BBS CONFERENCES ON EDUCATION There are several conferences on the FamilyNet BBS network that are concerned with education. These are public conferences on public com- puter bulletin board systems (BBSs) that are accessible to anyone with a computer and a modem over the dial-up telephone network. The purpose of these conferences is to promote the public discussion of educa- tional questions, and communication between people concerned with edu- cation, including teachers, students and school pupils and their parents, and education policy makers. The following conferences are available: DISTANCE_EDUCATION EDUCATION_CRISIS COMMUNITY_EDUCATION SCHOOLS STUDENTS THEOLED These conferences are described more fully below: The following BBSs are linked with FamilyNet, and should have these conferences available: Diakonos (0441) 8-1652 Digital Gallery (011) 784-9654 Educare (011) 854-2184 Keith's Place (011) 435-1779 Mutant Pencil (021) 919-0300 Top Line (011) 828-9315 Unisa Editorial (012) 429-8641 CrossWired BBS AH (021) 790-3983 (Note: AH after the name indicates that the BBS operates only in the evenings). These conferences started on the Unisa Editorial Department BBS in Pretoria, and are now being echoed around Southern Africa on FamilyNet. We would like to see them made available in all parts of South Africa and in neighbouring countries. We would like to see schools, community colleges and other educational institutions start- ing their own BBSs and participating in this network. If anyone is interested in linking up, please contact Deon Strydom on Diakonos BBS (phone number above), or call any of these BBSs and send a message to Deon. The purpose of the various message areas is as follows: DISTANCE EDUCATION This is mainly for educators to discuss distance education, which is of obvious interest to the University of South Africa (Unisa), Vista University, members of the Southern African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE) and universities and others running distance educa- tion programmes. We are interested in anything to do with the presentation of study material, including printed texts and instruc- tional design, but anything else of interest to people providing dis- tance education will be welcome. You may cross-post interesting material from elsewhere - if you do, please indicate the source. Unisa students who find problems with the presentation of the material in study guides and tutorial letters, or even radio broadcasts, may comment on it here. If you found something that was difficult to understand, please give an example and quote the course code and Study Guide Number and page (e.g. Page 23 of Study Guide 1 for SGG103-6). Information about resources available to distance educators is always welcome. EDUCATION CRISIS This is primarily for the discussion of education POLICY at any level (primary, secondary, tertiary). Anyone concerned with developing policies for education - whether as a parent, teacher, pupil, student, or anything else, may contribute here. COMMUNITY EDUCATION This is primarily for educators. It was started after a workshop on computer education and networks for schools in the Pretoria area where the formation of school computer networks was discussed. While the EDUCATION CRISIS echo is mainly for discussion of education POLICY, this one is more for the practical nuts and bolts stuff of teaching. Use it to discuss how to get communication between schools, how to help teachers and pupils cope with computers. Use it to list resources available for education, and anything else that seems appropriate and might be helpful to teachers and others involved in education. SCHOOLS This was also started as a result of the workshop on computer literacy and networks in schools. It is primarily intended for pupils at schools to communicate with each other. If such schools start BBSs, then it could become an echo on one of the networks linking such schools. It could help just to get pupils at schools just chatting with each other about anything at all - especially pupils in "black" and "white" schools. It might also be possible for pupils to discuss the education system here, to see what is wrong with it, and how it can be improved. STUDENTS This is for students at universities, technikons, etc., to discuss problems they are having with their studies or anything else of inter- est to tertiary students. Students of any university, technikon, teachers training college, theological seminary or other tertiary edu- cational institutions are welcome to discuss various things with others who are studying the same subjects. Note that this will NOT be a reliable means of communicating with Unisa lecturers. A few lecturers do use the Unisa Editorial BBS, but most are not connected. So it is primarily for discussions between students. THEOLED This is primarily for members of staff and students of theological education institutions (theological seminaries, Bible colleges, uni- versity faculties of theology, etc.) to communicate with each other. It was started at the request of members of the Joint Board for the Diploma in Theology in Southern Africa. ========================================= SYSOPS Sysops who are interested in carrying these conferences on their BBS should contact: Deon Strydom FamilyNet Coordinator, African Region Sysop of Diakonos BBS Tel (0441) 8-1652 FamilyNet: 8:79/0 Fidonet: 5:7104/40 OR Steve Hayes Sysop of Unisa Editorial Department BBS Tel (012) 429-8592 (voice) (012) 429-8641 (BBS) FamilyNet: 8:79/42 Fidonet: 5:7106/20 ICDMNet: 77:2703/2 Internet: Updated: 1994-07-21 From: "Arthur R. McGee" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 08:40:29 +0200 From: Steve Hayes <> Subject: BBS CONFERENCES ON EDUCATION
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