^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Announcement Announcement Announcement
Information Bank on African Development Studies (IBADS) is an electronomic mailing service provided by the Africa Technical Department at the World Bank. Its objective is to disseminate information about development studies on Sub-Saharan Africa.
IBADS consists of an index and a list of abstracts of studies undertaken by the Africa Technical Department at the World Bank. The service will eventually be expanded to include full-text reports, as well as development studies undertaken by other units in the World Bank and other development, academic, and research organizations worldwide.
After you have been accepted as a subscriber, you will receive a welcome message that contains commands to retrieve the IBADS abstracts you would like to see. If you are interested in full reports, you may request them directly from their authors/task managers whose names appear in the abstract of the study concerned.
In order to subscribe, please follow the procedure below. If you are World Bank staff, please refer to Subscription A. If you are not World Bank staff, please refer to Subscription B.
Thank you.
# #
1. Create a mail message
2. Next to TO, type:
3. In the body of the text, type:
Subscribe IBADS First Name (space) Last Name
Subscribe IBADS John Doe
# #
1. Create a mail message
2. Next to TO, type:
3. In the body of the text, type:
Subscribe IBADS First Name (space) Last Name
Subscribe IBADS John Doe
Please note that subscription will not be granted unless the following information is included in the subscription request: specialty, organization, address, and subject of interest.
Subscribe IBADS John Doe Specialty: Livestock specialist Organization: AJ Research Center Address: 1, Oxford St., Oxford, UK Subject of interest: Agro-Industry
Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you!
Questions about IBADS should be sent to Mehdi Ali. Bank staff may reach
him via All-in-One. Non-Bank staff may reach him at
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