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SSA 19th Annual Conference
Sudan Studies Association
The 19th Annual Conference
African Studies Center, Vassar College
Pougkeepsie, NY
6-8 April, 2000
Theme: "Africa's Sudanic Core at the Millennium"
The Sudan Studies Association of North America is pleased to announce
that its year 2000 conference will be held at Vassar College, New York,
USA, on April 6-8, 2000. This year's theme is: "The Africa's Sudanic Core
at the Millennium". Abstracts of 200-250 words of proposals for papers
or panels should be sent by February 15, 2000, to
'Abdullahi 'Ali Ibrahim
History Department,
University of Missouri-Columbia,
101 Read Hall,
Columbia, MO, 65211, USA
Tel 573-882-9492, Fax 573-884-5151
A Friendly Word on the "African Core" Stipulation
The program committee encourages specialists in public health to propose
panels with reference to situations in Africa. Organizers of other panels
are advised to bring the African core either in the original papers or
by coopting discussants. Areas like sport, and soccer in particular, cry
out for attention for the African core in Sudan ways and days to be complete.
Also song scholarship needs to be launched in this conference. The African
perspective is especially called for in proposals and panels addressing
issues of conflict and peace in Africa. In our discussion of the content
of the conference, we have been recalling the conference organized in 1968
by the Sudan Research Unit under the leadership of Yusuf Fadl Hasan entitled
"Sudan in Africa." The proceedings were published in a seminal work in
the scholarship on the place in Sudan in the continent. Young scholars
are urged to explore this archive of scholarship to contextualize our contemporary
quest to understand the predicament of Sudan in African lights. This emphasis
on the African core is not intended to discourage scholars of straight
Sudanese issues from sending proposals. Conferences are too rich and relaxed
to allow such a cutoff. In putting these individual papers together in
panels, we will endeavor to bring out the African component. We hope to
do this by a variety of ways including the appointment of discussants and
shrewd chairs.
Special Guests of our conference
We secured the acceptance of Tayib Salih and Jim Faris to give talks
at our traditional lunch and dinner meetings.
Marriot Courtyard, 408 South Road-Route 9, Pougkeepsie (pronounced:
pokipsi), NY 12601. Conference Rates (04/06/2000 - through 04/09/2000)
are: $69.00 single; $79.00 double, subject to taxes upon check in. THE
PERSON AT MARRIOTT. PLEASE CALL (800) 321-2211 or (914)485-6336.
There will be a bus operating from the Hotel to and from campus daily,
during the CONFERENCE. The bus will leave early enough for participants
to have coffee or continental breakfast on campus, at New England, prior
to the first session (we are anticipating opening the sessions at 8:30
a.m.). Of course early risers can have continental breakfast at the COURTYARD.
Contact Persons in Pougkeepsie
If there are any questions or problems concerning the Conference procedures,
participants may contact Miss Patricia Boyd, Secretary AFRICANA STUDIES
PROGRAM by email: or by FAX at (914) 437-7204 and by
telephone (914) 437-7490. Any regular mail should be addressed to Constance
E. Berkley, Ph.D.,Conference Convener, Vassar College, Box 0316, 124 Raymond
Avenue, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12604.
Participants are kindly requested to abide by the deadline for submitting
their paper and panel proposals. The program committee is keen to have
its input in streamlining the papers to address the African comparative
element. Last minute or late proposals are not going to help us in this
regard. The chair of the program committee will be pleased to receive tips
and suggestions to enhance the substance of the conference, to diversify
participation, emphasize its African perspective, and make the meeting
a fun and a memorable occasion. Veteran members of the Association, who
lost contact, are urged to consider coming this time at this juncture of
overlapping times and calendars. A pilgrimage to Poughkeepsie is a rite
of passage with us. Vassar College is once more taking us in its debt for
its generous support of the conference and solidarity with Dr. Constance
Berkley, a Vassar distinguished scholar and founding mother of our Association.
Dr. Berkley is investing a lot of energy to secure the invitation of scholars
from Sudan. Nothing is guaranteed so far. Let us acknowledge her work to
reunion. Those who can help effectively in this area can talk to her. Graduate
students are especially asked to talk or e-mail the chair about their research
agenda. Don't hesitate in letting us know how we can help you feature in
the sessions. We already secured the membership of two students through
such intimate dialogues.
Registration & Membership Form
The 19th Annual Conference of the
Sudan Studies Association
African Studies Center, Vassar College,
6-8 April, 2000
Please check appropriate:
------- $30.00
------- $35.00 -------- $25
Conference Registration Banquet (Friday)
Luncheon (Saturday)
For the Banquet, Please Choose one of the following:
------- Sliced Leg of Lamb with Madiera-Rosemary Juice
------- Grilled Mahi Mahi with Tropical Fruit Salsa
------- Vegetarian Entrée
Membership Fees
----$ 200.00 Life Membership ---$30.00 Regular Membership
----$ 05.00 Student Membership ----$5.00 Student Membership
----$ 30.00 Non-Profit Organization----$150.00 For Profit Organization
----$ 05.00 Overseas Postage ----$------ Tax Deductible Donation
Name ------------------------------------------------------------
Phone: ------------------- Fax -------------------
E-mail --------------------------------------
Amount Enclosed-------------------
Please remit in U.S.A Dollars with a check drawn on a U.S bank or
with a Money Order, payable to the: Sudan Studies Association
Please mail this form and appropriate fees to the Executive Director
of the Sudan Studies Association, to:
Dr. Richard A Lobban,
Rhode Island College- Anthropology,
Providence, RI 02908, USA