& VOLUNTEERS IN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
From: VITA@GMUVAX.BITNET (Volunteers in Technical Assistance)
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.devel-l
Welcome to new subscribers and greetings to all others. Volunteers in
Technical Assistance (VITA) appreciates your subscription to the DEVEL-L
List and welcomes your postings. This bulletin reminds you how to get
the greatest benefit from your subscription. I recommend that you keep
it on hand.
In this way you will help your fellow subscribers to benefit from List
membership. If you visit developing countries, attend meetings on
international development, or find interesting announcements,
professional opportunities, articles, or books, tell the rest of us
about it. Post your questions, opinions, and so on, primarily related to
the List's focus: Technology Transfer in International Development. This
topic includes but is not restricted to renewable energy, food
production, storage, and processing, health, distance education, water
supply, irrigation and sanitation, small-enterprise development, credit
programs and marketing, information management, disaster assistance, and
rural communications systems. Argument is welcome. The List is not
Inappropriate postings include: off-topic messages, political activism,
"flaming," discussions about the management of the List, replies to
inappropriate postings (which should be sent privately to the
originator), requests for changes in your subscription, messages to me
or to the VITA staff.
To send a message to every subscriber, use the List address:
Please keep your messages short to conserve bandwidth and save the
resources of subscribers who pay to receive messages. If your message is
longer than about 20 kB or 8 pages, post a short summary and invite
interested readers to request the complete version from you or from
VITA's Distribution Service, described below.
Are you replying to a posting? Please make sure your reply goes to all
subscribers if it should. If you use a REPLY command, your reply may
automatically go to the original sender of the message but not to the
List. It is usually important to send your reply to all subscribers,
because the purpose of DEVEL-L is to encourage discussion.
If you have posted a question to DEVEL-L and have received answers that
address your problem, please post a summary of replies back to the List.
Please send all changes to:
[To subscribe] sub devel-l
[To stop List mail temporarily] set devel-l nomail
[To restart mail] set devel-l mail
If you are about to lose or change your e-mail address, please
unsubscribe promptly. If you go on vacation, stop your List mail; please
don't arrange for mail from the List to be acknowledged automatically.
It will cause message loops and needlessly burden the system and VITA.
To send a message to the VITA staff, use
You should send a message to VITA if you are having a problem with your
subscription. Your message should explain the problem and what you have
done to solve it. Please, never send such messages to the List.
If you missed and need a particular posting, send a note to VITA
(address as below) with as much information as possible and a manual
search will be made, resources permitting. Requests for single back
issues of DevelopNet News will be fulfilled on the same basis.
Your List subscription automatically includes VITA's monthly electronic
newsletter, DevelopNet News. If you unsubscribe to DEVEL-L, you can
still receive the newsletter electronically. Just address an e-mail
message to
To better serve authors and subscribers, VITA offers a free Distribution
Service for longer reports and papers. In this way, people who want the
longer items can get them fast by Anonymous FTP request or a specially
formatted e-mail message without burdening the system, the author, or
VITA. It is important that you help maintain the Service by contributing
documents to its archives. Please ask VITA to send details.
Dania Granados
List owner, DEVEL-L
Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA)
VITA's other addresses: 1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 500, Arlington,
Virginia 22209, USA; phone (voice) +1 703/276-1800; cable VITAINC;
Telex 440192 VITAUI; fax +1 703/243-1865, 24-hour BBS +1 703/527-1086
[9600 baud or less, N-8-1]. FidoNet: 1:109/165.
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