Call for Papers: Zanzibar International Film Festival, 07/2005

The Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF) wants to organise a conference in early July, 2005. Their main theme is "Monsoons and Migration, unleashing dhow synergies". In their broader statement they say:

"The ZIFF Festival of the Dhow Countries, East Africa's largest cultural event is located in Zanzibar around the magnificent, historical venues along the waterfront of Stone Town. The festival celebrates the unique cultural heritage of Africa and the Dhow countries of the Indian Ocean region and their global Diaspora."

ZIFF invites you to send publications and papers that shall contribute to the exploration of the theme of its Festival 2005" Monsoons and Migration, unleashing dhow synergies". Topics covered may include cultural diversity, immigration, cultures of tolerance and peace, Indian ocean cultures, maritime routes, trade and relationships, among other issues which will stimulate exciting debate and discourse at the ZIFF Festival 2005 (July 1-10).

I have been asked to collaborate in developing the theme and sub-themes. Some of the sub-themes that have been proposed or are being discussed are "the Dhow Culture", "the African diaspora in the Indian Ocean", "Cultural Diversity & Change in Zanzibar", migrations, etc.

ZIFF does not have its own funds, but I hope they will be able to raise enough for local costs of the conference, but may not be able to help with airfares or accommodation.

Professor Sheriff can be contacted at:

The ZIFF is several years old now and has drawn participants from all over the Indian Ocean Rim and beyond.

Page Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar, Ph.D.

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