The First African Regional Conference on Science and Technology, 11/'95

The First African Regional Conference on Science and Technology, 11/'95


November 1995


The First African Regional Conference
on Science and Technology

6 - 10 November 1995
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia




1. The first meeting of the African Regional Conference on Science and Technology (ARCST) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 6 to 10 November 1995. The meeting was formally opened by Mr. K.Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa who delivered an opening statement.


2. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following member States of the Commission: Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Cap Verde, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Eriteria, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

3. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the African Development Bank (ADB)were represented.

4. The following United Nations bodies and specialized agencies were represented: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Health Organisation (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Universal Postal Union (UPU), United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office (UNSO), United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

5. Observers from the following intergovernmental organisations were presently: Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD), and the African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development, and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA)

6. Observers from national and international institutions were also present: World Association of Industrial Technological Research Organization (WAITRO), Carnegie Corporation of New York, Research and Development Forum for Science-Led Development in Africa (RANDFORUM), Technology Assessment Institute, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the Regional Centre for Technology Management (RECTEM)


7. The Conference elected the following officers: Chairman - Namibia (Hon. B.J. Wentworth), First Vice-Chairman, Gabon( Mr. Roger Layaud), Second Vice-Chairman, Tanzania (Dr. Yadon Kohi), First Rapporteur, Tunisia ( Prof. Refaat Chaabouni), Second Rapporteur, Guinea (Mr. Sény Facine Sylla)


8. The Conference also elected the following officers to the Drafting Committee, Chairman - Ghana (Prof. W.S. Alhassan), Members, Zambia (Dr. Nicholas Lubaba), Algeria (Mr. Boualen Tatch), Gabon (Mr. Roger Layaud) and Guinea (Mr. S.F. Sylla)

9. The Conference adopted the following Agenda.

1.Opening of the meeting

2. Election of the Bureau

3. Adoption of the Agenda, Programme of Work, Rules of Procedure

4.African Regional Conference on Science and Technology for Development: its origin, scope, and modalities of work

5.Capacity building in science and technology: selected issues

(a) Contribution of foreign direct investments to science and technology in Africa;

(b) Incentives for development and application of science and technology;

(c) Science and technology indicators for Africa;

(d) Nuclear science and technology for development;

(e)Technology transfer, negotiation and acquisition in the context of promoting the African Economic Community;

(f)Science and Technology Protocol of the African Economic Community;

(g)Sub-regional policy and cooperation in science and technology: contribution of the science and technology Working Groups;

6.ECA programme in Science and technology during 1996-1997

7.Global and regional initiatives and trends in science and technology and their implications on African member States.

8.Any other business

9. Adoption of report

10.Closure of the meeting


10. In his opening statement, Mr. Amoako, Executive Secretary extended a warm welcome to all participants and expressed his appreciation to the Governments and organizations they represented for their solidarity with the Commission and its Secretariat. He underscored the role of the African Regional Conference on Science and Technology in promoting the development and application of science and technology in the African member States, and called upon the meeting to evolve appropriate modalities for its operation.

11. The Executive Secretary presented an overview of the serious economic and social plight faced by the African countries. Against this background many countries had embarked upon social and economic reforms and other measures to stimulate their economies. In this regard he underscored the recent and significant initiative taken in March 1995 by the extra-ordinary session of the OAU Council of Ministers, of Relaunching Africa's Economic and Social Development: The Cairo Agenda for Action which was subsequently adopted in the June 1995 Summit of African Heads of State and Government. The Cairo Agenda reaffirmed that Africa's responsibility rested in the Governments and people of Africa, and that priority should be given to the implementation of strategies and programmes for the development of African countries which had been adopted at the national, regional and continental levels.

12.He then briefly reviewed the role of governments and the ECA, and the past efforts by African member States to promote the development and application of science and technology which by and large had ignored the organic link between science and technology policies and the economic policies. He called for policy reforms which would strengthen this link and redirect the science and technology systems to the problems faced by the African societies. Fresh attempts must be made to create a sound science and technology base paying special attention to the development of the necessary skills among the population, and to apply appropriate incentives for ensuring increased investment in the development and application of science and technology. He called upon each African country to evolve a long term vision of its future thereby providing a basis for the development of national policies and strategies. There was no doubt that science and technology would play a major role for the realization of such a vision.

13.He reiterated the necessity for all the African countries to lend practical support to the strategy of regional cooperation especially in a world which is increasingly transforming into bigger economic blocks. The ultimate attainment of the African Economic Community was a supreme objective in this regard. Africa's hope lay in a more aggressive acquisition and application of technologies in production, adding value to its natural resources, and in strengthening links with the rest of the world. Finally he urged the participants to contribute meaningfully to the deliberations.

The African Regional Conference: its origin scope, and modalities of work (Agenda item 4)

14. Under this agenda item, the Conference considered document ARCST/1/4 entitled "African Regional Conference on Science and Technology: its origin, scope and modalities of work which was presented by a representative of the secretariat. The Regional Conference was established by Commission resolution 757(XXVIII) in May 1993 as the only subsidiary organ of the Commission in the area of science and technology. It replaced the former Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology Development (IGCESTD) and incorporated the Technical Advisory Committee on Nuclear Science and Technology in Africa (TACNUSTA). He then outlined the contribution of the IGCESTD to regional policies in science and technology, and the initiatives taken by the member States which led to its upgrading to a Regional Conference.

15. He drew special attention to the terms of reference of the Regional conference and invited the meeting to reflect on their implication to its future activities. He also elaborated on the operational modalities of the Regional Conference as provided in Commission Resolution 757(XXVII) with respect to membership of the Regional Conference, periodicity of its meetings, role of national focal points, and working groups, and invited the meeting to make observations and recommendations to the ECA Conference of Ministers.

16. In the ensuing debate participants raised several important points. The meeting applauded the setting up of the African Regional conference which provided a key intergovernmental machinery by which science and technology issues can be brought to the attention of the Commission, and through which member States can evolve common approaches to issues confronted by their respective countries. With respect to the specific items in the paper the meeting preferred the following views and recommendations.

17. Terms of Reference: The meeting stressed that some of the terms of reference needed to be expanded to indicate in a more explicit manner the implication of each of the five specific provisions. In addition it was proposed that the terms of reference be expanded to reflect "women" concerns, especially taking into account the outcome of the Beijing Conference on Women and to include the scientific and technological databanks and information system. Section (b) required expansion by the addition of "programmes" at the end of the sentence.

18. With regard to Section(c) on resource mobilization the meeting noted that supplementary funding for UNECA science and technology programme is secured through the UNTFAD and bilateral support both of which could be further strengthened through increased member States support to this effect. It was also noted that resource mobilization for the execution of projects could be available through the normal channels operated by the African Development Bank. It was stressed that the Regional Conference should concentrate on selected issues and make use of existing institutions operating in other technical fields e.g. nuclear science and technology.

