Other On-Line Resources Related to Namibia
- Namibia
The index has been created by The Norwegian
Council for Africa, as part of its comprehensive
effort to strengthen the knowledge of Africa
and African affairs. The projects has been developed
in cooperation with the information company
Gazette, and wit h financial support from the
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Namibia (Karen Fung)
Resources represents part of Karen Fung's "Africa
South of the Sahara Electronic Guide". It covers:
news, history, geography, etc..
- Republic
of Namibia Official Website
This is the official website of the Republic
of Namibia. It provides information about the
Namibian government, business and industry,
foreign relations, news, and tourism.
- Namibia: Travel
& Country Information
Extensive resources on Namibia that includes:
travel and country information, tours, safaris,
hunting and fishing, car rental and online directory.
Languages of Namibia
The Ethnologue is a catalog of the world's languages
including information on alternate names, number
of speakers, location, dialects, linguistic affiliation,
and other sociolinguistic and demographic information.
This database represents the 12th edition of the
Ethnologue, published in 1992.
- Law:
Legal and general resources on Namibia provided
by the Law Library of US Congress
- Southern
Africa Flood & Drought Network
This SADC website provides information that
the SADC community uses to monitor conditions
within Southern Africa when cyclones, floods
and drought occur as a result of anomalous climate
and weather conditions. It is provided as a
service by the SADC regional meteorology, hydrology,
food security and disaster communities to its
member states.
- Namibia
On-line publication of Namibia Economist, with
archival issues dating back to 2001.
- University of
The University of Namibia was established by
an act of Parliament on August 31, 1992 as recommended
by a Commission on Higher Education.
- Bank of Namibia
The mission of the Bank of Namibia is to promote
monetary and financial stability in the interest
of the Nation's sustainable economic growth
and development.
- Geological
Survey of Namibia
Housed at the Ministry of Mines & Energy Building
in the capital, Windhoek, together with the
sister Directorates of Mining, Energy and Administration
& Finance, the Geological Survey of Namibia
plays an important role in the development of
Namibia's mineral resources.
- The
Republic of Namibia
Gateway for links for Namibian government, industry,
foreign relations, news, and general information.
- The Namibian
Daily newspaper issued in Namibia
- SchoolNet
SchoolNet has now 460 volunteers, 200 schools
and serviced institutions, a wireless network
under construction and a solar solution developed
for off-grid schools.
Governments: Namibia
Various resources on Namibian government offices,
political parties, tourism, human rights, etc.
- Namibian
The Parliament of the Republic of Namibia is
one of the three institutions of the State,
which are the Legislature (Parliament), the
Executive (Cabinet) and the Judiciary (the Courts)
- World
Bank: Namibia
Documents on projects sponsored by the World
Bank in Namibia.
- Namibia
Documents on projects sponsored by the IMF in
- Namibia
The Constitution of Namibia.
- Banknotes
of Namibia
Photographa of banknotes of Namibia, 1993-1996.
- Bird
Stamps of Namibia
Photographs of bird stamps of Namibia, 1993-2002
- Live
Radio Broadcast from Namibia
Live radio broadcast from Namibia.
- Combating
Desertification in Namibia
This desertification portal is dedicated to
provide information about initiatives towards
combatting desertification in Namibia. The portal
gives you access to up-to-date information about
ongoing activities in Namibia.
- The music of Namibia
This site provides an overview of Namibian music.
Dr. Ali B.
Ali-Dinar, Ph.D.