Dear friend,
We know about your interest either in supporting the establishment and the growth of networks in "emerging countries", or in utilizing networks as a medium for collaborating with our partners or, in general, with people based in developing countries.
As a first step toward the establishment of an "International Networking Task Force", we decided to create a mailing list as a forum where our colleagues based in developing countries could post their requests for help. The subscribers of the list would either provide direct answers, or forward the request to other persons able to answer.
This list will be advertised and distributed to many remote networks that are linked by expensive telephone lines. We should therefore use this list strictly for the purposes for which it was created, limiting activity to the minimum.
At some point, if the traffic increases considerably, we expect to split the list into several others which are more "topic oriented".
--To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for other administrative requests:
Send mail to The subscription process is not automated, partially to make it easier for us to deal with addresses from developing areas.
--To post messages to the list:
Send mail to
Please feel free to circulate the information about the list to anyone you consider relevant.
John C. Klensin, Ph.D. International Network of Food Data Systems (A United Nations University project) MIT Room N52-457 tel: +1 617 253 1355 77 Massachusetts Avenue fax: +1 617 491 6266 Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Enzo Puliatti
United Nations Development Programme
One U.N. Plaza #2284 tel: (212) 906 5426
New York, NY 10017 fax: (212) 906 5892
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