Guinea Page
Other On-Line Resources Related to Equatorial
- Equatorial
The index has been created by The Norwegian
Council for Africa, as part of its comprehensive
effort to strengthen the knowledge of Africa
and African affairs. The projects has been developed
in cooperation with the information company
Gazette, and wit h financial support from the
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Equatorial Guinea (Karen Fung)
Resources represents part of Karen Fung's "Africa
South of the Sahara Electronic Guide". It covers:
news, history, geography, etc..
Equatorial Guinea: Energy Information (US.EIA)
The Country Analysis Briefs (CABs) provide an
overview of the energy situation for Equatorial
Guinea which has current interest to energy
analysts and policy makers.
of Equatorial Guinea
The Ethnologue is a catalog of the world's languages
including information on alternate names, number
of speakers, location, dialects, linguistic affiliation,
and other sociolinguistic and demographic information.
This database represents the 12th edition of the
Ethnologue, published in 1992.
- Law:
Equatorial Guinea
Legal and general resources on E.G. provided
by the Law Library of US Congress
- Equatorial Guinea
Various resources on E.G. in English and Spanish
- Gulf of Guinea
Islands' Biodiversity Network
This website provides information about the
biodiversity, and its conservation, of the four
Gulf of Guinea islands of Bioko, Príncipe, São
Tomé and Annobón.
- Equatorial
Guinea - Top News
Current news provided by all.Africa.com.
- Equatorial
Current news and other on-line resources on
E.G. provided by afrol.com
- Ministry
of Mining
Information about mining-related projects in
- The Music of Equatorial Guinea
This site provides information about popular artists from Equatorial Guinea
Dr. Ali B.
Ali-Dinar, Ph.D.