<center>Zaire: IRIN Briefing Part I, 2/24/97

Zaire: IRIN Briefing Part I, 2/24/97

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Zaire: IRIN Briefing - Zaire Part I: List of Key Political Players, 24
Feb 1997

Editors Note: The following is a list of key players in Zairean politics.
The original document was prepared in table format on Microsoft Word 6 and
is available from e-mail address:

The information below is separated by commas in the following order: Name,
Ministerial Post, Affiliation/Party, Region of Origin, M/O (refer to key) -
Relevant information

List of Key players in Dec. 1996 Zairean Crisis Government:
Leon Kengo wa Dondo*, Prime Minister, UDI/URD, Equateur,M/O

Deputy/Vice-Prime Minister with portfolio:
Gerard Kamanda wa Kamanda*, Foreign Affairs, FCN/URD, Bandundu, M/O
General Likulia Bolongo*, Defence, no declared party, Haut Zaire, M - former
member of MPR
Lambert Mende Omalanga, Transport & Comm., MNCLO/USORAL, Kasai Oriental, M/O
- former Lubumbist but not member of PALU
Baudouin Banza Mukalay Nsungu*, Mines, MPR, Shaba, M - political mouthpiece
of Mobutu

Minister of:
Charles Muando Nsimba, Interior,UNADEF/URD, Shaba (Moba), M/O - ex-member of
Tshibwabwa Ashila Pashi, Justice, PDSC/?, Kasai Occidental, M/O - he was
expelled from USORAL
Wivinne NíLandu Kavidi, Intern. Cooperation, UFERI-Nguz/FPC, Bas Zaire, M -
wife of Karl-I-Bond,
Koloni Longo Abwaisasa* , Infor. & Press, MPR, Haut Zaire, M
Tabianna Ngasia, Planning, PDSC, Bandundu, M/O - ex-turk of USORAL, expelled
Marco Banguli Nsambwe, Finance, UDI/URD, Kinshasa/Kasa, M/O
Bolenge Mokesomo, Budget, MPR, Bandundu, M
Mambu Ma Khenzu Makuala, Economy,UDI/URD,Bas Zaire, M/O
Kitenge Yezu*, Foreign Trade, FCN/FPC, Kasai Oriental, M - FCN expelled,
Mobutu mouthpiece
Adrein Yeki Bampende, Agriculture,?, ?,?
Mboso Nkodia Mpuanga, Industry, MPR, Bandundu, M
Managa Dintoka Pholo, Energy, MPR, Bas Zaire, M
Tambwe Mwamba, Public Works, UDI/URD, Maniema, M/O - UDI president
Kayumba Bin Amany, Lands, FPC, Maniema, M
Moshobekwa Kalimba wa Katana, Higher Education,RSFC/URD, South Kivu,M
Epee Gambwa, Sec. Education, FPC, Haut Zaire, M
Kasongo Numbi, Health, SC, North Shaba, ? - member of HCR-PT
Armanc Beta Kalambe, Social Affairs, UDPS/Kibassa, Kasai, M/O - ex-turk of
Leopold Bandobasc Nadeto, Social Security, FDR/URD, Haut Zaire, M/O
Kasereka Kasai, Civil Service, DCF/N/FPC, North Kivu, M
Nyindu Kitenge, Post & Tel. Comm., RSFC-Ally/URD, Kasai, M/O - an
ëindependentí allied to RSFC
Tshibanda Ntungamulongo, Environment, ?, Kasai, ?
Kisombe Kiaku Muisi, Youth & Sports, MPR, Bas Zaire, M - president of
Mbonzi Matayako, Arts & Culture, FPC, Equateur, M

Vice-Minister of:
Thomas Lokondo Yoka, Foreign Affairs, FPC, Bas Zaire, M
Yamba Yamba, National Defence, none declared, Equateur, M - military
Lumanga Manga Ramazani, Interior, Maniema
Lumaya Ekwok, Justice, Bandundu
Mujinba Sha Kalau, Intern. Coop., Shaba
Luzanga Shamandevu, Info. & Press, Haut Zaire
Kubiya Misizi, Planning
Mme Nkankolongowa Ndaye, Finance, MPR, Kasai Oriental
Mbumba Kanda, Budget
Kasongo Mukeya , Economy, Kasai
Nyemba Dikemba, Agriculture, PDSC, Bas Zaire
Boboy Nyabaka, Mines, Eqateur
Liamba Likinda, Energy, Haut Zaire
Ntumba Shabani, Industry , Kasai
Econgombe Bohuli, Public works, Equateur
Kanyaongogote Mbangazenbe, Transport & Comm., South Kivu
Lungu Kasongo, Higher Education,Bandundu
Mme Kahemba Batila, Secondary Ed., Bandundu