19. An important question was raised on the need for the Regional Conference to consider the question of ways and means of attaining its goals. Furthermore the procedural question of decision taking, whether by consensus or otherwise, needed to be settled.

20. Modalities of the Regional Conference The meeting stressed that the Regional Conference should provide an opportunity for delegations to present resumés of progress reports on experiences and activities and programmes in their respective countries. It was indicated that this could be achieved through their intervention on specific items of the agenda or by providing background written information which could be circulated to all participants thereby avoiding the necessity for verbal presentation which could not be accommodated in the normal time frame for the meeting.

21. National Focal points (NFPs): The meeting reaffirmed the important role to be played by these institutions and in facilitating communications and contacts amongst member States and between them and the ECA secretariat. It was stressed that the (NFPs) would reinforce the conventional diplomatic channels of communication between the ECA secretariat and the member State. A strong concern was expressed regarding the necessity for commitment at the highest level of Government in matters of science and technology. Such commitment and assumption of responsibility for science and technology at the level of a President or Prime Minister paid dividends in India and the South East Asian countries and African countries needed to emulate such successful practices. Some African countries have already followed this direction. The meeting noted that a programme of Presidential Forum under the RANDFORUM had begun to whip the interest of Heads of States and Government to the centrality of science and technology in the development processes. It was also noted that the third Presidential Forum held in Kampala in July 1995 had stressed that the ECA was the appropriate institution to spearhead commercialization of R&D in the African region and to facilitate communication across borders between and amongst the member States.

22. The meeting stressed that the ongoing R&D activities in individual member states required a drastic reorientation so as to achieve a better link with industry and contribute to innovation, as well as new and better products for the economy at large. In a related issue the training of manpower for science and technology should pay special attention to middle level technicians and vocational artisanal groups necessary to undertake important functions in the industrialization process on the continent.

23. The meeting noted that the ARCST could have both subregional working groups and sectoral working groups. Existing subregional working groups of the former Intergovernmental committee could now operate as subregional meetings of the ARCST.

Contribution of foreign direct investment to science and technology in Africa (Agenda item 5.a)

24. This agenda item was introduced by a member of the Secretariat. There are close relations between foreign direct investment, technological capacity and international competitiveness. These relations have attracted a great deal of interest in the last few years and a growing literature has emerged on the subject. Often, the quickest if not the only way to get a particular technology is through foreign direct investment (FDI), including joint ventures. This form of technology transfer is non-debt creating and gives rapid access to finance, technology, technical knowledge, management expertise and international markets. It also strengthen the linkages between the global science and technology system and the host country.

25. In most countries of Africa the level of FDI has declined since the beginning of the '80s and is now at a very low level. Africa is now attracting a total amount of FDI comparable to the amount attracted by a small country such as Singapore, and these flows are concentrated in a few countries and in a few sectors (mainly the resource's sectors, particularly oil and mining). In contrast, newly industrializing countries of Asia and Latin America are relying heavily on FDI to strengthen technological capacity, spur economic growth and create jobs, and the flows are more diversified.

26. The recent surge of interest for FDI in Africa can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the general disillusionment with import substitution strategies, the limited benefit of national ownership, the marginal impact of local research and development effort on national economies, the difficulty to integrate national economies into the world economy, the diminishing flows of commercial loans, the decline of official development aid, the growing emergence of some developing countries as purveyor of FDI and the necessity and high cost of networking and linking with the world technological innovators.

27. African countries can increase their success in attracting FDI if they can provide a competitive policy regime that is transparent, stable, welcoming and efficiently administered, an adequate physical infrastructure, particularly in transport and communication, a reliable network of suppliers, a dynamic financial system and a good array of technological support services.

28. Discussions that followed were very rich and informative. Some of the points which were highlighted included the following. Transnational corporations do not have the same objectives as the host country, particularly in matter of jobs creation. Existing technological capacities are not always a prerequisite or a condition to attract FDI and at a certain level of development a country needs to become part of a larger trading bloc in order to be able to attract FDI. The size of the market of the host country is not relevant if the production facility is mainly operated for the export market. Immigration issues are improving, particularly at the subregional level. In general, member States are sensitized to the importance and benefits of FDI and the major difficulty is to design and implement policy reforms to improve the investment climate. ECA should provide policy guidelines in this matter. Some African countries, including particularly South Africa, could be important purveyor of FDI. The most important factors for the localization of FDI are: political stability, labour conditions, availability of skilled manpower, investment policies and the right to repatriate profits.

29. In conclusion, it is hoped that the role of FDI in technological capacity building will be better understood and that concrete measures will be taken at country level to improve the level of investments in technology in order to activate economic growth.

Incentives for development and application of science and technology (Item 5.b)

30. A representative of the secretariat introduced this item. He said that one of the main reasons why African countries are unable to develop and apply science and technology is because the incentive system offered to business enterprises, entrepreneurs, investors, scientists and technologists, etc. is often not adequate. There is need for governments to review their incentive packages and legislate so that different forms of incentives are available to the technology developers and users.

31. He then enumerated a whole series of possible incentives like basic market incentives, institutional and infrastructural incentives, financial incentives, fiscal incentives, budgetary incentives, legal and regulatory incentives, public procurement incentives, honorific incentives and knowledge base incentives.

32. During the discussion delegates brought out the difficulties faced by some countries trying to implement the Uruguay Round (GATT) Agreements, and at the same time offer the different incentives proposed. The issue of limit and scope of patenting was raised, and it was noted that member States have to set up machineries for looking at appropriate legislations. There is now need to look at incentives to be given even at the school level, besides incentives for university lecturers and professors. Many countries have intimated financial, fiscal and budgetary incentives in some measure, and these incentives have to be seen in the context of linkage of R&D institutions with the industries. Examples of Technology Transfer Centres were given. The role of the Export Processing Zone in Mauritius that has been successful was also raised. The conference also brought out the need for special attention to be given to women to enable them to participate in science and technology activities. Incentives that can promote girls in taking up science subjects in schools were highly required.

33. The conference noted the secretariat's paper and requested member States to implement the various recommendations made therein.

Science and technology indicators for Africa (Agenda Item 5.c)

34. A representative of the Secretariat introduced the paper on science and technology indicators for Africa. He highlighted the need for appropriate guidelines and indicators that can help policy makers at national level in deciding on orientations and support for science and technology activities. Such indicators are also useful for donors and investors form outside who need to gauge the technological capacity of recipient countries.

35. The speaker then elaborated on what science and technology indicators are, and on a model for developing such indicators making use of comparable national data series and country specific detailed data sets. He concluded by reiterating that appropriate S&T indicators on in Africa should go beyond indicators on R&D, and should incorporate indicators brain-drain, technology imports, payments and flows, foreign direct investment and exploitation of patents.

