_____________________________________________________________ AFRICAGIS: The "New" Forum for discussing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Environmental Information Systems (EIS) in Africa. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is to announce that AFRICAGIS, a new listserver on the Internet about GIS/EIS in Africa, has been created and is now operational. Please follow the instructions below to automatically subscribe to the list. Circulate this information as much as possible among interested parties. ------------------------------------------------------------- Why AFRICAGIS? -------------- Although there is still a lot of ignorance about environmental information systems (EIS) and geographic information systems (GIS) in Africa, there is equally a lot to learn about information that relate to the environment, useful for natural resources management, decision-making for socio-economic and development purposes. Since it creation, the Program on Environment Information Systems in sub-Saharan Africa, hosted in the World Bank, and collaborative partners have help one way or another to help raise the growing awareness and understanding regarding environmental information systems (EIS), geographic information systems (GIS) and their importance in Africa. AFRICAGIS will serve as an extension to this program. Goals ----- The Program on Environment Information Systems in sub-Saharan Africa Bank intend to help initiate a forum for discussion and exchange of expertise on the topics of "Environmental Information for Sustainable Development in Africa". Thus, the AFRICAGIS listserver would serve as such and provide opportunities for professionals interested in EIS/GIS in Africa to address these issues, support each other and network among themselves. It is understood that this forum will be carried out with a view that its success: a) Will encourage meaningful debate and permanent support from EIS/GIS Professionals, African governments, institutions, the private sector, NGOs all over the world to make use of environment information as an essential ingredient in their projects and decision-making process. b) Will force recognition of EIS/GIS program activities in Africa. This recognition it is hoped will help planners, resource analysts, engineers, demographers, geographers and professionals address environmental problems in Africa. c) Will help educate, and show that sustainable development could benefit from sound environment information collection, systems and their management. What we seek and why?: --------------------- Our request for participation is critical to the success of the AFRICAGIS listserver. The exchange of technical expertise, and perhaps the goodwill, of the debate on the listserver remain the justification of its existence. Be as brief or as specific as you choose to be. Be free to add, comment and point out possible pitfalls. All responses and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Final Note: ---------- Our thanks to all who have chosen to make the creation of AFRICAGIS possible and supported this initiative from the ground up. Thanks also in advance to those who will be taking part in the debate. Please subscribe and make it a rich resources forum on environment information and geographic information for Africa. Dear Subscriber: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WELCOME TO AFRICAGIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AFRICAGIS is an electronic mailing service provided by the Program on Environment Information Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa hosted at the Environmentally Sustainable Development Division (AFTES) of the Africa Technical Department of the World Bank, in collaboration with UNDP, OSS/UNITAR and USAID/WRI-NRICG. The Program is specially building a network of institutions, organizations, groups, and people interested in EIS activities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of this listserver is to provide a forum for discussion, and specially to promote the use of geographical informations systems (GIS) and spatial information on environmental issues as a support tool for decision-making for natural resource management in Sub-Saharan Africa. Relevant GIS experiences and lessons learned from other continents are welcome. However, the focus here remains the African continent. AFRICAGIS keeps an archive and an index of issues relevant to GIS issues and a list of EIS Newsletters of the Program on Environment Information Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. AFRICAGIS is opened to any interested parties. Subscribers can send questions, post information or comments regarding specific GIS topics to the list. Questions or problems related to the moderation of the list should be sent to: Koffi Kouakou (, EIS Program Secretariat, AFTES Room J 3-169 Environmentally Sustainable Development Division - AFTES; Africa Technical Department 1818 H Street, N.W., The World Bank, Washington, D.C. 20433. Tel: (202) 473-4332; Fax: (202) 473-7916. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ____________________________________________ | | | J O I N I N G A C O N F E R E N C E | |____________________________________________| To join a conference, follow these steps: 1. Create a message. 2. In the address line, type: NOTE to World Bank staff using All-in-1: you need to add "@internet" at the end of all addresses. Therefore, you would type: 3. At the very beginning of the message body, type: subscribe [conference name] [your first name] [your last name] For example: subscribe AFRICAGIS Laura Goodin ____________________________________________ | | | L E A V I N G A C O N F E R E N C E | |____________________________________________| To leave a conference, follow these steps: 1. Create a message. 2. In the address line, type: NOTE to World Bank staff using All-in-1: you need to add "@internet" at the end of all addresses. Therefore, you would type: 3. At the very beginning of the message body, type: unsubscribe [conference name] For example: unsubscribe AFRICAGIS ____________________________________________________________ | | | C O N T R I B U T I N G T O A C O N F E R E N C E | |____________________________________________________________| To post (send) a message to a conference, follow these steps: 1. Create a message. 2. In the address line, type the conference address: [conference name] For example: NOTE to All-in-1 users: you need to add "@internet" at the end of all addresses. You would type: [conference name] For example: 3. Type what you'd like in the body of the message and send it. This message will go directly to all subscribers to the conference. Therefore, we would appreciate participants following a few guidelines: o Make sure your posting will be of interest to everybody. If you want to send a message to a particular person, send them a private electronic mail message. o Keep to the topic of the conference. If you'd like to see a conference established on a separate issue, contact Koffi Kouakou ( o Please make an effort to keep emotions from clouding your message. Also, please give other subscribers the benefit of the doubt: not everyone speaks English as a first language, or finds it easy to articulate their thoughts in writing. Before becoming annoyed at someone's message, try to clarify what they meant. _____________________________________________ | | | R E Q U E S T I N G A D O C U M E N T | |_____________________________________________| You can request a listing of documents available through the list using the following steps: 1. Create a message. 2. In the address line, type: (All-in-1 users, type: 3. At the very beginning of the message body, type: get AFRICAGIS index Within a few hours, you should receive a listing of documents, in the format: Filename Title 000001 Document title here (to be added) 000002 Document title here You can request a document the same way you requested the index: 1. Create a message. 2. In the address line, type: (All-in-1 users, type: 3. At the very beginning of the message body, type: get [list name] [filename] For example: get AFRICAGIS 000001 From: Koffi Kouakou AFTES 34332Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 00:37:00 -0500 Sender: Technology Transfer in International Development Subject: AFRICAGIS - New Lisserver
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