****************************** Announcement of H-AFRICA ******************************
H-AFRICA is a moderated electronic discussion group and bulletin board for scholars (including graduate students), librarians, and teachers interested in the African past, including a variety of disciplines and approaches to the history of the entire continent. A part of the H-Net family of LISTSERV discussion lists, H-AFRICA encourages informed discussions of teaching and research on African history at all levels of interest and complexity.
The primary purpose of H-AFRICA is to provide a forum for those interested in the serious study of African history to communicate openly. In this spirit, H-AFRICA welcomes research reports and inquiries, syllabi and course materials, bibliographies, listings of new sources, library and archive information, non-commerical announcements of books, journals, conferences, fellowships, jobs, and funding opportunities, as well as reports on new software, datasets or CD-ROMs relevant to the African past.
H-AFRICA is currently edited by Professor Mel Page of East Tennessee State University and Professor Harold Marcus of Michigan State University, who may be reached at:
Mel Page
Harold Marcus
The editors consult with an editorial board of international scholars broadly representative of the state of the discipline.
Subscription to H-AFRICA is free and open to professional researchers and teachers in African history or allied fields and to everyone concerned with serious scholarship in the field. When you send in a subscription request, the editors will send you a brief questionnaire; it must be completed and returned to confirm your subscription. The information requested in this form tells us about your professional interests and activities in African history and will serve as essential information for a directory of H-AFRICA members.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:
with no subject and only this text:
SUB H-AFRICA yourfirstname yourlastname, your institution
(When you include your own information, the message will look something like this: "sub h-africa Harold Marcus, Michigan State U.")
If you have any questions or experience any difficulties in attempting to subscribe, please send a message to:
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 11:19:09 +0200 From: Subject: File: "H-AFRICA ANNOUNCE" Message-Id: ]]
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