3rd Congress of the Association of African Historians, Mali, 09/01

3rd Congress of the Association of African Historians, Mali, 09/01

About the Scientific part of Congress : Considering the theme proposals already recorded, different suggestions that were made, and in its concern for efficiency, the Preparatory Committee found it useful to focus scientific discussions on some major themes :

Theme I. : Africa in the world in the precolonial period : Globalization before the letter. Under this theme could be presented all papers dealing with the former involvement of Africa in the world channel of ideas of economy, politics and especially its insertion in "World economy" well before the colonial intrusion. Here one could also deal with Africa's relationships with other various regions of the world and their cultures, with factors that were at the root of these contacts and the conditions under which they took place ; what were the implications on either side and particularly for the History of Africa.

Theme II. : From the first explorers to the Colonial conquest : The passage of Africans from the status of actors to that of subjects in international relations. Under this theme, would be taken into account any period during which Europe, in its relationships with Africa, is gradually substituting the spirit of Conquest for the one which, at the beginning, seemed to be the concern of the discovery of the other and the search for partnership. Thus, from actors participating in international relations under the banner of their interests, Africans were reduced to subjects henceforth submitted to the requirements of economic expansion and the thirst for political domination of conquering powers. The impact of colonial management on the evolution of African societies, its implications at the level of international relations, rivalries between imperialist powers, Africans' participation in the two wars and its consequences are so many issues that could be tackled under this theme.

Theme III. : Myths and realities of African integration from the Colonial period to the early years of independence. Under this rubric could be dealt with, among others, the subjects relating to the genesis of the Pan-Africanist movement. Did the colonial groups such as A.O.F. (Afrique Occidentale Francaise - French Western Africa), A.E.F. (Afrique Equatoriale Francaise - French Equatorial Africa), Commonwealth, Union Francaise (French Union), Communaute Francaise (French Community), play a role in Pan-African consciousness raising ? Were the ideas of Pan-Africanism and federalism, that led the discussions in the period of independances taking their roots in colonial or precolonial groups ? What were the different arguments that were supporting the Pan-Africanist theses of that period and the strategies proposed to achieve African Unity ?

Theme IV. : Present experiences and perspectives of African Unity From OAU (Organization of African Unity) to African Union, Africa has known multiple experiences of subregional and regional integration. What result can be assessed from them ? Seeing the former and recent political evolutions in Africa, what analysis can be done today of some of the founding factors of Pan-Africanism, such as the OAU charter ? In the light of the on-going processes of economic and political liberalization, what perspectives are offered to African integration from the historian's point of view?

Theme V. : Africa in the "big game" of current international relations or globalization seen by historians. What place for Africa in this globalization governed by the unique neo-liberal thought, and which under the leadership of international financial institutions, is imposing itself everywhere through the activities of multinational companies and stock-exhange transactions ? Can Africa play a role considering the world's present configuration ? What assets does it have at its disposal ? And what are its major handicaps ? These are so many issues that the historian's point of view can clarify.

It is also true that the quality of lights that may be expected from the historian depends to a large extent on the pertinence of his approach and that of the methods and tools that he uses. The work of the historian who aims at restoring facts (constantly reinterpreted) through various sources largely depends on his methodological tools and particularly the conceptual devore he resorts to. What part do African historians play in elaborating these "referentials" that lay claim to universality ? The importance of methodological and historiographical problems justifies, to our mind, that the latter are examined during this plenary session. Thus might be tackled on this occasion some of the essential issues raised by Pr. Ki-Zerbo in his blurb: What critical look should be cast today on African History ? African History and globalization : Comparativism and universalism. Is there a periodisation of history at global level valid for Africa ? What is the pertinence for African history, of the most recurrent fields of investigation today ? Or even the problems raised by the transmission of African History to younger generations. It should be specified that if the narrowing of the general theme of the Congress comes from the concern to favor analysis of historical processes in the long term, it does not exclude at all monographic studies. Thus the proposals already recorded will be the subject of a close examination from the Scientific Committee. But the coming proposals should be inserted in the context of the themes retained. The deadline for receiving summaries (one page maximum) previously set on March 15 has been reset to April 30, 2001 (final deadline). For proposals that will be retained, the final texts should reach as latest by June 30, 2001, preferably by E-mail. (Please use preferably the Winword Software, and take into account the time of the postal mail.

About the Associative and institutional part : A day will be devoted to different issues related to the life of the Association and its different organs. The organization modalities and the schedule of that day will be specified in due time for the attention of African participants.

Participation in Congress : As the Preparatory Committee does not have sufficient means to take care of all participants and as it is anxious, all the same, to get a large participation in the Congress, it invites again colleagues to put a lot of effort into seeking means of taking care of them, particularly their tickets. However, the organizers will continue to seek the means that will enable to assure accommodation and / or the meals of a certain number of African participants. Relying on your good understanding and hoping that we will make together this IIIrd Congress successful, a Congress that me like to be that of refoundation, we wish to remain, ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues,

Yours Truly,

Bamako, March 16, 2001 For the Preparatory Committee

Pr. Doulaye KONATE, Chairman

You can reach us at the following addresses :

Association des Historiens Maliens (ASHIMA). SIEGE : Rue MAGE 428 - B.P. : E 5484 Bamako-Mali Tel. (223) 23-87-70 / Fax : (223) 23-87-72, E-mail :

C/o Bureau de l UNESCO. M. Ydo Yao ou Nana Kattra B.P. : E 1763. Bamako (MALI) Tel. : (223) 23 34 92/93 Fax : (223) 23 34 94 E-mail :

Institut des Sciences Humaines (ISH) Dr Seydou Camara Tel. : 21 14 64 Fax : 21 95 67 E-mail :


REGISTRATION FORM (For african participants)

Name :

First name :

Grade :

Institution :

Country :

Complete address :

Tel. : / Fax :

E-mail :

Would you like to submit a paper ? Yes No

Title of session :

Title of submission (in english or french) :

N.B. : - Abstracts of submissions (1sheet at most) must be sent to Org. Committee before April, 30 / 2001.

Can you find funds to meet your accommodation and subsistence costs for the duration of the congress ? - Accommodation - Food 1

(Travel tickets will not be provided byOrg. Committee).

Our address: Association of Malian Historians (ASHIMA) B.P. : E - 5484 BAMAKO - MALI Tel. : (223) 23-87-70 / Fax : (223) 23-87-72 E-mail :


REGISTRATION FORM (For other participants)

Name :

First name :

Grade :

Institution :

Country :

Complete address :

Tel. : / Fax :=

E-mail :

Would you like to submit a paper ? Yes No

Title of session :

Title of submission (in english or french) :

N.B. : - Abstracts of submissions (1sheet at most) must be sent to Org. Committee before April, 30 / 2001. - No Travel tickets, accommodation and subsistence costs will be charged by Org. Committee. Our address : Association of Malian Historians (ASHIMA) B.P. : E - 5484 BAMAKO - MALI Tel. : (223) 23-87-70 / Fax : (223) 23-87-72 E-mail :

Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar
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