36. During discussion, it was brought out that a manual, known as the Frascati Manual developed in OECD, amongst others, can be very useful in developing appropriate S&T indicators by member States. There is need for regular surveys at national level to establish the S&T potential, and such surveys can be utilised for extracting S&T indicators. Such an exercise has to be initiated by the National Science and Technology Policy Institutions at country level. Issues of comparability of indicators developed, depth and complexity of some indicators, their life span, and the need to start such exercises early in the member States, were raised. The conference complimented the secretariat for bringing out the need for such indicators and expressed the hope that member States will devote some resource for them at national level.

Nuclear science and technology for development in Africa (Agenda Item 5.d)

37. A representative of the secretariat presented document ARCST/1/5.d on nuclear science and technology for development in Africa. Inspite of its relative newness in use, nuclear science and technology is making important contributions in diverse fields such as animal production and health, human health, agricultural production, water resources management, environmental management, etc. Several African countries had taken policy measures to strengthen their capacities to exploit the special features and applications of nuclear science and technology through education and training programmes offered in universities and specialised institutions, and through bilateral and multilateral programmes for acquisition and transfer of skills, expertise, infrastructure and tools for the application of nuclear science and technology. In this regard a number of collaborative programmes and activities have been undertaken under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and a strong regional collaboration effort developed under the African Regional Co-operative Agreement for Research, Development, and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA).

38.The meeting was informed about the efforts of the ECA in promoting awareness among the member States and in the establishment of institutional machinery to further regional cooperation in the development and utilization of nuclear science and technology. The activities leading to the establishment of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Development of Nuclear Science and Technology (TACNUSTA) were highlighted and those of the ad-hoc expert group meetings which focused on the contribution of nuclear science and technology to food security in Africa that led to the formulation of a specific project on food irradiation.

39.A representative of AFRA informed the meeting that his organization had grown considerably since it was mooted in March 1990. It completed its first phase in April 1995 and member countries had indicated interest for its continuation into the second phase 1995-2000. To-date AFRA membership stood at 21 African countries and the organization is executing 13 cooperative projects involving a networking of about 300 scientists. Through AFRA, technology and expertise was available to other African countries and collaboration with OAU and ECA could be pursued through joint ventures or under specific Memoranda of Agreement. The meeting noted that three types of programmes were running concurrently in the African region: the IAEA bilateral programmes for individual member States, the regional programme under the auspices of IAEA, and the AFRA programme managed by African countries themselves.

40.During the debate many issues were brought to the fore. The meeting agreed that participants should provide verbal reports on developments in nuclear science and technology in their respective countries and these were made by a number of delegations. It was noted that several countries had considerable capacities and had availed themselves of the application of nuclear science and technology in several fields such as energy, health (eg cancer therapy), food irradiation, pest control (eg using the sterile insect technique to eradicate the tse-tse fly), sterilization of medical equipment, plant breeding and genetics.

41. The meeting stressed the need for national programmes to sensitize the general populace on the safety guidelines in use of nuclear technology and the dangers inherent in the radiation sources. It also expressed concern about the dumping of nuclear waste in the African region, and called on member States to pay greater attention to safe disposal of nuclear waste and the stringent operation of regulations in this regard. Such action was necessary to instil confidence among the population on the safety of nuclear energy in many of its applications.

42.The meeting noted the initiatives taken by the ECA in the use of food irradiation in providing food security in the region. It requested AFRA in cooperation with ECA, OAU, and IAEA to mount an integrated regional programme on food irradiation in this regard. Furthermore, the meeting called upon the African member States to play a more active role in the IAEA and noted that South Africa had regained its seat as the permanent member of the IAEA Board of Governors.

Technology transfer, negotiation and acquisition in the context of promoting the African Economic Community (Agenda item 5.e)

43. This agenda item was introduced by a member of the Secretariat. African developing countries are marginal producers of new technology. Their share of the world research and development effort is less than half of one percent and the research work being carried out does not produce much technological innovation. Indeed, the research and development effort in Africa has made little contribution to technological and economic development during the last three decades and it is not expected to make much contribution either in the years ahead. Much of the discourse on research has been and still is self-deceptive. In this context sound technology transfer and acquisition have to play an increased role in African development than it has up to now and it must receive greater attention from policy-makers than it has so far.

44. The new global system of technology transfer and the new international context that are emerging will have profound impacts on flows of technology in the coming years: proprietary and strategic (military) technologies will be more protected but less restricted than during the cold war period; technology embodied in products will be more accessible as trade becomes freer; non-proprietary technologies will be more abundant but probably less relevant to developing countries as the technology gap gets wider; technical assistance may stagnate at its present level or even decline further as donor countries face budget constraints and increased demands from other parts of the world. Furthermore, severe financial and economic problems experienced by many African countries will continue to curb commercial technology acquisition while political instability and cultural blockages will also contribute to constrain foreign technology inflow to a low level.
45. A national dialogue on the various issues related to technology transfer should be organized in each country to formulate a clear policy statement on technology transfer and acquisition to be approved by the highest governmental authorities; initiate measures to strengthen manpower training in various aspects of technology transfer; design competitive laws, regulations and guidelines, including protection of property rights, trade, immigration and foreign investments, to facilitate or accelerate the application of environmentally sound, culturally compatible, socially beneficial, economically profitable technologies. Measures should also be taken to reduce cultural and political constraints to technology transfer and development, and promote values of change, openness, self reliance, initiative, entrepreneurship, freedom and stability. Effort should be made to turn brain drain into brain gain and benefit from African nationals working abroad. Finally, a strong Governmental Unit should be created to design and manage a more discriminating technology transfer and acquisition policy in the direction of the national objectives, carry out technology assessment and forecasting, support entrepreneurs in their foreign technology transactions and advise the government on issues of technology transfer.

46. Discussions on these issues highlighted the importance of a strong industrial/technological policy which recognizes the central role of private enterprise, information technologies and Internet connectivity in technology transfer, the necessity to improve the recipient environment, the various channels and mechanisms of technology transfer, including seminars, documents and data banks, the potential of technology transfer within Africa, the necessity of training and the role of science parks in technology transfer. There were discussions on the distinctions between research policies and innovations policies and many comments on the success of Mauritius in industrialization - success achieved not by carrying out industrial research but by applying existing international technology. Finally, there were questions addressed to ECA on how it could assist member States on these issues. ECA can assist in reorienting science and technology policies, from their present emphasis on research to an emphasis on application and innovation provided that requests to this effect be sent to the ECA secretariat.

