This listserv will provide you with info on the Iowa-Nigeria connection. No flame wars please, but feel free to lurk. Mikko Korpela and Dozie Ezigbalike recently got on the list. Visiting U Iowa next week will two women involved in setting up the e-mail node at Yaba Tech. I posted this to ANA separately, just to reach those who are on that but not naijanet. Somebody Please crosspost this to soc.culture.nigeria--I still no sabi dis trn news reader. :) cheers, charles abbott aka omowale adigun --------------begin main message------------------------------------- for your information, the listserv list dedicated to discussing the University Development Linkage Program is getting running again after some slow months. I am working at building up traffic on the list, though I claim no real knowledge of the contours of the overall program. The only part of the UDLP I do claim knowledge of is a particular university linkage development project that links four institutions in Iowa with four in Oyo State, Nigeria. US Side -------------- 1. University of Iowa aka UI 2. Iowa State University aka ISU 3. University of Northern Iowa aka UNI 4. Des Moines Area Community College aka DMACC Nigeria Side --------------- 1. University of Ibadan aka UI 2. Ibadan Polytechnic aka the polytechnic 3. Obafemi Awololw University, Ife aka OAU 4. Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research aka NISER ----------------- ----------------- (* this was written for a previous audience, but I leave it in for ana people--I assume you are aware of the next couple of paragraphs *) THE FUTURE Nigeria is currently experiencing some serious internal problems, dating to the annulment of the 12 June 1993 elections which Moshood Abiola is widely believed to have won. The crisis intensified with Abiola's 12 June 1994 assertion that he is the rightful president, and his subsequent imprisonment along with an ever increasing circle of individuals who are asking the current military regime to relinquish power. On a different but related matter, Nigeria has allegedly become a major narcotics transit country for heroin destined for the U.S. and originating in both West and East Asia. In April the US State Department "decertified" Nigeria to receive US bilateral assistance on the grounds that Nigeria allegedly has not done enough to combat the flow of narcotics. This development also makes the IOWA-NIGERIA project more difficult, and may terminate the USAID funding for the IOWA-NIGERIA linkage program (depending on the interpretation of federal programs). (* end information you probably already know *) Despite such problems, Iowa and Nigeria are increasingly linked in a variety of research and exchange programs, of which the UDLP is just the most obvious example. The best place to stay in touch with what is happening in the Iowa-Nigeria goings on will be the udlp-l listserv. Don't say you never heard about it. Enough said. charles abbott ---------------------FAQ FOLLOWS----------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------| | FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ | | | | Frequently asked questions about UDLP-L | | | | FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ | | | | UDLP-L: University Development Linkage Program Listserv | | | | FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ | |--------------------------------------------------------------| UDLP-L FAQ: updated 23 August 1994 Author: Charles Abbott University of Iowa Internet address: (real address) (alias for same address) Disclaimer: This FAQ represents my interpretation of the udlp; I speak for myself, not the University of Iowa, the UDLP, or USAID. Policies of this listserv are subject to change without notice. The material contained in this FAQ is believed to be accurate: updates will be issued periodically. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ 1. what is udlp-l? udlp-l is an automated "listserv" mailing list dedicated to discussion of the university development linkage programs sponsored by USAID (United States Agency for International Development). there are over a dozen udlps funded by USAID and aimed at building the capacity of universities in developing countries through work between designated US universities and their partner universities in developing countries. at this point, discussion of these programs can be specific (about any particular udlp) or more general (about the udlp in general). Comments and questions that facilitate networking between udlp participants and others doing research in host countries are also welcome. 2. who can join udlp-l? udlp-l is designated as a "semi-private" list. At this point, I am inviting any interested parties to subscribe in order to listen without posting themselves (or "lurk", in internet parlance). 3. who can post on udlp-l? Anyone who has subscribed to udlp-l can post; The listserv will not accept posts from unsubscribed individuals. The list has recently suffered from a shortage of posts, or "not enough" traffic, rather than too much. Policies may change to accomodate fluctuations in the volume of traffic on udlp-l. Posts should be of a relatively professional nature. Flame wars and the hurly burly of unmoderated listservs/newsgroups will not be tolerated. Crosspostings should be kept to a minimum. Participants have shown the ability to police themselves in the past, and it is assumed they will continue to do so. This remains an unmoderated list, so think before you post. The primary audience for udlp-l is its participants. However, the udlp and its associated listserv should not be kept secret, but publicized widely. We encourage others with research interests in the participating countries/universities to share their knowledge, experience, and expertise, whether or not they are active members of a udlp. 4. Wasn't