Change Announcement:
AFRICANA on LISTSERV@WMVM1 (WMVM1.CC.WM.EDU) is no more. africana-l on replaces it.
Note that the system WMVM1 ( is no longer in existence. All users thereof have moved to other e-mail systems; mail to lists previously there will be forwarded to the list owner for the time being.
Replacement Announcement:
africana-l on
The list africana-l, as its predecessor AFRICANA, is available to discuss Information Technology in Africa. Discussions often include specifics of network access, policies affecting all forms of information technology in the various countries, and effects of this technology on the residents.
To subscribe to the new list africana-l, send e-mail to:
The body of the mail should be the command:
subscribe africana-l Firstname Lastname
(where of course you substitute your own name for the generic words above). The subject line is ignored.
Note that the listserver (or listprocessor) here is NOT a VM/CMS Revised listserv; it serves the same function, but many of its commands are different from the usual ones. For more information on use of this listserver, send the command: help to the listserver in the same way as the subscribe command above.
Owner: "P.B. Welbeck"
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