Science and Technology Protocol of the African Economic Community (Agenda Item 5.f)

47. A representative of the secretariat introduced this item on the agenda. He said that the Abuja Treaty establishing the African Economic Community in 1991, had a draft Protocol on Science and Technology. The ECA has discussed the draft protocol at an experts meeting in Malawi, and has suggested amendments and additions to the Protocol, and the OAU was expected to finalize it. The protocol stressed the strengthening of scientific and technological capacity in African member states, with emphasis on the application aspects to expedite socio-economic development in the region. The ECA has suggested the inclusion of economic dimensions with supportive trade, investment, licensing, joint venture, credit, venture capital, immigration, intellectual property protection and technology transfer laws and regulations in the context of an open, market-oriented economy.

48. During the discussion, the role of ECA in promoting the implementation of the protocol was highlighted. It was noted that many countries are still not aware of the protocol, and have yet to set up mechanisms for the implementation of the recommendations contained in it. The conference endorsed the paper and requested member States to take the protocol as an instrument of highest level political commitment in the development and application of science and technology in Africa.

Subregional cooperation in science and technology (Agenda item 5.g)

49. Consideration of this item began with the presentation of document ARCST/1/5.g by a representative of the secretariat. He pointed out that the paper provided a review of the experience with subregional Working Groups of the former Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology Development (IGCESTD) and contained proposals for a similar arrangement under the African Regional Conference.

50. The presentation highlighted the mandate, activities, and achievements of the Working Groups under the former IGCESTD. Despite some constraints which inhibited their dynamism and effectiveness, the Working Groups were instrumental in identifying needs and priorities of their respective subregions and in formulating subregional policies, strategies and projects.

51. In the light of the above experience and the deliberations, the meeting agreed that:

(i) Five Sub-regional Conferences of the Regional Conference should be established grouping countries as shown hereunder.

Central Africa:Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe and Zaire.

Eastern Africa:Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda

Northern Africa:Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia.

Southern Africa:Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Western AfricaBenin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bisau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo

It was stressed that there should be flexibility and member States should be free to participate in any other Sub-regional Conference.

ii)Operating as sub-committees of the African Regional Conference on Science and Technology (ARCST) the Sub-regional Conferences should tackle priority issues on science and technology in their respective subregions and report there on to the Biennial meetings of the Regional Conference.

iii)Each Sub-regional Conference shall designate a Coordinator Country which will provide leadership, ensure follow-up and contacts with members of the group, and report back to the ARCST and assume responsibility for spearheading its activities and programmes amongst its member States and partner institutions for a period of two years.

During the subregional consultations held on 8.11.95, the following countries were unanimously designated to serve as Coordinator countries till the second meeting of the ARCST: Central Africa (Cameroon). Eastern Africa (Uganda), Northern Africa, (Algeria), Southern Africa (South Africa) and Western Africa (Cote d'Ivoire.

iv)The member States through their relevant science and technology institutions shall provide the necessary resources and support for the implementation of the agreed activities. The ECA, its MULPOCs and subregional economic groupings shall provide logistic and other support as appropriate.

52. At the request of the meeting the representative of Tunisia, former Coordinator for Northern Africa subregion, appraised the meeting on the successful meeting of the Northern Africa Working Group meeting held in December 1993. The meeting ushered in a measure of reorientation of national polices in science and technology, enabled the countries to have a better vision of their future direction in science and technology, and led to the adoption of programmes of cooperation in desertification, solar energy, water development and promotion of innovation in SME's. The representative of South Africa, former Coordinator of Southern Africa subregion reported on the follow-up activities relative to the five parameters for cooperation adopted in the December 1994 meeting. In the area of science and technology information he said that Mozambique had joined the Southern Africa university network; and in science/technology and society, the Human Sciences Research Council had organised a meeting in Pretoria where the ECA participated. He cautioned about the imbalance in the initiative to these activities which so for came from one country, posing serious question regarding the lack of similar commitment from other countries in the subregion.

53. The meeting reconfirmed Botswana's lead role in the subject of Science Parks designated to it during the eighth meeting of the former IGCESTD. It was therefore decided to designate Science Parks as a theme for a sectoral Working Group and Botswana was charged with the responsibility of developing the programme of activity around this theme in consultation with the interested member States.

54. Finally the meeting decided that Nuclear Science and Technology be a sectoral theme, and designated the ECA, AFRA and OAU to develop a plan of activities. This sectoral Working Group is to work in close consultation with interested member States.

ECA Sub-programme in Science and Technology during 1996 - 1997 (Agenda item 6)

55. A representative of the secretariat presented this item. He said that the major thrust of the subprogramme which is now subsumed in the subprogramme of `Infrastructural and Structural Transformation', is to promote the application of science and technology in member Sates. This is envisaged through (a) assisting member States to formulate, and review their science and technology policies, (b) assisting member States to formulate and apply suitable legislations and (c) organize the training of entrepreneurs: He then elaborated on each component, namely: parliamentary services, published material, operational activities, coordination, harmonization and liaison. Finally he invited the conference to pronounce on the relevance and future orientations of ECA's activities.

56. Some delegates observed that the activity on proposals for reform of science and technology curricula at secondary and tertiary level could best be tackled by UNESCO and the Commonwealth Secretariat Council which had a similar programme. In view of shortage of resources, at the ECA, the programme could be pruned down where necessary. On the whole the activities proposed were quite relevant to the region.

57. The secretariat introduced another paper on the role of the ECA in the area of science and technology and invited the conference to pronounce on it, specially in the light of limited resources within the UN and restructuring of programmes. The conference strongly supported the role of the ECA as a major regional institution spearheading the orientation of science and technology in the member States, and emphasized the need for such a programme in the African region as a priority.

Global and regional initiatives and trends in science and technology and their implications on African member States (Agenda item 7)

58.Under this item, observers from Carnegie Corporation of New York, WAITRO, UNIDO, ADB and RECTEM took the floor.

Carnegie Corporation of New York

59.The representative of the organisation addressed the meeting on the theme: " An African view of donor collaboration on science and technology for development in Africa" in which he elaborated on the policy framework and the multidimensional implications of regional and national practices in respect of science and technology development. He offered some perspective on how science and technology is viewed from outside and suggested measures for strengthening partnerships between donors and the African countries.

60.His presentation dwelt at length on three main issues. First, the types of donors concerned with science and technology development in Africa. Secondly the types of collaboration, focusing on three types i.e. donor-country collaboration, country-country collaboration, and donor-donor collaboration, and the role each plays to foster science and technology development. Thirdly he dealt with the perceptions of existing circumstances at the global, regional and national levels and their impact on science and technology. He concluded his presentation with a number of recommendations for strengthening partnerships with the donor community.

World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations(WAITRO)

61.The representative of WAITRO informed the meeting that his association was set up in 1970 as an agency for cooperation and a clearing house for information among others. Institutions and organisations which support or are involved in the area of industrial and technological research are allowed as members. WAITRO has projects in collaboration with IDRC, and many African organizations are also involved in these projects.