this a list for third world electronic networking in the past? Well, kind of. A brief digression away from the typical FAQ structure may be in order here. Electronic and other forms of networking was one of the projects that the former listowner, Joe Monahan, was running on this list. Joe has passed managment of this list over to me, and I am trying to keep it focused toward the udlps. For those of you subscribing because of interests in electronic networking, etc, stick around for a while. While there may be less of that, I don't want to see Joe's work on that topic go to waste. News on where that topic moves to will appear here periodically. Also, I'm not convinced that the two topics are completely separate--I think they overlap to a large extent. To what extent networking continues to be discussed here will be partly a function of how interested people here are in discussing it. For those of you who may have lost touch with Joe, stay tuned. He is at a research annex (Oakdale Campus of U. Iowa), and tells me they will have internet access within a week or so, including (ooh, ahh) Mosaic space to loan out. :) Joe is currently getting mail at a friend's address: (* end digression on electronic networking *) 5. how do I get on udlp-l? Send a mail message to subject line blank (it will be ignored) body of message one line: subscribe udlp-l firstname lastname udlp-l is run off of a VAX with automated LISTSERV software that emulates a subset of BITNET commands. commands are not case sensitive (because vaxen don't care about case). You will get an automated response back from the listserver within a few minutes after your subscription, notifying you whether you succeeded in subscribing). 6. how do I leave udlp-l? send a mail message to the same address subject line blank (it will be ignored) body of message: signoff udlp-l firstname lastname. 7. how do I get help? send mail to subject line blank body of message: help 8. is there anything I should do when I get on? Yes. Take your subscription notice and save it in a mail folder or file with all your subscription notices. If your account is deactivated, unsubscribe from udlp-l and all your other listservs. If your mailbox will overflow during a vacation, unsubscribe then also. To find out if your mailbox will overflow during a vacation, contact your local sysadministrator. If you're interested, you can provide a short introduction of yourself and your research interests. 9. how do I post a message to udlp-l? send posts to Note that this is not the adminstrative address! let me belabor the point: 1. SUBSCRIPTIONS to 2. POSTS to 3. ARCHIVES (see #11) 10. Is there any format I should follow when posting? Please use informative subject lines. I tentatively suggest the convention of headings at the front of the subject line: "GENERAL" for posts of general interest. "IOWA-NIGERIA" for the Iowa-Nigeria linkage. E.WASH-GHANA for the Eastern Washington State-Cape Coast Ghana linkage. etc. Abstracts would be nice, too--especially for longer posts. Something that we could use more of in cyberspace. 11. does udlp-l archive old messages? Yes. Here's how to get archived messages. Send a message to NOTE THAT THIS IS YET ANOTHER ADDRESS! subject line blank body of message: sendme where yyyy is year in four digits (e.g. 1994) and mm is month in two (e.g. 08). Example: to get the archived messages for august 1994, send a one line message with no subject heading to The body of the message should be: sendme udlp-l.1994.08 This listserv began activity in 1994.01. 10. What are the udlps currently in progress? Good question. I haven't the foggiest. The next FAQ will probably list them. For now, I will leave you in suspense. Sorry-O. Before all the udlp subscribers send me mail at once telling me what the udlps are, let's be organized about this. If you are in charge of one, tell me about it (and save a copy to post to udlp-l). Or if you administer the general udlp, you can give me a brief list of them all. But let's avoid duplication of effort. 11. Who can I contact about the udlps? I feel uncomfortable designating people to be contacted without their authorization beforehand. volunteer if you want to be on the list for your udlp. If you are in charge of yours, you may be obligated to list yourself. Even better, you may want to designate a pinch hitter to help manage your mail if you are swamped with work. 12. I'm looking for the e-mail address of someone associated with a udlp. I think they subscribe to udlp-l. How can I get a list of the subscribers? Send a message to subject line: blank one line command in body of message: review udlp-l. 13. I have a suggestion to make this FAQ better. What should I do? write to me and tell me about it. (real address) (alias for same address) ----------------------DISCLAIMER--------------------------------- ONCE AGAIN, the disclaimer: I speak for myself, not the University of Iowa, the UDLP project, or USAID. tell me about any inaccuracies or omissions in this FAQ, or just how it can be made better. -------------------END DISCLAIMER------------------------------------ Ch33rs, cia0, and l8r, charles abbott aka omowale adigun |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Charles W. Abbott | aka: "Omowale Adigun" | | Department of Geography | e-mail: | | 316 Jessup Hall | voice: (319) 338-7226 (h/o) | | University of Iowa | fax: (319) 335-2725 (@ geography) | | Iowa City IA 52242-1316 USA | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------thank you for reading to the end of this FAQ-------------- Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 14:06:45 MET From: Charles AbbottSubject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Iowa-Nigeria: the FAQ for UDLP-L listserv (fwd) To: Multiple recipients of list RINAF-L
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