Sociology 531

Prof. McDaniel
Office: McNeil 2nd floor, behind Population Studies Ctr.
Hours: Mon, Wed 10:30-11:30 AM, or by appointment
Phone: 898-7699
Course Requirements: Regular reading assignments, class attendance and participation. There will be a required paper (approx. 10 pages, double spaced). The paper will be based on some aspect of the demography of race covered in part 1 of the course (I will provide a list of about 3 questions from which the student will choose one topic to cover in their paper). The paper will constitute 45% of the final grade, and may include a small amount of additional reading. The final exam will constitute 45% of the final grade. Students may choose an optional paper in the course, due a week before the final. Students may weight the paper anywhere from 30% to 50% of the final grade; the weighting must be indicated at the time the paper is turned in. The same criteria will be used to judge the paper regardless of the weight assigned. A description of paper topics (one page) should be submitted by the fourth class.