African Development Bank(ADB)

62.The representative of ADB reported on the collaboration between his organisation and ECA and OAU. He indicated the science and technology related areas in which ADB was involved and drew attention to the importance of environmental concerns into development projects and programmes, and to the study of the African Energy Programme, the results of which could be made available to ECA and others.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO)
63.The representative of UNIDO called attention to important developments such as GATT agreements, ISO 9000, WTO which would have far reaching effect on Africa's relations with the rest of the world. He urged Africa to develop a long term vision of how it will operate in this new world order. In this regard he proposed that Africa should revolutionize its science and technology education, pursue targeted science and technology programmes, and initiate vigorous capacity building for industry particularly the small and medium enterprises and rural industries. Regional and subregional cooperation should be strengthened by revitalising the regional technological institutions, creating subregional centres of excellence, undertaking joint negotiations for the acquisition of technology and exploiting information resources. He invited ECA to collaborate with UNIDO in promoting these initiatives in the African region.

Regional Centre for Technology Management in Africa(RECTEM)

64.The representative of RECTEM drew attention to the mission of his organization, elaborated in the brochures made available to all the participants. He underscored the better management of science and technology resources as a key to the enhancement of Africa's technological capabilities.

65.Questions were raised about the funding of science and technology activities of the ADB, about its science and technology policy, and about the functioning of the joint OAU/ECA/ADB secretariat, and the use of African consultants by UNIDO. Participants were able to learn a good deal about these organizations

Any other business (Agenda Item 8)

66.The secretariat raised the following points:

(i)Sub-regional Conference: The meeting was informed that each of the Sub-regional Conferences established would convene meetings as an intergovernmental organ, and therefore governments would meet the cost of their participation.

(ii)Western Africa Sub-regional Conference: A meeting of the Sub-regional Conference was scheduled for 1996 and the secretariat would endeavour to assist the participation of a number of countries.

(iii) The meeting was appraised of the "African Regional Workshop on Technology Needs Assessment in Support of Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies and International Cooperation" scheduled for 17-19 January 1996 in Dakar, Senegal.

(iv) Date and Venue of the next meeting: The meeting noted that the second meeting of the African Regional Conference on Science and Technology was planned for the first half of September 1997. This would avoid overlapping with the General Conference of UNESCO which takes place during October and November.

(v) The representative of Algeria announced that his government was prepared to host the second meeting of the African Regional Conference on Science and Technology in September 1997.
Adoption of report (Agenda item 9)

67. Under this agenda item, the Chairman of the Drafting Committee presented a draft resolution which was adopted after a detailed review by the meeting. The text appears at end of the report.

Closure of the meeting (Agenda item 10)

68. The Chairman expressed satisfaction at the contribution of all the participants in tackling the business placed before the first meeting of the African Regional Conference on Science and Technology, and with the commitment shown to science and technology as reflected in the preamble of the draft resolution. He thank the ECA Secretariat for the high quality of presentation to the meeting. Finally he thanked the participants and the secretariat for their support which contributed to the successful conclusion of the meeting.

69. The Chief of the ECA Science and Technology Section, speaking on behalf of the Secretariat, thanked the participants for their very valuable contribution to the success of the First African Regional Conference on Science and Technology. He urged that the sense of achievement should be carried through to the implementation of the recommendations of the meeting. Finally he thanked the chairman and members of the Bureau and the Drafting Committee for their special contribution to the meeting.

70. The Chairman once again thanked everybody and declared the meeting closed.
by the
African Regional Conference on Science and Technology

The African Regional Conference on Science and Technology (ARCST), having been constituted by Resolution 757(XXVIII) adopted by the Conference of Ministers of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, in May 1993, at its premier meeting held in Addis Ababa, from 6 to 10 November 1995,

Enhancing the impact of science and technology on socio-economic development

Reaffirming its belief in the strategic role and vital contribution of science and technology in the continued activation or acceleration of economic growth and development of African countries,

Recalling the objectives of the Conference, in particular (a) to pursue actively the promotion of science and technology and the formulation of measures to ensure their application to national, subregional and regional development; (b) to give special consideration in its activities to the needs of the least developed member States and to the application and impact of new and emerging technologies,

Recognizing its mandate as an intergovernmental institution dedicated to assist and advise the Economic Commission for Africa in formulating and executing strategies, policies and programmes to stimulate scientific progress and technological innovation on the African continent,

Recognizing further its role in the strengthening of regional and subregional cooperation and integration in the field of science and technology,

Acknowledging that the international environment has changed appreciably during the last few years and that science and technology policies in Africa need to be revamped or adapted to the emerging new context and challenges of the 21st century,

Realizing the need to formulate a new vision of Africa as a full and integrated partner in world development,

Bearing in mind the remarkable success of some Asian countries in the field of technological and economic progress and industrial competitiveness, - success that can be a source of inspiration and encouragement for African countries,

Reaffirming that capacity-building in science and technology for development in Africa should remain one of the top priority issues on the agenda of the Economic Commission for Africa,

Stressing the need for African countries to promote and facilitate access to and the transfer of environmentally sound technologies and know-how,

Noting with concern the diminishing level of development aid and technical assistance in Africa, the short term negative impacts of the new Uruguay Round / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the low level of international commercial credit and investment in Africa,

Understanding the imperative for African countries to substantially increase the level of investment in technological application and utilization in order to achieve a growth rate that will enable them to break out of poverty,

Mindful of the need for African countries to depart from protective and inward-looking policies and promote mechanisms that will increase substantially the level of financing for technological development and economic growth,

Noting that to increase the contribution of science and technology and stimulate economic growth, African countries need to pursue economic reforms with more vigour and put into place an enabling environment,

Noting further that a more proactive approach to science and technology development is needed, especially its inextricable link to industrialization,

Resolves that member States should:

1.Participate actively and at the highest level of decision-making, including ministerial, in the work of the Conference, ensure its continuity and take steps to implement its resolutions and recommendations;

2.Set-up or review their science and technology policy and machinery and translate these policies into appropriate legislation for their effective application, in line with the new international context characterized, among other things, by a decline of official development aid and technical assistance, high indebtedness, a new trade and investment regime, a greater role of the private sector and private finance, the expansion of market economies, increased economic liberalization, interdependence and globalization;

3.Put into place an incentives regime to foster scientific progress and technological innovation, including (a) fundamental market incentives (free competition, private property, openness to the global economy, reduced bureaucracy), (b) institutional and infrastructural incentives (information, communication, technology incubation, transfer, extension, diffusion, popularization, networking, Export Processing Zone), (c) financial incentives (venture capital, small credit, etc.), (d) fiscal incentives (tax exemptions, rebates, reliefs, holidays, accelerated depreciation), (e) budgetary incentives (modernization grants, investment allowances, etc.) (f) legal and regulatory incentives (property rights, technological standards), (g) public procurement incentives, (h) honorific incentives (prizes, awards) and (i) knowledge base incentives, (scholarships, encouragement to girls, apprenticeship, sabbatical leaves, study tours, participation in seminars, consultancies, etc.);

