====================================================== H-NET: HUMANITIES ON-LINE =======================================================
H-Net Announces 43 Scholarly Lists for Humanists
September 13, 1994 please circulate
I. The Information Revolution is happening now. Dramatic changes are underway in the electronic communications infrastructure worldwide, especially the Internet system that links academics together in a fast, free and friendly environment. H-Net is an international initiative to assist humanists to go on-line, using their personal computers. It operates daily newsletters for humanists, moderated by some 80 scholars in the US, Australia, Canada, Italy and Japan. H-Net has financial support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and is hosted by the University of Illinois-Chicago and Michigan State University.
II. H-Net sponsors 43 electronic discussion groups or "lists" by and for professional scholars in the humanities. Subscribers automatically receive messages in their computer mailboxes. These messages can be saved, discarded, downloaded to a PC, copied, printed out, posted to local bulletin boards, or relayed to someone else. Best of all, the reader can immediately REPLY. The lists are email newsletters that are published daily. Currently our lists have 15,000 subscribers in 51 countries. They receive an average of 15-40 messages a week. Subscription applications are solicited from scholars, college professors and graduate students. We especially welcome librarians and archivists. Each list is moderated by one or more scholars and has a board of editors. The moderators control the flow of messages and reject those unsuitable for a scholarly discussion group.
The goals of H-NET lists are to enable scholars to easily communicate current research and teaching interests; to discuss new approaches, methods and tools of analysis; to share information on electronic databases; and to test new ideas and share comments on current historiography. Each list is especially interested in methods of teaching in diverse settings. The lists feature dialogues in the discipline. They publish book reviews, job announcements, syllabi, course outlines, class handouts, bibliographies, listings of new sources, guides to online library catalogs and archives, and reports on new software, datasets and cd-roms. Subscribers write in with questions, comments, and reports, and sometimes with mini-essays of a page or two.
Regarding Book Reviews, please contact Professor Mark Kornbluh, dept of History, dept of History Michigan State U, East Lansing MI 48224. (517) 355-7500, fax = (517) 353-5599 Internet =
H-Net operates 2-day training workshops for humanities faculty on their campuses, and one-day workshops for NEH Summer Institutes for College Faculty. Interested college departments should contact H-NET's Executive Director, Richard Jensen (professor of history, U of Illinois- Chicago), at (615) 552-9923, fax = (615) 572-1024 email =
III. The H-Net lists in operation are:
[ = Michigan State lists; others =] 1. H-Albion British and Irish history 2. H-AmStdy American Studies 3. H-AntiS Antisemitism 4. H-Asia Asian History 5. H-Business Business history To subscribe to H-Business, send this message to subscribe H-Business Firstname Surname, College 6. H-CivWar US Civil War 7. H-Diplo diplomatic history, international affairs 8. H-Ethnic ethnic & immigration history 9. H-Film scholarly studies & uses of media 10. H-German German history 11. H-Grad for graduate students only 12. H-Ideas intellectual history 13. H-Italy Italian history and culture 14. H-Judaic Judaica, Jewish History 15. H-Labor labor history 16. H-LatAm Latin American History 17. H-Law legal and constitutional history 18. Macintosh users 19. H-Pol US political history 20. H-PCAACA Popular Culture Assoc & American Culture Assoc. 21. H-Rhetor history of rhetoric & communications 22. H-Rural rural and agricultural history 23. H-Russia Russian history 24. H-SHGAPE US Gilded Age & Progressive Era 25. H-South US South 26. H-State Welfare State; "putting state back in" 27. Teaching US Survey 28. H-Teach teaching college history 29. H-Urban urban history 30. Teaching Western Civ 31. H-Women women's history 32. World History & world survey texts 33. HOLOCAUS Holocaust studies 34. IEAHCnet Colonial America Affiliated email lists: HABSBURG@purccvm Austro-Hungarian Empire ECONHIST@MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU Economic History Planning stage: (fall 1994) 35. H-Africa African History 36. H-Demog Demographic history 37. H-France French History 38. H-Japan Japanese history & culture 39. H-Local State and local history 40. High tech teaching; multimedia; cd-rom 41. H-NZ-OZ New Zealand & Australian history 42. H-War Military History 43. H-West US West, Frontier ---------------------------------------------------- To subscribe: send this 1-line email message to our Internet address LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU [or to for the MSU lists] SUBSCRIBE H-xxxx Firstname Surname, Yourschool where H-xxxx = list name; for example, subscribe H-TEACH Jean Smith, South State U. [The Bitnet address is LISTSERV@uicvm] Subscriptions are controlled and limited to a professional clientele. The editors will send you a short questionnaire (name, address, teaching and research interests). They will sign you up when you return it. The messages will automatically arrive in your mailbox. For help, write =========================================================== Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1994 09:22:00 -0400 (EDT) From: "Seth Wigderson, U Maine-Augusta"Subject: Latest H-Net Announcement To: Multiple recipients of list H-LABOR Message-id: <01HH3JCSIOOE009375@NAUVAX.UCC.NAU.EDU>
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