Introduction to the Arts Council of the African Studies Association listserv.
The listserve was inaugurated on September 30, 1995. Everyone on this listserv can now send messages to all other members by addressing e-mail to, where "conner_acasa" is the name of the mailing list. 'Everyone' now means ANYONE interested in ACASA news that has an e-mail address and/or asks to be on the list. In the future, ACASA may limit access to members, or individuals who qualify -but only if the Board deems restriction necessary. Presently, our listserv is set-up so that anyone may 'subscribe' and messages do not need to be 'approved' first. If the ACASA Listserve grows into the hundreds, we may need to upgrade to a 'global' list. A global list would respond the same way, but the name 'ACASA' would become registered as a unique Internet list (the owner's name could be dropped from the address).
Set-Up Notes
This listserv is administered using Majordomo software
running over an Indiana University server. I.U. expects
nothing from ACASA to host this.
To subscribe type:
subscribe Conner_acasa You will be instantly subscribed
to the list.
To unsubscribe from the list type:
unsubscribe Conner_acasa [optional address@host.domain]
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 13:59:08 -0500 From: Harold Marcus
<> Subject: Re: Arts
Council of the ASA (ACASA) List
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