UN  OCHA  Ethiopia:

Weekly Situation Update SNNPR –

Feb. 02 – 08, 2004


· Resettlements: postponed indefinitely as sites not yet fully prepared

· Meningitis outbreak: reported by WHO in Sidama and Gideo Zones and by Unicef in Hadiya and Sidama Zones

· Water and Sanitation workshop: integration of activities planned

· OCHA/UNCT Awassa: second round of computer training for Zonal and Special Woreda DPPD- / Rural Development officials finalised

· Security/IDP’s: reports about attack in Kuraz woreda, South Omo Zone; Regional Government reports IDP’s in Bench Maji Zone


Unicef field monitors report that all resettlements planned for the reporting period have been postponed indefinitely.

Intra-zonal movements of Heads of Households (HH) resettlers within Konso SW to Selamago, planned for January 26, were postponed indefinitely. According to the Rural Development office, the receiving site was not yet fully prepared for arrivals.

In Dawro, the intra-zonal movement of 1 000 HH to Esera was postponed for the same reason. Meanwhile, the 497 HH who were to move to Dawro zone from Hadiya zone were decreased to 250 HH after a regional review of the receiving site. When told about the postponement and slashing of numbers by the Woreda Rural Development officials, resettlers had already sold off their livestock and household assets, so started moving to nearby towns in search of employment. This increased woreda officials’ concern that the number of volunteers for the resettlement program would dwindle.

In Hadiya zone, the second round of intra-zonal resettlements of 1 000 HH, intended to take place at the end of January, was postponed again. It is reported that resettlers have begun looking for work in towns, while some have started planting their old farmlands. This may mean further delays when resettlements do happen, as people will then be tied up by work and/or farming. Also in Hadiya, 83 resettlers are reported to have left resettlements and returned home to their sending areas in Badwacho woreda. They are reported to be from the “youth groups”, which has led Zonal authorities to consider reviewing the age-group targeting of prospective settlers.

From Gedeo zone, the plan is to resettle 5 988 HH in Bench Maji and Keffa zones and on January 3, 840 HH were sent to Bench Maji. However, the host community has requested that 105 of these be sent back, claiming they displayed bad behaviour. Zonal Rural Development officials are in Bonga to investigate and arrange return transport.

Meningitis outbreak

WHO on February 9 reported a meningitis outbreak in kebeles within Hagereselam woreda, Sidama zone, Gideo Zone (as well as in Bore woreda, Guge Zone, Oromia region, which borders SNNPR). Meanwhile, Unicef reports meningitis outbreaks in Badwacho woreda, Hadiya zone and Aletawondo woreda, Sidama Zones. Vaccinations are ongoing, and the woredas have requested additional vaccines from the MoH. The Regional Health Bureau says it is currently drafting an Action plan which is to be circulated to all stakeholders this week.

Water/sanitation workshop

A one-day workshop on “Water and Sanitation Integration” was held in Yirgalem for Zonal and Health desk officials. It was organized jointly by the Regional Water and Health Bureaus and Unicef WES section. The outcome, as planned, was agreements of increased coordination and collaboration between the water and sanitation sectors. This is hoped to end the inclination of these sectors to work parallel, rather than in cooperation, with each other.


This week gave a second round basic computer training for DPPD-/Rural Development officials from Zones and Special Woredas. The training was part of UNCT capacity building efforts; the same training was given last year to another batch of officials. A graduation ceremony was held in Awassa on February 9th; speeches were made by the UNCT and DPPB and participants were awarded diplomas.

Security / IDP’s

Reports have been received from Kuraz woreda, South Omo zone, about an attack which took place February 1. A car with five passengers was attacked by gunmen on the road between Omorate and Turmi towns. Three of the passengers, who were development agents from the agriculture office, were killed along with the driver. The fourth passenger survived, and said the attackers were from the “local ethnic group” Dasanech. Woreda police and emergency squad have not yet been able to capture the attackers. Travellers are advised to not go to Kuraz or Hamer.

The regional Government reports that there are 2 000 “highlander” IDP’s from Gambella (Dimma), accompanied by women and children, near Beru, Bench Maji zone. Unicef will be undertaking a verification mission next week.


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EditoSr: Ali B. Ali-Dinar

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