World Wide Web: Shortwave & Radio Catalog Issue #10

World Wide Web: Shortwave & Radio Catalog Issue #10

     Shortwave & Radio Catalog

	   Shortwave / Radio Hypertext Catalog on the World Wide Web (WWW)

			       ISSUE #10
			Now Split into 4 Pages!
A catalog of hypertext links to FTP, GOPHER, and WWW files and services for the Shortwave Listener and Radio enthusiast is now on-line. This issue includes links to broadcaster schedules, digital audio files, graphics, mediumwave, shortwave, FM, Ham Radio, FCC, and other files associated with radio.


Ralph Brandi's FAQ material in hypertext form has been upgraded and is NOW available on this WWW server! In addition, over 100 hypertext links (and still growing) are listed. These include direct links to Shortwave, AM, and FM broadcasters, Solar reports and images, Free Radio Berkeley, audio files, ham radio info and much more. All these available with a click of your mouse via NCSA's Mosaic (return key for NCSA lynx users).

The URL to put in your hotlist/bookmark file:

			** WHAT'S NEW **
  o -  Robert's Satellite WWW page (Satellite Radio)
  o -  Bradley University Ham Radio (Shortwave)
  o -  Direct link to BBC World Service (Shortwave)
  o -  Links to Shortwave Radio ID audio tracks (Shortwave)
  o -  A new World Radio Network WWW link (Satellite Radio)
  o -  PRS Corporation SW Radio Simulator (Shortwave)
  o -  VOA News and Communications World digital audio (Shortwave)
  o -  KOL-Israel External Service schedule (Shortwave)
  o -  Misc. Shortwave Schedules (Shortwave)
  o -  E-mail Addresses of hams on the Internet (Shortwave)
  o -  Radio Australia Schedules (Shortwave)
  o -  Boston Amateur Radio Club Field Day WWW Page (Shortwave)
  o -  Misc. corrections and updates

			** MUF/LUF **
  Maximum Usable Frequency, E-Cutoff a.k.a. Lowest Usable Frequency Charts
I have a WWW MUF/LUF tool based on "micromuf.bas" on-line! Fill out your location, transmitter location, and sun-spot info (links to solar info for the day, week and month available from the web page.) and an ASCII, WWW, or even a .GIF MUf/LUF propagation chart graphic file will be returned! Try out this interactive World Wide Web form.

Toward the Future

If you have a site or know of a site that maintains up-to-date information on radio topics, send me e-mail.

If your club would like to participate, (provide program schedules, club events, maintain files on individual broadcasters, etc.), send me e-mail.

If you are a radio broadcaster and have internet ftp files, gophers or WWW servers with program schedules, audio-on-demand files, or other information to share, send me e-mail.

I am also looking for UNIX software programs that could create propagation information in graphic form (GIF, JPEG, ???) that would be adapted to use WWW forms to send the graphic to the WWW user. If you know of a tool (read free program), send me e-mail.

Subject: World Wide Web: Shortwave & Radio Catalog Issue #10 Now On-Line
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 10:51:40 GMT

Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar
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