For many years the importance of wild
plants in subsistence agriculture in the developing world as a food supplement
and as a means of survival during times of drought and famine has been
overlooked. Generally, the consumption of such so-called 'wild-food' has
been and still is being under-estimated. This may very well be the case
for Ethiopia, a so-called 'biodiversity hot-spot' and known as a centre
of origin for a significant number of food plants (Bell, 1995).
Click on the Field Guide button to
the left to explore a practical field guide to wild-food plants in Ethiopia,
giving a general description and information on edible parts, preparation
methods and palatability.
Rural people of Ethiopia are endowed
with a deep knowledge concerning the use of wild plants. This is particularly
true for the use of medicinal plants (Abebe and Ayehu, 1993) but also for
wild plants some of which are consumed at times of drought, war and other
hardship. Elders and other knowledgeable community members are the key
sources or 'reservoirs' of plant lore. Wild-food consumption is still very
common in rural areas of Ethiopia, particularly with children. Among the
most common wild plant fruits consumed by children are, for example, fruits
from Ficus spp, Carissa edulis and Rosa abyssinica plant species.
The consumption of wild plants seems
more common and widespread in food insecure areas where a wide range of
species is consumed. The linkage has given rise to the notion of 'famine-foods',
plants consumed only at times of food stress and therefore an indicator
of famine conditions. Local people know about the importance and the contribution
of wild plants to their daily diet as well as being aware of possible health
hazards such as stomach irritation occasionally occurring after consumption
of certain wild plants.
Nevertheless, whereas the rich indigenous
knowledge on the medicinal use of wild plants has been relatively well
documented, research, particularly concerning the socio-economic, cultural,
traditional, and nutritional aspects of wild-food plants still lacks adequate
attention. In the case of Ethiopia little, if anything, has been systematically
documented on this subject. This should raise even greater concern when
looking at the frequency of recent famine events in the country and the
extent to which subsistence agriculture is still the norm.
In parts of Southern Ethiopia the consumption
of wild-food plants seems to be one of the important local survival strategies
and appears to have intensified due to the repeated climatic shocks hampering
agricultural production and leading to food shortages. Increased consumption
of wild-foods enables people to cope better with erratic, untimely rains
and drought for several consecutive years without facing severe food shortages,
famine and general asset depletion as in other areas of Ethiopia (see also
Mathys, 2000). The key to this strategy for survival is the collection
and consumption of wild plants in uncultivated lowland areas such as bush,
forest and pastoral land as well as the domestication of a great variety
of these indigenous plants and trees for home consumption and medicinal
use in the more densely populated and intensively used mid- and highlands.
Southern Ethiopia, particularly Konso, Derashe and Burji special Woredas
and parts of SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities & People's Region)
may still be considered part of these so-called biodiversity hot-spots
in Ethiopia.
Konso people, for example, still have
and use a well-developed knowledge concerning which wild-food plants can
best provide a dietary supplement in periods of food shortage. Konso people,
well known for their hard labour and sophisticated agricultural system
(Lemessa, 1999b), have been stricken by drought since 1996. In this period
they have faced repeated significant harvest losses and even complete crop
failures. Nevertheless, until June 1999, most Konso people managed to cope
with these harsh climatic conditions and survived by increasing their consumption
of wild-food plants. Damaged, reduced or even lost crop harvests have been
partly compensated by the collection of wild-foods. Unfortunately, three
severe years with only meagre harvests and yet another harvest failure
in 1999, was just too much for many people in Konso, an ecologically fragile
area, despite the people's incredible efforts to protect and conserve the
local environment.
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