4.Strengthen their technological and financing capacity through, among other things, the use of foreign direct investment which can be attracted by putting in place: (a) a stable democracy, (b) a competitive policy regime that is transparent, predictable and efficiently administered, including trade policy, investment policy , immigration policy, industrial and labour policy and patents and intellectual property policies; (c) an adequate physical infrastructure, particularly in transport and communication; (d) a reliable network of suppliers; (e) a sound, diversified and dynamic financial system; (f) a good array of technological support services, such as technical training facilities, extension services, standards, metrology and quality control, science and technology information services (data bases and full Internet connectivity);
5.Accelerate technology acquisition, absorption and assimilation by: (a) formulating a clear policy statement on technology transfer to be approved by the highest governmental authorities; (b) initiating measures to strengthen manpower training in various aspects of technology transfer; (c) designing competitive laws, regulations and guidelines to facilitate the transfer and acquisition of environmentally sound, culturally compatible, socially beneficial, economically profitable and sustainable technologies; (d) reducing cultural and political constraints to technology transfer and development, and promoting values of change, openness, self reliance, initiative, entrepreneurship, freedom and stability;

6.Create a strong Governmental Unit to (a) design and manage a more discriminating technology transfer and acquisition policy in the direction of the national objectives, (b) carry out technology assessment and forecasting, (c) support entrepreneurs in their foreign technology transactions, (d) advise the government on issues of technology transfer; (e) evolve concerted and harmonized subregional technology transfer and acquisition policies to make optimal use of resources and enhance a common stand when competing for foreign acquisition of technology, and (f) ensure the proper use of resources;

7.Put into place an enabling environment by redoubling their efforts in capacity building so as to be better able to apply international technologies by pursuing structural economic reforms so that they can be more appealing on the international scene, better absorb needed technologies, better exploit technological complementarities among themselves and participate more in the regional and global economy;

8.Implement urgently policies to 'contain' brain drain and benefit from African nationals working abroad;

9.Take steps to implement the Protocol on Science and Technology of the African Economic Community by: (a) strengthening their scientific and technological capabilities through programmes aiming at the proper application of science and technology; (b) improving existing facilities and developing institutional capabilities for the development, management, utilization and popularization of new and traditional technologies; (c) promoting cooperation in all aspects of fostering the application of science and technology for the development, the acquisition and assimilation of technology and its adaptation to local conditions; and (d) strengthening national, subregional and regional scientific and technological institutions and associations;

10.Strengthen the acquisition and application of nuclear science and technology in order to improve water resources management, environmental protection, energy requirement, food and agriculture, radiation protection and safety, animal production, human and animal health and quality control and other uses in industry and, to this effect, support the membership of African countries in I. A. E. A. and the regional cooperation agreement on research, development and training in the field of nuclear science and technology (A.F.R.A), and their participation in the Regional Programme for Africa (RAF) and the ECA Working Group on Nuclear Science and Technology, while ensuring complementarity of efforts in the various cooperative frameworks;

11.Build and periodically update a series of science and technology indicators in order to provide useful information in the design of science and technology policies and to monitor the scientific and technological progress;

12.Pay special attention to and empower women through their participation in science and technology activities in order to increase productivity and accelerate the process of development;

13.Intensify the teaching of mathematics, science and technology at primary and secondary levels through appropriate reform of curricula

14.Attach more importance to cooperation and collaboration a) with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Organization of African Unity and the African Development Bank in the field of science and technology, including the implementation of the Science and Technology Protocol of the African Economic Community; and (b) with other inter-governmental and non-governmental technological organizations including the African Regional Centre for Engineering Design and Manufacturing (ARCEDEM), the African Regional Centre for Technology (ARCT), the African Regional Organization for Standardization (ARSO); the African Agency for Biotechnology (AAB), the African Regional Industrial Property Organization (ARIPO) and the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI);

The Conference further resolves,

15.To create five Sub-Regional Conferences on Science and Technology (SRCST), with flexible membership, to (a) foster subregional cooperation and integration in science and technology; (b) formulate subregional policies taking into account comparative advantages and complementarities of member States; (c) design and implement subregional projects; and (d) collaborate in the strengthening of subregional capacity in science and technology; and to create sectoral working groups, embracing networking, and including one sectoral working group on scientific and technological parks and one sectoral working group on nuclear science and technology;

16.To give full support to the ECA activities in science and technology in order to assist member States in incorporating science and technology into their socio-economic development for food security, poverty alleviation and enhanced quality of life, including (a) the provision of sample legislations for the implementation of science and technology policies, (b) the promotion of measures to enhance entrepreneurial capacity to exploit science and technology, (c) the development of science and technology popularization programmes through the mass media, (d) the formulation of science and technology policy options for Africa for the 21st century, and (e) the delivery of advisory services to member States on various aspects of science and technology development and application;

17.To call upon the organizations of the United Nations system to intensify their cooperation with ECA and assistance to African countries and organizations in promoting the development of science and technology on the continent;

18.To call upon and support ECA in its search for funds for the execution of extra-budgetary projects in the priority areas identified by the Conference;

19.To recommend an amendment to its terms of reference, item (d), to include special attention to the needs of women and children;

20.That this resolution be submitted to the next ECA Conference of Ministers for onward transmission to the Heads of State and Governments for appropriate actions.

Annex 1



Mr. Boualem Tatah, Director, Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research, Chemin Doudou Mihitar - Den Akroum, Alger, Algeria Tel.:(213-2) 911957

Mr. Benaouda Ibrahim Haci, Counsellor, Algerian Embassy, P.O. Box 5740, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel.: 652300


Mr. Toko Seráo, Ambassador, Angola Embassy, P.O. Box 2962, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 510085, Fax.: 251-1-514922

Mr. Tete Antonio, Second Secretary, Angola Embassy, P.O. Box 2962, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 510085,Fax.: 251-1-514922


Prof. V.K. Bhandari, Technology Development Manager, Botswana Technology Centre, Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Tel: (267) 314161, Fax: (267) 374677, Gaborone


Prof. Joseph Mbede, Minister of Scientific Research, C/O Cameroon Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514844

Dr. Efa Fouda, Cameroon Permanent Secretary of National Committee for Technological Development, MINREST, B.P. 25293, Yaounde

Dr. André Mvesso, Chargé de Mission, Services du Premier Ministre, Cameroun

Mr. Desiré Essama Bene, Cameroon Ministry of Economy and Finance, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514844

Mr. Charles Mengalle, Cameroon Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514844

Mr. Joseph Essombe Edimo, Cameroon Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514844

