Regional Forum on the Reduction of the Maternal and Neonatal Mortality, Mali, 05/01

Regional Forum on the Reduction of the Maternal and Neonatal Mortality, Mali, 05/01

7-10th May 2001
Bamako, Mali - Palais des Congres

Call for Posters - Appel aux Posters

The Government of Mali and the Unicef Regional Office for West and Central Africa (WCAR)are organising a Forum to sensitise decision makers around the problem of maternal and neonatal mortality.

Context of the forum

According to the estimates of WHO and of UNICEF, the mortality rates for mothers in West Africa are amongst the most elevated in the world with a mean of 1,020 for 100,000 live births. On the 600,000 women who die every year through the world as a consequence of these complications, about 20% (120,000) occur in West and Central Africa.

The recent experiences of reforms and re-organisation of the health systems demonstrate that some efficient strategies exist that are susceptible to produce tangible results in brief delays. In other words, we have the knowledge and the necessary technology to reduce the tragedy of the maternal and neonatal deaths. What it is necessary is the political will and the strong concerted actions.

To favour these ideas the Government of Mali and UNICEF organise a regional forum under the title 'Vision 2010: Forum for the reduction of the maternal and neonatal mortality'. This forum will unite countries of West and Central Africa from the 7th to 10th of May, 2001 and will mobilize the decision-makers, the associations / groups of women, the NGOs, the main partners in development and the media, in order for The First Ladies of the region to get the engagement and the political support in favour of the implementation of regional operational strategies for the reduction of the maternal and neonatal mortality.

Participating Countries are: Benin, Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad, The Gambia, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Mali, Central African Republic, Ghana, Guinea Conakry and Mauritania.


We are hereby making an open call for posters for the participants or non-participants who wish to present their projects, programmes or successful efforts in relation with one or several of the hereundermentioned themes. This call is particularly aiming at NGOs, women groups and other independent interest groups from the participating countries but presentations from others will be accepted. This is an excellent opportunity to raise the awareness on successful initiatives and projects.

Themes to consider for making the posters

Theme 1: To assure the presence of skilled attendance at delivery Thème 1: Assurer la présence d'une personne qualifiée à l'accouchement

Theme 2: To improve the accessibility and the quality of the maternal health services
Thème 2: Améliorer l'accessibilité et la qualité des services de santé maternelle

Theme 3: To delay the marriage and earlypregnancy Thème 3: Retarder le mariage et la grossesse précoces

Theme 4: To reinforce the decision making power of the families and communities
Thème 4: Renforcer le pouvoir décisionnel des familles et des communautés

Theme 5: To assure the horizontal integration with other activities (HIV/AIDS, Malaria)
Thème 5: Assurer l'Intégration horizontale avec d'autres activités (VIH-SIDA, Paludisme)

Theme 6: Measure progress
Thème 6: Mesures du progrès accomplis

Theme 7: Importance of the partnerships
Thème 7: Importance du parténariat

Posters can be presented in the Palais des Congres. They should be submitted in English or French to the Technical Secretary of the organising committee in the Ministry of Health, Bamako for the approval. Posters can be sent through the national delegations of the respective countries or through the national UNICEF offices of the country where you come from.

Posters should not exceed the size of a double Flip Chart Paper and can be viewed and discussed by different presenters. Stands will be available but bigger stands can be constructed if necessary.

E-mails for poster assembly are accepted only with clear guidelines for poster construction.

The deadline for reception of the posters is the 30th of April.

For further information - Pour autre information please contact - veuillez contacter

The Technical Secretariat - Secretariat Technique Bamako - Mali
Tel: +223-20-4401 ext. 325


Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar
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