Live and direct from the UN Climate negotiations in Geneva
Monday 22 August to Friday 2 September 1994.
Every two days for the next two weeks you can receive your own copy of ECO direct from Geneva.
ECO Is ..
the definitive source of what's going on at the climate negotiations - it's the newsletter government negotiators read to find what's going on in the talks as a whole; and it's the newsletter journalists read to find out what's really going on at the negotiations.
Produced by the Climate Action Network (with more than 100 major Non- Government Organisations from around the world), ECO has leading independent scientists and political analysts writing for it, giving you unrivalled access to the negotiations and what they really mean.
The UN Climate Summit in Berlin next march heralds the practical start of the agreement signed at the 1992 Rio Earth summit. ECO gets you up to speed on the latest developments in the hottest environmental issue ever- climate change.
How to receive ECO
ECO is available via direct email - if you wish to be on the mailing list, contact Lelani Arris ( Subscribers should be aware that there will be at least 6 issues which will each be 25-35K in size. Please ensure your mailbox can handle this volume of mail before subscribing.
Anyone with a personal computer and a modem can receive ECO via
most of the APC networks -- for a full list see below. Both text
and Macintosh PageMaker files will be posted to the conference
Binary files will also be available on Applelink, CompuServe and
the UN's IUCC electronic network.
Via the APC Networks, or directly to Eco staff, you are
encouraged to respond, contribute, or request further information.
You can contact ECO during the INC10 meeting at ECO Editorial
Office (From 22 August 1994) Phone: +41 22 734 7280
Fax: +41 22 738 0007 Hotel Longchamps, 7 Rue Butini, 1201 Geneva,
Switzerland, email:
For information about electronic mail, conference distribution
and ftp availability of ECO via APC, contact: Lelani Arris,
Electronic Mail Coordinator: Tel: (604) 968-4380, Fax: (604)
968-4390 (Canada), email:
For information about Pagemaker files via Applelink, contact ECO
staff: For information about Applelink,
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ECO is also available through Dial-a-Fax. Reverse Poll your fax
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technical help) and simply dial ... Worldwide +44 374 50G 517 or
within the UK - 0336 413 706 Wait for the horrible noise, and
press "START" button on your machine.
ECO is a CAN international project coordinated by Media Natura,
with resources donated by Apple Computers, Apple Macintosh
software, Micro-Rent PLC; Aldus; Adobe; APC Networks and
Dial-a-fax Ltd.
APC networks that will carry ECO include:
Alternex, IBASE, Rue Vincente de Souza, 29, 2251 Rio de Janeiro,
22251 Brazil Phone +55 (21) 286 0348 Fax +55 (21) 286 0541 email
ComLink, Moorkamp 46, D-3000 Hannover 1, Germany, phone +49 (511)
3503081 e-mail:
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(71) 608 3040 Fax +44 (71) 253 0801 email
IGC Networks: PeaceNet, EcoNet, HomeoNet, ConflictNet, 18 de Boom
St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA Phone +1 (415) 442-0220 Fax +1
(415) 546-1794 email
NordNet, Huvudskaersvaegen 13, nb S-121 54 Johanneshov, Sweden
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Ontario M5V 3A8, Canada Phone +1 (416) 596 0212 Fax: +1(416) 974
9186 email
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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 13:16:00 PDT
Sender: Technology Transfer in International Development