General Mahele Nieko,Army Chief of Staff, none declared, Equateur, ?, very popular military leader

Union Sacree (USORAL)
Etienne Tshiskedi*, leader, UDPS, Kasai, O - ex-MPR, most popular opp. leader
Antoine Gizenga, leader of PALU, PSA, Bandundu, O - PALU party is associate member
Joseph Olenghankoy, pres. opp. group, UDPS, Kasai, O - young Tshisekedi turk, US ed.
Jacque Matanda, in exile, Bandundu, O - in exile, Tshisekedi turk
George Nzongole Ntalaja, ex-CNE, UDPS, Kasai, O - Tshisekedi turk
MeMukendi wa Mulumba, UDPS spokesperson, UDPS, ?, O - key Tshisekedi counsellor

Haut Conseil de la Republique-Parlement de Transition (HCR-PT)
Vacant, President - was Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, not replaced due to controversy
Andre Bo-Boliko, vice-President, PDSC, O - left Union Sacree Feb. 96, now viewed as Mobutist
Celestin Anzuluni Bembe Isinyonyi,vice-President, MPR, M - implicated in anti-Tutsi government policy

Honore Ngbanda Nzambo Atumba, Counsellor, MPR, Equateur, M - security advisor
FÈlix Vunduawe Tepe Mako, Counsellor, MPR, Equateur, M - influentcial political advisor
Banza Mukalay Ngungo, Chief of MPR, MPR, Shaba, M - Kabilaís tribe, tried to rejuvenate party

* - key players
M - Mobutu supporters
M/O - Claims to be part of the opposition forces but believed to be a Mobutu supporter
O - Claim to be part of anti-Mobutist oppostion forces


There are over 450 parties registered in Zaire, many of which are financed by Mobutu and have only a handful of members. Hence only definitions for key parties are included in this document.

Union Sacree de líOppostion Radicale et Allies (Union Sacree or USORAL) - The Union Sacree is an alliance of opposition parties, initially numbering 130 of which the three most powerful were the UDPS, UFERI and PDSC, was created in September 1991 to coordinated and consolidate opposition pressure on Mobutu to reconvene the National Conference(CNS). Political affiliations within the alliance remain a fluid concept with members frequently changing from one party to another both within and outside of the Union Sacree. However, it remained united until 1994 despite several successful efforts by Mobutu to co-opt members and divide member parties. In April 1994, the party divided between Tshisekediís radical opposition and moderate elements who supported Kengo who formed the URD. No members of the current Union Sacree were included in the December 1996 crisis government.

Union pour la Republique et la Democratie (URD) - In April 1994, a schism developed within the alliance of key opposition forces Union Sacree between Tshisekediís radical elements and those labeled as moderates, including the powerful DPSC. This lead to the creation of the Union pour la Republique et la Democratie (URD) which supported Kengo in a compromise government to end the existence of parallel governments, Tshisekediís and Mobutuís. Some members of the URD are thought to be Mobutu plants in the opposition -- never true opposition members.

Forces Politique du Conclave (FPC), a.k.a. Mouvance Presidentialle (MP) - The FPC, sometimes referred to as the Mouvance Presidential, is an informal alliance of pro-Mobutist forces, the Movement Populaire pour le Renouveau (MPR) being the largest party. It was created as a counter to the opposition alliance Union Sacree. As of the end of 1996 Karl-I-Bond, leader of the UFERI, headed the FPC alliance.

Partie díAlliance des Lubumbists Unies (PALU) - Alliance of new and old Lubumbist forces led by Antoine Gizenga. ADFL leader Kabila was also a Lubumbist in the 1960s. Kabila has proposed the PALU leader as president in a new government.

Turk - A term used to refer to young politicians who become protÈgÈs of key parties of politicians. They are often used to muster public support (demonstrations, protests, etc). Most arrived on the scene post-MPR dominance (after 1990) and are therefore untainted by Mobutuís previous politics. Those who deserted to Mobutuís government are seen as traitors to the radical opposition.

DISCLAIMER: The above information is a composite of the best available information garnered from news and wire services to facilitate the humanitarian communityís comprehension of the Zairean political situation, and in no way reflects the views of the United Nations.

Nairobi, 24 February 1997, 14:30 gmt [ENDS]

[Via the UN DHA Integrated Regional Information Network. The material contained in this communication may not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations or its agencies. UN DHA IRIN Tel: +254 2 622123 Fax: +254 2 622129 e-mail: for more information. If you re-print, copy, archive or re-post this item, please retain this credit and disclaimer.]

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 17:44:17 +0300 From: UN DHA IRIN - Great Lakes <> Subject: Zaire: IRIN Briefing Part I, 24 FEB 1997 97.02.24 (fwd) Message-ID: <>

Editor: Dr. Ali B. Ali-Dinar, Ph.D

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