Mr. Edouard MA'A Ole, Second Secretary, Cameroon Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel.: 51-48-44
Annex 1
Annex 1
Cap Verde

Dr. Luis Manuel Alves, Chairman of the National Commission for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Sports, CIES-MED, P.O. Box 111 - Praia, Fax.: (238) 631135


Mr. Dieudonne Antoine-Ganga, Ambassador, Congo Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514188

M. Jean Prosper Miamona, First Secretary, Congo Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514188

Mr. Marie Mboundzi, Counsellor, Congo Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514188

Côte d'Ivoire

M. Bakary Daho, Directeur de Cabinet, Ministère de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, 01 BP V151 Abidjan, Tel.: (225) 211541, Fax.: (225) 212225

Dr. Bakary Ouayogode, Directeur de la Recherche, AESRS-Abidjan, BP V 151 Abidjan, Tel.: (225) (213620) Fax: (225 212225
Mr. Christopher Kouakou, Conseiller Côte d'Ivoire Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 711213


Dr. Nabil Mohamed, I.S.E.R.S.T., B.P. 486, Republic of Djibouti Tel.: (253) 352795, Fax.: (253)354812


Prof. Nabil Yossrie Abou-Zeid, Vice President, Specialised Councils, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Fax.: (202) 3562820

Prof. Attia Abd El-Hamid, Advisor to the Minister of Scientific Research, National Research Centre, Fax.: (202) 3370931

Mr. Ezzedin Fahmy, First Secretary, Egypt Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 553077

Equatorial Guinea

Mr. Ntugu Abeso Narciso, First Secretary, Embassy of Equatorial Guinea, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 610034


Mr. Yosief Habemichael, Economic Affairs Officer, Embassy of the State of Eritrea, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 512844


Mr. Getachew Mengistie, Head, Patent Technology Transfer & Development, Ethiopian Science & Technology Commission, P.O. Box 2490, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 155307

Mr Getaneh Yemenie, Head, Policy and Planning Programming Services, Ethiopian Science & Technology Commission, P.O. Box 2490, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: 155361

Mr. Shumu Teferra, A/Head, Industry Department, Ethiopian Science & Technology Commission, P.O. Box 2490, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: 155361


M. Emmanuel Mendoume-Nze, Ambassadeur, Ambassade du Gabon, B.P. 1256, Addis Abéba, Ethiopie, Tel.: 611075

M. Roger Layaud, Directeur de la Recherche et de la Cooperation Scientifique, Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, B.P. 2217, Tel.: 760764, Fax.: 764345, Libreville

M. Paulin Mouloungui Boutamba, Haut Commissaire, Ministere de l'enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Chef de Delegation, B.P. 2217, Tel.: 760764, Fax.: 764345, Libreville

M. Alfred Moungara, Conseiller chargé des Relations avec la CEA, Ambassade du Gabon, B.P. 1256, Addis Abéba, Ethiopia, Tel 613703

M. Desire Nguema-Nzue, Premier Conseiller, Ambassade du Gabon, B.P. 1256, Addis Abéba, Ethiopie, Tel.: 611075

M. Pierre Mounanga Loundou, Premier Conseiller, Conseiller Chargé des Relations avec l'OUA, Ambassade du Gabon, B.P. 1256, Addis Abéba, Ethiopie, Tel.: 611075


Prof. Walter S. Alhassan, Director General, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, P.O. Box M.32, Accra, Tel.: (233-21) 774772, fax.: (233-21)777655

Mr. Kobina Wudu, Ambassador, Ghana Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 711402


M. Sény Facine Sylla, Couneiller á la Recherche, Charge de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Ministere Enseignement Superieur, Recherche Scientifique et Culture, Conakry, Tlx: 22331 MDEC GE, Tel.: (224) 411643, Fax.: (224) 411901/414141


Mr. Onunda Olali, Chief Economist, Office of the Vice-President and Ministry of Planning and National Development, P.O. Box 75865, Nairobi Tel.: 338111 Ext. 33314

Ms. Fauziya Mohamed, Second Secretary, Kenya Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia P.O. Box 3301, Tel.: 610033


Mr. David J. Saryee, Charge d'Affairs, Liberian Embassy, P.O. Box 3116, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 513655

Miss Genevieve A. Kennedy, Consellor, Embassy of Liberia, P.O. Box 3116, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 513655


Prof. Saleh Mohamed Abughres, Director General of the National Academy for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 8004, Tripoli, Telex.: 20956 NASR-LY, Tel.: (218-21) 3334489/ 3339101, Fax.: (218-21) 3339841,


M. Jean David Auguste Raveloson, Premier Conseiller D'Ambassade, Ambassade de la Republique de Madagascar, B.P. 60004, Addis Abéba, Ethiopie, Tel.: 612555


Mr. D.R. Ezala, First Secretary, Malawi Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 712440


Mr. Tiago Castigo, First Secretary, Mozambique Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 710021

Mr. Alexandre Manjate, Second Secretary, Mozambique Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 210020


Hon. Buddy J. Wentworth, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Higher Education, Vocational Training, Science and Technology (MHEVTST), Private Bag 13, Windhoek, Namibia, Fax (61) 253671

Mr. Hinyangerwa P. Asheeke, Ambassador, Namibia Embassy, P.O. Box 1443, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 611966

Dr. Kuiri Tjipangandjara, Prof. at University of Namibia, University of Namibia, Private Bag 13301, Windhoek, Tel.: (61) 2063502, Fax.: (61) 2063050

M. Aboubacar Ibrahim Abani, Premier Secretaire, Ambassade de la Rép. du Niger, B.P. 5791, Addis Abéba, Ethiopie, Tel.: 651305


M. Shenwun Peter, First Secretary, Embassy of Nigeria, P.O. Box 1019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel.: 550644, Fax.: 552307


Mme. Beatric Mukabaranga, Directeur General, Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research & Culture, Kigali B.P. 624, Kigali, Tel: (250) 82745/83051, Fax: (250) 82162

M. Albert Batanage Mutesa, Chef de Division Planification de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique, B.P. 624, Kigali, Tel: (250) 82745/83051, Fax: (250) 82162


Mr. Papa Louis Fall, Ambassador, Senegal Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 611376

M. Abdoussalam Diallo, Counsellor, Senegal Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 611376

Sierra Leone

Mrs. N.B. Remoe-Doherty, 2nd Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

South Africa

Dr. J.A. Shaw, Minister, Embassy of South africa Embassy, P.O. Box 1091, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 713035

Dr. Isaac Amuah, Executive Director, Directorate for Science and Technology, Foundation for Research Development, Pretoria


Prof. Izzeldin Mohamed Osman, Vice Chancellor/President of Sudan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3297, Khartoum, Tel.: (249-11) 772508, Fax.: (249-11) 774559

Mr. R.M. Osman, Counsellor, Sudan Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 516477


