HIV/AIDS in Africa
  • 2002 STD Treatment Guidelines
    This site provides a link to the 2002 guidelines for treating a variety of STDs, including HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts and hepatitis A, B and C. These guidelines also include background information on these diseases, how they can be diagnosed and prevented.
  • AEGIS: HIV/AIDS Information on the Internet
    AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGIS) provides this site with conference abstracts, references and full text news and articles on AIDS, AZT, etc. The search feature can locate articles by country and by going to the links, one can access country by country UNAIDS Epidemiological Fact Sheets in both French and English as well as background information on each country.
  • AIDS and HIV: Ask NOAH
    The New York Online Access to Health offers information on the basics of HIV/AIDS, opportunistic infections, transmission, etc. This website also contains a glossary of HIV/AIDS terms.
  • AIDS Fact
    This website has the HIV/AIDS fact sheets from, which are organized in commonly asked questions. AIDS.ORG is an NGO that aims to help prevent HIV infections and to improve the lives of those affected by HIV and AIDS by providing education and facilitating the free and open exchange of knowledge.
  • AVERT-A UK HIV and AIDS Charity
    This United Kingdom based charity website offers links to statistical information and information about transmission and prevention.
  • HIV/AIDS Fact Sheets-CDC/NCHSTP/Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention(DHAP)
    The Centers for Disease Contol is the leading federal agency focused on the prevention and treatment of epidemics and their website offers information on HIV/AIDS as part of the National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention. There are numerous links to other CDC sites on prevention, transmission and treatment.
  • HIV/AIDS Information-National Library of Medicine
    This National Library of Medicine website has links to helpful journal articles, information about treatment options and background information.
  • HIV Database-Los Alamos National Laboratory
    The HIV databases contain data on HIV genetic sequences, immunological epitopes, drug resistance-associated mutations, and vaccine trials. The website also provies access to a large number of tools that can be used to analyze these data.
  • HIV Information Guide-Institute of Human Virology
    The US based Institute of Human Virology provides background information on HIV symptoms and transmission. This website also has a link to the IHv's AIDS Information Guide.
  • HIV Knowledge Base-University of California San Fransisco
    This website contains a comprehensive, on-line textbook of HIV disease from the University of California San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital. Sections include Epidemiology of, Diagnosis and Clinical Management, Clinical Manifestations, Infections and Malignancies Associated with HIV, Transmission and Prevention of HIV and HIV Policy.
  • Infections Associated with HIV
    This website from the HIV Insite The Center for HIV Information from the University of California San Fransisco provides links to information on numerous secondary bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections often associated with HIV/AIDS.
  • Johns Hopkins AIDS Service
    The Johns Hopkins AIDS Service website has accurate, updated information on HIV/AIDS treatment, guidelines, prevention, research, education, and epidemiology from doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital; includes online HIV/AIDS Q&A and links to JHU publications about HIV/AIDS.
  • UNAIDS: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
    The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS, is the main advocate for global action on the epidemic. This website has a comprehensive search feature that will search the UNAIDS site by organization, region or topic and even give updates on each country's experience with HIV/AIDS.
  • The Body: HIV/AIDS Basics and Prevention
    This website is privately sponsored by numerous pharmaceutical companies and has background information on the HIV/AIDS virus itself, the tramsmission, prevention and testing.
  • UNICEF-HIV/AIDS-Technical and Policy Documents
    This website contains the United Nations Children's Fund's collection of HIV/AIDS policy resources and techinical resources on HIV/AIDS-including fact sheets and information on transmission.
  • US Census Bureau HIV/AIDS Surveillance
    The US Census Bureau HIV/AIDS Surveillance website has maps of the infection rates of countries around the world.
    This World Health Organization website contains background information on HIV/AIDS and transmission. There are also links to more statistical and treatment information and also information on secondary infections.