Cinema), and H-AFRICA. Coming soon is the H-AfrArts WWW page. It will organize and archive information from the discussion forums and includes other information concerning the study of the arts of Africa. It's location ("URL") is:
H-AfrArts is a moderated list for serious discussion; no flames, junk mail or trivia will be posted. H-AfrArts is edited by Michael Conner of Indiana University and Raymond Silverman of Michigan State University, who may be reached at:
Michael Conner conner@ucs.indiana.ed Raymond Silverman
The editors consult with an editorial board of international scholars broadly representative of the state of the discipline.
Subscription to the H-AfrArts discussion forum is free: thanks to support from the National Endowment for the Humanities and Michigan State University, there are no dues or fees of any kind. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:
(with no subject line) and only this text:
sub h-afrarts firstname lastname, institution
Capitalization does not matter, but spelling, spaces
and commas do. When you include your own information,
the message will look something like this:
sub h-afrarts Jean Jones, Western State U.
After sending your subscription request, you will
receive a short questionnaire which must be completed
and returned to confirm your subscription. The
information requested in this questionnaire tells
us about your professional interests and activities
and will serve as essential information for a directory
of H-AfrArts subscribers. When you return the questionnaire
the editors will add your name, and postings will
arrive automatically in your email.
If you have any questions or experience any difficulties in attempting to subscribe, please send a message to:
telephone: 812-334-0131 fax: 812-323-1438
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 1996 15:05:51 -0400 (EDT) From: pagem@ETSUVAX.EAST-TENN-ST.EDU Subject: New H-Net list: H-AfrArts (African expressive cult)
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