============================================ THE CARTER CENTER (President Jimmy Carter, Chairman) CO-SPONSORS NEW LIST: IHP-NET INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR INTERFAITH HEALTH PRACTICES ============================================ WELCOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR INTERFAITH HEALTH PRACTICES (IHP-NET) ============================================ IHP-NET is an Internet electronic forum for dialogue and resource sharing among persons of all religious traditions, regarding the dynamic relationship between spirituality and health, especially its practical expression in the advancement of human wellness. IHP-NET is a joint project of The Interfaith Health Program of the Carter Center (Atlanta, Georgia) and the Congregational Nurse Program of St. Francis Hospital of Evanston, Illinois. This forum welcomes community and spiritual leaders, health care providers, health promoters, policy advocates, and educators the world over. These include public officials and community builders; clergy and non-ordained; physicians, nurses, congregationally-based and public health practitioners; and university faculty and students. Presently, IHP-NET features an electronic mailing list (E-mail) and an anonymous FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site, including anonymous FTP by E-mail. Other electronic interfaces are planned as persons gather online, including Gopher and World Wide Web. Members of IHP-NET will soon be able to download electronically archived texts of project best practices, newsmaker interviews and speeches, graphics, and computer utilities. Participants may announce their symposia, training sessions, and other events; post newsletters or professional papers; share their thoughts and reflections with the world. This network will allow peers to communicate not only by straight E-mail, but also by live colleague-colleague discussions on a variety of faith and health issues. ============================================= THE INTERFAITH HEALTH PROGRAM In January 1993, the Interfaith Health Program was launched by Dr. William H. Foege, Fellow for Health Policy at the Carter Center and former head of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Major funding was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Pew Charities Trusts and the Cousins Foundation. The Program has the general goal of mobilizing the potential energies of faith groups around a wide range of health activities. Our primary interest in health is in prevention, health promotion and justice, as we support many kinds of direct service ministries of many people of all faiths. THE CARTER CENTER The Carter Center was founded by, and is still the operational base for, former President Jimmy Carter. The Carter Center is home to many forward-oriented programs related to Africa, former Soviet states, Latin America, human rights, conflict resolution and, of course, health. A major project, "The Atlanta Project," is working with 22 urban neighborhoods to alleviate poverty and all it affects. The Carter Center is legally part of Emory University and maintains a tight integration of academic reflection and research in all its work. ============================================= ST. FRANCIS CONGREGATIONAL NURSE PROGRAM The Congregation Nurse Program of St. Francis Hospital of Evanston is an interfaith, community wellness initiative touching the lives of over 8,000 families in north and north suburban Chicago. Through unique partnerships with our neighborhoods, St. Francis places and supports nursing professionals within the dynamic spiritual life of the local faith community. Congregational nurses become a part of that life, combining the professional practice of health promotion, prevention, and education with the development of a wellness spirituality particular to the local culture and faith tradition. SAINT FRANCIS HOSPITAL OF EVANSTON Founded in 1901 by the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, St. Francis Hospital of Evanston is a comprehensive community teaching hospital affiliated with The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. St. Francis is part of the nine-hospital Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Inc., which is among the largest Catholic health care providers in the United States. Our Mission: * Serve by promoting health, healing and teaching others to heal. * Maintain the Franciscan Tradition. * Ensure a presence for the future. ============================================ TO POST A MESSAGE TO EVERYONE ON IHP-NET: Send to: Remember when you post to this address, your message goes to EVERYONE on the list. If you are responding to only one fellow subscriber, send your message to that subscriber's own address ! ============================================ TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Type this AND ONLY THIS statement in the BODY of a new message: unsubscribe IHP-NET <your Internet e-mail address> Send this message to: Please note: 1. In the above statement, you must enter your INTERNET E-mail address, NOT your name. 2. A Bitnet address should be changed to an Internet form. For example, convert: you@home.bitnet (Bitnet) TO (Internet) 3. No subject is necessary for the message. 4. There is no command available to temporarily stop your mail. YOU CAN ONLY SUBSCRIBE OR UNSUBSCRIBE to control your mail. ============================================ TO SUBSCRIBE: Type this AND ONLY THIS statement in the BODY of a new message: subscribe IHP-NET <your Internet e-mail address> Send this message to: Please Note: (see all of the notes for UNSUBSCRIBE given above) ============================================ TO REACH THE LIST OWNER: Send a message to: ============================================ TO GET A LIST OF AVAILABLE COMMANDS: Type this AND ONLY THIS statement in the BODY of a new message: help Send this message to: No subject is necessary. ============================================ READ THIS ETIQUETTE AGREEMENT ! IHP-NET is an open list, which means the list owners do not approve messages prior to their posting to the list. Therefore, the list owners disclaim any responsibility for the content of subscribers' messages. Views expressed by subscribers do not represent the views of The Carter Center, its Interfaith Health Program or Saint Francis Hospital of Evanston. All subscribers must adhere to "Internet etiquette," that being the civility ordinarily expected by the reasonable user. No profanity, abuse, or "flame-throwing" will be tolerated. Subscribers who do not adhere to these rules of common courtesy may be removed from the list. USERS MUST AGREE TO THESE TERMS AT TIME OF SUBSCRIPTION OR UNSUBSCRIBE IMMEDIATELY. Advertising on IHP-NET is restricted to list topic-related resources and events and is fully subject to approval by the list owners. ============================================ SHARE YOUR WORK WITH THE WORLD ! IHP-NET actively encourages subscribers to archive their publications, articles, meeting transcripts, or other professional papers to this site for free retrieval by anonymous FTP. Items may be submitted to OWNER- IHP-NET@INTERACCESS.COM for approval and uploading to the host server. All submissions must be accompanied by appropriate permissions from any rightful copyright holders. Generous permission for non-commercial distribution is encouraged. ========================================= HOW TO GET FILES FROM IHP-NET (This information is available in file "how-ftp") ========================================= METHOD ONE: Access the FTP site directly 1) FTP to INTERACCESS.COM 2) Login: anonymous 3) Password: your Internet address. 4) Change to the IHP-NET directory. 5) Get the file of your choice. N.B. The current index of files is available as "00INDEX" ========================================= METHOD TWO: FTP-by-Mail 1) Create a new e-mail message. 2) Address to IHP-NETFTP@INTERACCESS.COM 3) No subject. 4) In the BODY of the new message type: open cd ihp-net get <type filename> quit 5) Send the message. N.B. The current index of files is available as "00INDEX You will first get a message confirming your place in the queue of ftp's to process. After a few minutes, depending on the workload of the server, you will receive your file and a system message telling you the job has been completed. ASCII files come as straight e-mail. Compressed or binary files come automatically uuencoded. Large files may be broken into several messages; they will be numbered. Freeware uuencoding/decoding utilities for DOS & Windows are also available in the IHP-NET directory at this site: (DOS) (Windows) ========================================= The Interfaith Health Program The Carter Center One Copenhill Atlanta, Georgia 30307 U S A St. Francis Congregational Nurse Program St. Francis Hospital of Evanston 355 Ridge Avenue Evanston, Illinois 60202 U S A ========================================== From Sun Jul 24 21:36:17 1994 Date: Sun, 24 Jul 1994 16:33:38 -0500 Message-Id: <> Subject: Welcome to ihp-net
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