Mr. Bethuel S. Mdlovu, Senior Inspector of Schools for Science, Ministry of Education, P.O. Box 39, Mbabane, Tel.: (268) 42495
Mr. William S. A. Shongwe, Principal Swaziland College of Technology, P.O. Box 69, Mbabane, Tel.: (268) 43684


Dr. Yadon M. Kohi, Director General, Tanzania Commission for S&T, P.O. Box 4302, Dar-es-Salaam

Mr. Francis A. Mwaipaja, First Secretary, Embassy of Tanzania, P.O. Box 1077, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Mrs. Juliana H. Lema, Senior Economist, Presidents Office, Planning Commission, P.O. Box 9242, Dar-es-Salaam


Dr. Kwawo Johnson, Directeur par Interim de la Recherche Scientifique, Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche Scientifique, B.P. 2729, Lome, Tel: (228)210712, Fax:(228) 220783, Telex: 9865322 5322 MINEDU TG

Prof. Messanvi Gbeassor, Doyen de la Feculté des Sciences - Université du Benin, B.P. 1515, Lomé, Tel.: (228) 250877, Fax.: (228) 258784


Prof. Réfaat Chaabouni, Directeur de la Prospective, de la Planification et de l'Evaluation, Premier Ministère, Secretariat d'Etat á la Recherche Scientifique et á la Technologie, 18 Rue 8010, Cité Montplaisir - 1082 Tunisie, Tel.: (216-1) 795410, E-mail:

Mr. Ezzeddine Zayani, Premier Conseiller, Ambassade de Tunisie, Addis Abéba, Ethiopia, Tel.: 653818


Dr. John Fred Kakule, Deputy Executive Secretary, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, P.O.Box 6884, Kampala, Tel (256-41-250499/250431, Fax (256-41)234579, E-mail:

Mr. Arthur Gakwandi, Deputy Ambassador, Uganda Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 513114


Mr. Simataa Akapelwa, Ambassador, Zambia Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 711302

Dr. Nicholas Lubaba, Chief Scientific Office, National Council for Scientific Research, P.O.Box 310158, 15302 Lusaka, Tel.: (260-2) 281081-6, Fax: (260-2) 283502/283533

Mr. Irene Fundafunda, Councellor, Zambia Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 711302

Mr. Boldwin Njovu, First Secretary, Zambia Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 711302

Mr. G.B. Zimba, Second Secretary, Zambia Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 711302


Mr. Mulumba Tshidimba, First Secretary, Zaire Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel.: 710111/710120


Mr. L.H. Iabuvinga, Counsellor, Embassy of Zimbabwe, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 613877

Mr. R.T. Ngarande, First Secretary, Embassy of Zimbabwe, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 613877

African Development Bank (ADB)

Mr. Oumar Aw, Principal Environmentalist, Central Projects Department, ADB, 01 BP 1387, Abidjan 01, Cote d'Ivoire, Tel.: (225) 204199, Fax.: (225) 204907

Carnegie Corporation, N.Y.

Dr. Akin Adubifa, Program Officer, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 437 Madison Ave, New York, N.Y. 11427

Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD)

Mr. Debebe Yayehyirad, Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development, P.O.Box 2653, Djibouti

Human Science Research Council (HSRC) South Africa

Mr. Jan I.H. Beukes, HSRC South Africa, Private Bag X41, Pretoria 0001, Tel.: (251-1) 519100

Organization of African Unity (OAU)

Ambassador S.F. Gashut, Dir, ESCAS, OAU, P.O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 517200

Dr. Omar Juma Khatib, Head of Health and Nutrition, OAU, P.O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 513039

Mrs. Yetunde Teriba, Women's Affairs Officer, OAU, P.O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 517200 Ext. 299

Mr. Aboubacar Traore, Data Expert, OAU, P.O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 517200 Ext. 183

African Regional Co-operation Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA)

Dr. Salah Djeffal, Director of the Radiation Protection and Safety Centre, Assistant to the Chairman - AFRA FIELD MANAGEMENT, 2, Bd Frantz Fanon, B.P. 1017, 16000, Algiers

Regional Centre for Technology Management (RECTEM)

Dr. Akindele Aju, Executive Director, Regional Centre for Technology Management (RECTEM) P.M.B. 1026, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria

Mr. Adenike Adenrele Borokimhi, Programme Officer, Regional Centre for Technology Management (RECTFM) P.M.B. 1026, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
Research and Development Forum for Science-Led Development in Africa (RANDFORUM)

Dr. Getachew Tikubet, Regional representative, RANDFORUM, P.O.Box 3893, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Technology Assessment Institute

Mr. Amos Anyimadu, Director, Technology Assessment Inst. P.O. Box 14, Legon, Ghana, Tel.: (233-21) 302854

World Health Organization (WHO)

Mr. A.N. Correia, WHO Representative for OAU & Coordinator with ECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 515178

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Mr. Caleb Tamwesigire, Programme Officer, UNDP/RIO, P.O. Box 5580, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 515919

United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office (UNSO)

Mrs. Ruth Abraham, Chief Regional Office, UNSO, P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya,Tel. 254-2-622005

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Mr. Wafaa El-Fadhi Neguede, Assist Admin. Liaison Officer, UNESCO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel. 513953

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Mr. Shadrack N. Ndam, Director, Africa Programme, UNIDO - V.I.C, P.O. Box 400, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Mr. Geoffrey Mariki, UNIDO Country Director, UNIDO, P.O. Box 5580, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel.: 514245

United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)

Mr. Blaise Cherif, Regional Legal Adviser, UNHCR Geneva, CP25000 Geneva

Mr. David Lambo, UNHCR Representative in Ethiopia, UNHCR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Mr. George Okoth Obo, Assistant Representative (Legal) UNHCR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Universal Postal Union (UPU)

Mr. Francis M. Chengula, UPU Regional Adviser, P.O. Box UA399, Harare, Zimbabwe

World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization (WAITRO)

Dr. Harry L. Kaane, Director, Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) Representing WAITRO, P.O. Box 30650, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-2) 542 919, Fax: (254-2) 540 166


Mr. K. Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary

Mr. Peter N. Mwanza, Chief, Natural Resources Division

Mr. Soodursun Jugessur, Chief/STS, Natural Resources Division

Mr. J.L. Hamel, Natural Resources Division

Mr. Theophilus Karumuna, Natural Resources Division

Mr. Edward A. Tiagha, Regional Adviser in Science and Technology, IHSD/MRAG

Mr. W.A. Matemu, ECO

Mr. Mamadi Kourouma, Industrial Development Officer, IHSD

Mr. Daniel Tanoe, Economic Affairs Offer, ECO,

Mr. P.King-Ondoua, Interpreter

Ms. N.E. Engmann, Interpreter

Ms. C. Perem, Interpreter

Mr. Bucas Amuri, Interpreter
