Our listserve for "participatory radio, video and TV practitioners working for the democratisation of communication" a.k.a. Devmedia is ready to go. Feel free to begin posting information now. Over the next few days I will spread the word on the Internet. Please help me out by notifying your own membership - simply forward this message to your colleagues.
To subscribe, send an email message to:
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subscribe Devmedia yourfirstname yourlastname
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Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 17:31:21 -0500 From: To: Cc: Subject: SUBSCRIBE DEVMEDIA JANE USER
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Devmedia: Media for Development and Democracy
List Members: Participatory radio, video and TV practitioners working for the democratisation of communication. Organizations posting to the list include:
Videazimut - An international coalition, founded in 1990, that brings together people from the world of independent and alternative video and television from every continent. Together its members act to promote the democratic practice of communication. They aim to broaden the participation by communities and movements from the South and North in sound and image production.
AMARC - The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters. Supports community and alternative radio stations that involve people in participatory communication processes.
Don Snowdon Centre for Development Support Communication - Supports the practice of using communication tools (especially small format video) in participatory action research and participatory development. Located at Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
Listowner: Don Richardson, Assistant Professor, Department or Rural Extension Studies, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Email: Fax: 519-767-1510. ______________________________________________________________________
Please ignore the request to change your password. This password is used in conjunction with an interactive connection to the LISTSERV machine. This feature has not been enabled. ______________________________________________________________________
To UNSUBSCRIBE from this List, send an electronic mail message to
that says only:
|Gregory L. Searle Political Studies|
|Computing and Communications Services|
|University of Guelph, Ontario, CANADA|
|(Home): 519-767-2500 N1G 2W1|
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