BARO is brought to you by the African Students Organization of the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. BARO is the word meaning *discussion* in Bamanakan, a Mande language spoken in West Africa. The language is also known as Jula and Bambara.
A recent concern of members of the African Students Organization (ASO) is the lack of community among *ALL* Africans on the campus of the University of Illinois. Aside from sponsoring a monthly forum series, a monthly newsletter and various Africa related events, the ASO is dedicating itself not only to the enlightenment of the community at large but also to encourage and develop a general sense of community which can enable Africans and Africanists to unite as a singular alliance.
Some other goals of the ASO are to provide its BARO subscribers an account of the events taking place in the forum series. Also, to provide information on any Africa and Diaspora related events happening in the Urbana/Champaign, Illinois area. Of course, those who are not from the Urbana/Champaign area are always welcome and encouraged to announce events happening in their communties which might lead to a bringing together of Africans and Africanists in their area.
By offering BARO to the internet community, the ASO hopes to involve all readers in its endeavor to create and encourage a singular African community. One which focuses on the great African heritages and traditions brought here from home.
To subscribe to BARO send a message to:
For the subject enter: new member
In the body enter: subscribe
Then await your first messages from BARO!!
From: (Tom Servo ) Subject: NEW LIST-SERV Date: 26 Mar 1995 23:13:06 GMT Message-ID: ]3l4se2$]
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