Niger: IFEX Alert Journalist sentenced to prison, 10/13/97

Niger: IFEX Alert Journalist sentenced to prison, 10/13/97

IFEX- News from the international freedom of expression community



10 October 1997

Journalist Moussa Tchangari sentenced to three months in prison

SOURCE: Reporters sans frontieres (RSF), Paris

(RSF/IFEX) - On 7 October 1997, Moussa Tchangari, director of publication for the independent weekly "Alternative", was convicted of "publishing an administrative document intended for internal use" and sentenced to three months in prison. He was also fined CFA 50,000 (about US$ 100).

Tchangari was arrested at his office in Niamey on 3 October 1997 following the publication, in the 2 October edition of the newspaper, of an article entitled "300 millions de marche de complaisance" ("An [CFA franc] 300 million deal of indulgence"). The article claimed that current Prime Minister Cisse Amadou had suggested to Minister of Universities Sanoussi Djakon the names of two businessmen who could be awarded a CFA 300 million deal involving equipment at the University of Niamey. Djakon responded to the Prime Minister that the government could not legally award deals exceeding CFA 5 million without first making a public tender for offers. The article reproduced the facsimiles of the two letters.

For two days following his arrest, Tchangari was held at judicial police headquarters. He appeared before the State Prosecutor on 6 October, and was tried the next day, following an emergency procedure usually applied in cases of flagrant violations of the law. The press law, which was promulgated on 25 July (see IFEX alert of 8 August 1997), effectively prohibits the circulation or reproduction of all administrative documents intended to be used internally.

During the legal proceedings against Tchangari, his lawyer, surname Coulibaly, contested the law, saying that it was unconstitutional. The judge dismissed the claim, at which point Coulibaly, at the request of Tchangari, gave up. On 8 October, Coulibaly appealed the sentence and the judge's dismissal of his claim. Tchangari remains in detention in the meantime.


Send appeals to authorities: -protesting the press law promulgated on 25 July -emphasizing that the sections of the press law that relate to the professional obligations of journalists, as well as making both defamation and offending the President of Niger criminal offences, pose serious threats to the freedom of journalists -calling for the press law, which violates press freedom, to be repealed, and for the unconditional release of Moussa Tchangari, who is thefirst victim of the legislation -reminding them that Niger has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 19 of which recognises the right to inform and to be informed -calling on them to respect and have respected the engagements entered into by Niger in the international community and, therefore, to use their influence in order to ensure that independent Nigerian journalists can exercise their profession freely


General Ibrahim Barre Mainassara President of the National Salvation Council Niamey, Niger Fax: +227 72 2245/2472 or via the Ministry of Communications: +227 72 2336

Idi Ango Omar Ministry of the Interior Niamey, NIger Tel: +227 723262 or +227 733142

Please copy appeals to the source if possible.

For further information, contact Tony Simonneau or Isabelle Haymann at RSF, rue Geoffroy Marie, Paris 75009, France, tel: +33 1 44 83 84 84, fax: +33 1 45 23 11 51, e-mail:, Internet:

The information contained in this action alert is the sole responsibility of RSF. In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please credit RSF. _________________________________________________________________

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IFEX - Nouvelles de la communaute internationale de defense de la liberte d'expression



le 10 octobre 1997

Journaliste Moussa Tchangari condamne a trois mois de prison

SOURCE: Reporters sans frontieres (RSF), Paris

(RSF/IFEX) - Le 7 octobre 1997, Moussa Tchangari, directeur de publication de l'hebdomadaire independant "Alternative", a ete condamne, pour "publication de document administratif a usage interne", a trois mois de prison ferme et 50 000 CFA (500 francs) d'amende.

Tchangari a ete arrete a son bureau de Niamey le 3 octobre suivant la publication, dans l'edition du 2 octobre du journal, d'un article intitule "300 millions de marche de complaisance". Cet article affirme que l'actuel Premier ministre, Cisse Amadou, a propose au ministre de l'Enseignement superieur, Sanoussi Djakon, les noms de deux commercants pour l'attribution d'un marche de 300 millions CFA concernant l'equipement en mobilier de l'Universite de Niamey. Djakon a repondu au Premier ministre que le gouvernement ne pouvait pas legalement attribuer des marches depassant 5 millions CFA sans lancer au prealable un appel d'offre. L'article reproduit les fac-similes des deux lettres.

Les deux jours suivant son arrestation, Tchangari a ete maintenu en detention dans les locaux de la police judiciaire. Le journaliste a comparu devant le procureur de la Republique le 6 octobre, et a ete juge le 7 octobre, suivant une procedure d'urgence appliquee habituellement dans les cas de flagrant delit. La loi sur la presse promulguee le 25 juillet dernier (voir alerte de l'IFEX du 8 aout 1997) interdit en effet la diffusion ou la reproduction de tout document administratif a usage interne.

Au cours du proces, l'avocat de Tchangari, maitre Coulibaly, a conteste cette loi en inconstitutionnalite. Le juge, ayant rejete cette exception d'inconstitutionnalite, l'avocat a renonce a plaider, en accord avec l'accuse. Le 8 octobre, maitre Coulibaly a fait appel a la fois de la condamnation et du rejet d'exception prononces par le juge. En attendant l'evolution de la procedure, Tchangari reste en detention.


Faire appel aux autorites en: -en protestant contre la loi sur la presse du 25 juillet -en soulignant que ses dispositions relatives a la professionnalisation obligatoire des journalistes, ainsi qu'a la creation de la notion de crime pour diffamation et de delit pour offense au president de la Republique, entravent gravement la liberte des journalistes -en demandant l'abrogation de cette loi contraire a la liberte de la presse, ainsi que la liberation sans condition de Moussa Tchangari, qui est le premier journaliste a en etre victime -en leur rappellant que le Niger a par ailleurs ratifie le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques dont l'article 19 reconnait la liberte d'informer et d'etre informe -en leur demandant de respecter et de faire respecter les engagements pris par le Niger aupres de la communaute internationale et, par consequent d'user de leur influence pour garantir aux journalistes independants nigeriens la possibilite d'exercer librement leur metier


General Ibrahim Barre Mainassara

President du Conseil de salut national

Niamey, Niger

Fax: +227 72 2245/2472

ou aux bons soins de la Ministere de la Communication: +227 72


Idi Ango Omar

Ministre de l'Interieur

Niamey, NIger

Tel: +227 723262 ou +227 733142

Envoyer des copies de vos protestations a l'initiateur si


Pour plus de renseignements, contacter Tony Simonneau ou Isabelle

Haymann, RSF, 5, rue Geoffroy Marie, Paris 75009, France, tel:

+33 1 44 83 84 84, telec: +33 1 45 23 11 51, courrier

electronique:, Internet:

RSF est responsable de toute information contenue dans cette alerte. En citant cette information, priere de bien vouloir l'attribuer a RSF.

[Via the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs Integrated Regional Information Network for West Africa (IRIN-WA) Reports mailing list. The material contained in this communication may not necessarily reflect the views of the UN or its agencies. If you re-print, copy, archive or re-post this item, please retain this credit and disclaimer. Quotations or extracts from this report should be attributed to the original sources where appropriate. For further information: e-mail, Tel: +225 217367 Fax:+225 216335.]

Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 08:55:07 +0100 From: UN DHA IRIN - West Africa <> Subject: Niger: IFEX Alert Journalist sentenced to prison 97.10.13

Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar

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